23272 - There is no victory without preparation

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The sieges teach us that without preparation, there is no victory, and that even if there is, it should not be taken for granted.
Each action should have effectiveness when it’s activated for the purpose of the defense.
But for that to occur, it must be prepared in all seriousness.
Through history we see that, many islands which were besieged, never managed to resist until they resulted in victory.
Surely many resisted and did not surrender immediately, but in the end, the result was the same.
Of course there are islands that boast about their heroic resistance, forgetting that the result was a horrific defeat due to lack of preparation.
But they don’t even label their siege a war, so that they wouldn’t be forced to talk about their defeat.
Yet strategy teaches the retrospective analysis in order for the movements of the era to become understood, not merely for a historical specialization which offers nothing more than a chapter of history, but for the composition in the future of other tactics and strategies.
We see that, that is missing in available knowledge, and in many fields at that, where there’s indegration, independently or combined, of genocides, invasions, terrorist attacks, occupations.
Because there’s not an overall picture available, and most choose to be confined locally, in order to indicate not that they’ve won, but that they had a better result than the next village, the next municipality, the adjacent region, the neighbouring country.
However, there were islands which resisted and won.
And it would be good to know about them, for the sake of the history of the future.