21371 - Energean Union

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

We all within the European Union, realize that there should be an energean security, that there should be a reduction of the high dependency on Russia, that we must invest in indigenous sources of energy, in order to diversify our strategy and become liberated in the energean field.
The European Union is consuming a total of 400 billion euros, solely for hydrocarbon imports, which represents 53% of the total consumption.
The Russian imports constitute the 30% of the European natural gas consumption.
With these data in mind, we see that the Energean Union is essential for the European Union.
And we must understand that this approach is beneficial for both Greece and Cyprus with the reserves we obtain, because they will participate in this whole strategy.
It’s of importance to realize that the efforts we are making for both the Cypriot and the Greek EEZ’s, belong to a wider context, which reinforces these movements and the same occurs for the natural gas liquefaction plants, especially in the Mediterranean in regards to the geopolitical Data, since the Eastern Mediterranean becomes increasingly upgraded with each discovery of a new reserve.
The European Energean Union would also allow for us to collectively have more affordable prices, because we would function corporated in order to affect imports.