23995 - Eight years of European energean consumption

E. Conophagos, N. Lygeros, A. Foskolos
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

We are now aware that, within marine plot 7 of the Cypriot EEZ there is a target reserve, which theoretically obtains more than five times the stocks of the hypergigantic Zohr reserve of the Egyptian EEZ.
Therefore, if we were to assume that this is regarding a reserve of a similar type to Zohr, both in density and in porosity, then we can calculate its magnitude in regards to the energean consumption, only, that based on these assumptions,this specific reserve will be ranking third in magnitude of all times, worldwide.
It’s not sufficient to take into account a specific country, as a consumption unit, and especially Cyprus due to the small size of the population, consequently we’ve decided to calculate this consumption based on the European Union, which is the largest consumer worldwide in terms of energy.
Based on that data of our estimates, this target reserve represents -in terms of value- 8 years worth, of European energean consumption.
This enormous number explains in itself, what that translates to globally.
It is therefore of great importance for the future of Cyprus and especially the Cyprot issue, how we will utilize these data once they are verified with the appropriate drillings.
That is not a mere detail, but the actual substance of the matter, and this prospect constitutes in itself a cycle change regarding the strategic analysis which should be made by politics.