23850 - Turkey is vulnerable

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Turkey is vulnerable, and even though it’s still standing upright, is not due to high strategy, as she doesn’t obtain it as such, but simply because her neighbours are under the impression that she has some sort of value.
They assume that her deep State is doing something of substance, but in actual fact it’s unable to manage even its own.
And as far as the reforms are concerned, they always have as a target the oppression of the minorities.
But whether we like it or not, the Kurds have at this stage reached another level, which can not stop before the creation-formation of a State.
The same is applicable to Western Armenia, and it’s obvious with the new data existing in Syria and Iraq.
Quite simply, some analysts remain at their disarmed positions, which are totally unrelated to the geopolitical reality, as that has been unfolding by the events of war.
Without the liberational organizations, Turkey would easily turn into a fanatical State, and even more barbaric at that, because it would no longer have anything to lose.
It’s position is already degenerated, but simply due to the servility of external factors, that is not so obvious as yet.
But this reality does exist, and it will constitute the foundation of the future.
In this context, it is important for the victims to unite towards the struggle of their liberation, and not to waste time in unnecessary movements which don’t belong to high strategy.
If everyone is waiting for Turkey to change in order for them to make these moves, then they may be explosive in the end, whereas with coordination, the aim towards the liberation is not only attainable but also durable as a phase change, because history will support the new data.
It is a matter of will and faith, and nothing else, and the initiative certainly doesn’t belongs to Turkey but to its previous victims.