23744 - Turkey’s unmasked face

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Turkey’s true face in regards to the Cypriot issue will be forced to appear more and more intensely, and those who believe that there are associated positive developments, will be forced to admit that the whole context is merely artificial, and that it only makes sense for as long as the whole game is limited within a community field of negotiations.
Because as soon as we touch upon the geopolitical level, Turkey due to prestige, wouldn’t be able to hold her self back, and it shall react in her characteristic way.
This allows her to function based on potential, and to affect the noosphere of those who are not immuned to this type of attacks.
Furthermore, because in Cyprus, things are not exactly as in Russia, who is used to respond dynamically to Turkish provocations, we will surely have serviles who will try to tell us that they didn’t quite understand the associated data, and had misinterpreted the initial discussions in regards to the solution of the Cypriot issue.
And of course the same will occur on the Turkish Cypriot side, because they assumed that they had some authorization, but they simply did not know that it had a limit which was quite small.
At the same time it would be wise, for all the European Union’s technocrats, especially those who are unrelated to the Cypriot issue, not to assume that it is regarding a game which could be taken for granted, and that an easy solution could be found in regards to it.
It’s not that simple to get rid of the Cypriot issue.
The whole combination derives from the fact, that at a larger scale, the Cypriot issue remains at the core of the problem.
This practically means that it is not through a simplistic dialogue that things will substantially change.
Turkey will be forced to make impressive moves, as she sees that she is losing every initiative in the Eastern Mediterranean and especially in regards to the hydrocarbon issue.
Therefore, she will necessarily play, in order for her to come across as if she is actually doing something.
What’s important, is for us to continue the processes which we have activated, not to waste time in pointless negotiations, to create durable partnerships through the European Union and the EEZ.
Additionally, we mustn’t forget that Turkey will have more and more problems, and it is good to let her overcome them however she sees fit, without any direct involvement.