20784 - As long as the negotiations remain at a community level

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

As long as the negotiations remain at a community level, in the best of cases solutions will be found in deviation to the community problems, ie in details regarding the core of the problem.
This is not bad in itself, since it facilitates the relations in practical terms, but it doesn’t change anything in substance, as the invader has not changed his point of view.
Cyprus is not even recognized by him as a country, while it is as such that they are all referring to her in the European Union and the United Nations.
Wouldn’t that be a proof of good will and a verification that things have actually changed ?
So, we have to realize that moves in a tactical level do not change anything in the strategic one. And that communications do not change anything.
The substance is one alone. The invasion and the occupation are illegal, and this illegality must see an end.
The procedurals at a local level are meaningful, but are not called a solution in any case, because as long as the invader is here, the occupation remains, even if for communication reasons it’s called something else.