23656 - Similarities between the Egyptian and the Cypriot reserves. (with E. Conophagos)

E. Conophagos, N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The comparative analysis of the seismic data over an axis that runs through the hypergigantic reserve Zohr of the Egyptian EEZ, and the new located reserve which is situated in marine plot 11 of the Cypriot EEZ, demonstrate some impressive characteristics.
It’s regarding natural gas reserves,but not solely that, which are situated within a karst limestone context, at the lower level of the rosette horizon, they have oligocene turbidites around them, and evaporites right above them.
Taking into account the fact that, the two reserves have only a few kilometers between them, we can understand how important a factor that is, in conjunction with all the similarities that exist between them, re: the analog geology.
All the above stated facts explain why TOTAL had not departed from the Cypriot EEZ, as many were announcing time and again, and additionally had paid the penalty clause for the renewal of the research agreement, re: marine plot 11, as she wants to go ahead with drilling within 2016.
Τherefore, when we take into account all these objective data, we are wondering why others are pushing us from left, right and centre, to quickly find a solution, which they go on to explain to us that it couldn’t be fair and just, because we haven’t many possibilities within those negotiations.
Prior to Cyprus joining the European Union as a full member state, we received great pressure in order to create exceptions, but we resisted, and as a result we succeeded.
Now just before we managed to substantially and practically utilize the Cypriot EEZ,we are again receiving inexplicable pressures to rush things up again.
But now we have hold of data, and we can resist effectively, indicating Cyprus’s real potential.