22082 - The fight against terrorism

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The fight against terrorism is our duty ever since we opted to belong to Humanity.
Because they are capable of committing crimes against it, not only in the Middle East, but also in Europe, without making any exceptions.
Therefore, if we let them do whatever they want, if we let them expand and get reinforced, then we shouldn’t be surprised if the situation get much worse and becomes a horror field.
The attacks in Paris are quite revealing of the situation and its evolution.
Therefore, we can’t fight against terrorism effectively, without an integrated policy, especially if the hits are blind.
The attack against the capital city is a warning from the terrorists side.
Therefore, it is up to us to defend ourselves in response to their provocation, by maintaining our composure, and by being ruthless against them, because their vision is a religion of death against life.
These actions represent an attempt to eliminate any form of resistance, but it’s also a desperate form of response in regards to the failures they’ve suffered in the Middle East.
The terrorists are trying in vain to destabilize us, because France will not allow it to happen.
France is aware of the action which should be taken, not only in its territory, in order to help her own people, but also in the Middle East, so she could contribute to the people who suffer, because they are suffering the consequences of an actual genocide.
And France’s assistance should take place before and not afterwards, otherwise we lose precious time in regards to efficiency, in human terms.
Because, barbarism will not stop unless we cut it off from its source.
Therefore, we should remain united in this decisive moment, in order to conduct this fight of Humanity against barbarism.