23655 - A new discovery in marine plot 11. (with E. Conophagos)

E. Conophagos, N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Those who speak only about the Aphrodite reserve, as if there is nothing else in existence, are either doing so out of ignorance, or quiet intentionally.
But in any case, they give the impression that Cyprus hasn’t a lot of potentials, and that is wrong enough.
The new discovery concerning the marine plot 11 would change all the data for the Cypriot people.
All those who wonder whether Cyprus can export natural gas, and if her reserves can be marketable, they will be forced to stop their miserable arguments.
In this marine plot alone, there is a specific reserve which in itself transforms Cyprus from a simple consumer, to a dynamic natural gas exporter.
And this means that all the verbalism regarding the sustainability of a natural gas pipeline will soon become useless.
On a practical level this reserve enhances the EastMed interconnector, as is now proven that it didn’t only constitute a strategic idea, but also an energean one as well.
On account of this reserve the European Union can not have any more questions about the value of Cyprus, and it could thereon rejoice that the country joined the EU in 2004.
The fact that it belongs to the Eurogroup since 2008 and it now comes to enhance this action field, due to its strategy and energy, leaves behind any questions regarding the bad economic stage it passed through and is now leaving behind.
The magnitude of this discovery offers certain perspectives for the solution of the Cypriot issue, in a manner that is radically different than what is presented up until now.
For this reason the politicians of all political parties would be wise to try to become informed as soon as possible, because this development will change the course of the Cypriot issue as a whole.