23653 - EEZ, Energy, Cypriot question

E. Konofagos, N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

The Cypriot EEZ is becoming even stronger. Energy plays an increasingly significant role for Cyprus. And the Cypriot question remains, for the time being, at least in the efforts for its resolution, independent from this given data. For Cyprus, this results in not utilizing all of its given data to resolve strategically the Cypriot question. It is therefore important that we point out the facts which we have announced over time but this time in a synthesis. The discovery of karst limestone as indication of a targeted field changed the facts. The discovery of the field Zohr which is a super giant, constitutes an innovation of ENI for Egypt and confirmation of the change in phase for the sector. We highlighted the fact that these fields of biogenic natural gas derive from the ancient lagoons (Lago Mare). The cartography on a geological level, demonstrates that we have three fields the type of Zohr within the cypriot EEZ. The renewal of exploration concession agreement of Total for the offshore block 11 is directly related to these facts. The third licensing round in the cypriot EEZ, comes to support and strengthen the entire framework. The discovery of a field of the type of Zohr in the offshore block 11 expected. Total ‘s decision to maintain, to renew and to drill in this offshore block within 2016 is a direct consequence. Estimations on an analogue geological level foresee a field the type of Zohr which will have a quantity similar to that of Leviathan of Israel’s EEZ. The seismic data directly support this framework. Consequently we see that it is the cypriot EEZ that which will resolve the cypriot question and it is that and nothing else that we must keep in mind.