18731 - The anniversary for the one hundred years

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

The anniversary for the one hundred years
of the genocide of the Armenians
is not a simple event
as if it is just a celebration
this is why each one of us must
be very careful
with the choices that he will promote
so it will not be necessary afterwards
to go through penance
because it will be late then
because we are talking about victims here
of a crime against
we are talking here about genocided people
therefore a simple show
is not only insufficient
but it is not what is appropriate
because our role as Just
is not to please
solely ourselves
but also to disturb
the perpetrator for his barbarity
only then are we equitable
because the one hundred years
are not only symbolic
they are also an act of resistance.