20087 - The strategy of the energy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The discovery of natural gas and oil in Greece, would not be sufficient for the future, if there is no strategy of the energy on a national level.
We will not enter a period regarding drilling alone, they should be integrated within a context of strategic development and recovery, in order for them to function decisively towards the development and independence of our homeland.
The strategy and the energy are fundamental pillars of existence, but they must be combined if we want effectiveness.
We are also in need of the strategy of the energy and the energy of the strategy, in order to implement, in practical terms, the national vision of the nation of the sea.
Consequently, we must also take in to consideration the necessary technical infrastructure, because, the supporting of the Greek EEZ, will be done in this manner, which belongs to the strategic mix of the case as a whole.
The issue of the Greek EEZ, is not a local fashion and it will change our whole future, and not only in regards to the energy.
Related job creation is still not evaluable, due to size.
Many of the politicians have not understood even now, its importance and its value.
The Greek EEZ in conjunction with the energy strategy will be the spearhead for the Greece of tomorrow.
Therefore, at all levels, both technical and scientific, we must realize it, in order to guide our young people in an appropriate manner, so that they contribute themselves to the development of our homeland through the work that they’ll produce in this field.
The Greek EEZ is not a goal, but the inception of innovation.