20270 - Collective endurance

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The best solution on an individual level, rarely consitutes a solution on a collective level.
To proof this, you can use von Neumann’s and Morgenstern’s formalism for zero-sum game, and Nash’s in other cases, cooperative or not.
The individualistic approach has its limits in Decision Theory and it collapses with the Game Theory.
Of course, you can play in that manner in a non-cooperative context, but you do so with the knowledge that it has its limits, since the others do exist.
This concerns one player, theoretically, in a single game.
But when that player is an entire country, then basically, we enter the Markets Theory, because the maximization is not linear and the generalization works differently.
The collective solution is always more powerful and that’s why it is effective and durable. Whereas the individual one, can easily be overturned by another individual one.
The same also applies to the issue of the reaction, in relation to the resistance.
The reaction is an individual approach which is not productive in its self.
Whereas, the resistance allows us, with its collectability to move to the counter-attack stage when we have enemies.
Here we are at the creation of the context for the preparation of the action field.