23632 - The Cypriot issue is a national matter

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The Cypriot issue is a national matter, and it can’t be solved within a community context as much as we try, because the problem is not a community, but a State, and the barbarism of an invasion which continues with the occupation.
Therefore, the associated discussions and negotiations should be made at this level and none other, if we really opt for a solution.
Additionally, in this new context, both the European Union and the EEZ play a huge role.
It is therefore important for this matter to be utilised as well, so that our actions can function as a catalyst, and not merely remain on the surface of things.
Because whether we want to or not, the energean issue, through strategy affects the geopolitics and consequently our political decisions.
And because the Cypriot issue has a duration of some decades, the tools with which to solve it should also be durable for decades on.
Both the European Union and the EEZ obtain these characteristics.
Τherefore, we need to set the foundations of the resolution upon these structures in order to find a just solution.
Otherwise the discussions have merely a communicative character and just aim at election results rather than national ones.
The territorial and asset issues are fundamental problems and not secondary ones.
The beginning of the solution of the Cypriot issue from the small problems which are of local character, will be their mere end.
Because quite simply, they don’t obtain generalization and extension prospects.
What’s Just, is not a strange compromise, but on the contrary it’s based at a practical level, on international laws, with an international range.
Otherwise the most important factor remains on the edge, and that ultimately isn’t helpful towards the solution of the Cypriot issue.