11941 - The mythical, off the beaten track islands: Hellenism

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

As the Greek society is structured, it doesn’t believe in anything anymore because of the economic situation, ιt doesn’t assume that non profit lines should exist. It’s not aware however, that Hellenism itself is off the beaten track .
If we examine rationally the notion of, off the beaten tracks, we will realize that it contains some components that are foundational.
While we see constantly the spatial difficulty that regards the off beaten tracks , we do not see the reason for its existence.
If Hellenism did not exist on these marginal islands why should off the beaten tracks exist ?.
In other words, we must wonder why Hellenism chose these difficult areas.
If we go into this process, then we will understand the conception of Hellenism. Because we are a nation of chronos and not of space, we are more cautious as we cross through the eons.
In other words, we make use of the mental schema that sees time as a space of resistance.
It was in this context, that Hellenism chose for it’s diaspora areas that withhold and withstand attacks. Mount Athos and Meteora are the most prominent examples that followed the strategy of Thermopylae which is the archetype of spatial defeat,which again is a chronic victory. And the same applies to the Battle of Crete.
So Hellenism opts for the spatial difficulty in order to endure and then pass onto the phase of counterattack which characterizes it, in order to fight against barbarism.
Therefore, off beaten tracks are also the result of this strategic choice.
We must therefore be more cautious with this terminology, which generates an objective counterexample of the economic approach of things.
For this reason it gives more importance to the people rather than the economic factors.
It’s important to place it in that context, especially when we have in mind the criteria for determining the Exclusive Economic Zone.
And if Hellenism is indeed a non profit track it’s because it has no economic interest, and does not calculate the costs because it’s generous. And it is this generosity that allows it to produce and notion of humanism.
Hellenism belongs to the rarest “isms” that have prevailed and become a timeless element, this is precisely due to this factor.
It’s for this reason that Humanity loves Hellenism, because it is a gift for it.
And if that gift still exists it’s because of strategy. So with it, we will face the difficulties which oppress us, in order to become stronger and overcome them. Hellenism endured the worse and is still here as a lighthouse, continuing to emit light for all humanity.
This is it’s purpose as an off the beaten track island.