20327 - The value of the Greek nation is you

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Don’t hide behind any political party.
Don’t use any excuse of ignorance or irrelevance.
Don’t expect from dogmatism to tell you what to do with your ballot paper.
Because, it can then tell you that it changed its mind and it didn’t manage the crisis very well.
Whereas, you will remain with your vote throughout life, without being able to change anything.
Because this will be a given data for your life. What’s of importance therefore, is that after years, to be proud of what you did with your ballot paper.
To be able to say to yourself and your children, that then, with your vote you protected them from the ordeals of the situation.
To be able to look them in the eye, and tell them the truth without being ashamed.
So that they may know, that if they belong in the European Union and the Eurozone it’s due also to you and your vote.
That is thanks to you that Greece continued its course and its evolution, and that it overcame the obstacles of that difficult era, in order to be able to utilize the Greek EEZ, the Greek zeolite and the Greek innovation, because these elements would have become routine since then, as they belong to reality and not only to visions.
Therefore, today you must think about the future, because it’s you who decides about it, by yourself, with responsibly for the Greek nation and its value.