22127 - From terrorism to wahhabism

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

As we still grieve for our dead by this barbaric attack, it is important to realize that the problem of terrorism belong to a same research question, which is that of wahhabism which is wrongly confused with salafism. Indeed, if we study the attacks in a local manner without looking at the entire chessboard, we have the impression that it concerns only single events while in an overall perspective, it concerns one of many that have the same source. Because even if we give importance to the executive because it provokes a direct impact, the fundamental aspect is elsewhere since it is found at a legislative level, if this expression can cover a literal interpretation that alienates a religion in order to transform it into a religion of death. Because if terrorism can be blind to the way it operates, the commanders are not. Because wahhabism tries to impose itself by force since it considers all other dogmas as heretic even within the Sunnis. Indeed, it rejects all four great currents namely hanafism, malikism, shafiiism and hanbalism. As for shiites and sufies, wahhabism considers them as nonbelievers. This sectarianism has evolved having as target the differences which is easily considered as an idolatry, which generates the birth of this movement towards the destruction of the historical and archeological heritage. This is produced in Mecca and Medina and more generally in Saudi Arabia. There is nothing new on that and yet some still are discovering it. So it is necessary to make a strategic zoom out to really understand what is happening on a large scale in order to prepare for the future.