14880 - The girl from Cappadocia

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

The girl from Cappadocia had come to change her life in Andrianoupoli. Only that when she arrived to find her fiancé , a local intellectual who had played an important role in the region , had explained to her that they had to leave and that there was no other choice for them. Thus she found herself with him in this wagon without having the time to get married. She still wore her traditional costume that distinguished her among the other Thrachian women. She was happy because she had come to find her fiancé and she had found him. She hadn’t understood well what had happened, but when she asked him she realized that she knew nothing more. Her life, the new one started with this train and everything else was secondary to her. She was smiling but could see that everyone was preoccupied with something and was trying to give them courage. So when a sailor boy asked for water she got up spontaneously to offer him her own.