23470 - Crete, EuroAsia Interconnector, and Odin Finder

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Over time, the interconnection of Crete becomes a reality, and one with a range of an international level, since the EuroAsia Interconnector as a border interconnection, which connects Greece, Cyprus and Israel, and it thereon constitutes a lighthouse program for the tripartite, while it’s been converted to a strategic project.
In this context the vesel Odin Finder, which is responsible for the bathymetric study on behalf of the Italian company GAS, having started its journey from Cyprus, it later arrived in Piraeus, and it’s now directed towards Crete.
During this strategic planning, Crete obtains a value which is proportional to that of Cyprus, and this practically means that the entire region, which actively supports the whole context becomes justified, in the sense that, the reality proves the correctness of its attitude.
The EuroAsia Interconnector creates positive dynamics, in terms of upgrating the role of Crete in a program approved by the European Commission, and which has been classified as the forefront of the PCI programs in 2015.
Therefore, it’s important to realize that, this is about a project in progress, but eventhough, it becomes already at this stage, the reference point of the three countries, because they managed to impress the European Commission due to the effectiveness of their approach.
Consequently, a practical utilization of developments occurs in the Eastern Mediterranean, which enables Greece, via Crete to play a strategic role.