10400 - Secret entente

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Evi Charitidou

E: What has happened with the closed curves?
L: Nothing yet.
E: Do you believe that it can be solved?
L: There’s no objective reason why not.
E: And what about quantum mechanics?
L: It moves on.
E: It was, thus, inevitable.
L: This is what facts say.
E: How about the observers?
L: For the time being, the same with great accuracy, in fact.
E: Does it help with unification?
L: Partly but there are other problems, too.
E: With dimensions?
L: With superstrings, as well.
E: New difficulties.
L: And magic.
E: Quantum gravity, then.
L: It’s one of the goals.
E: Any results?
L: Nothing palpable in physics, but we have developments in mathematics.
E: Like for example?
L: In knot theory and Langlands program.
E: Fine. They don’t suffice, though.
L: No, you are right.
E: And for Humanity.
L: We fight genocides.
E: Executioners have not recognized their crimes yet.
L: However, the Just men are increasing in number.
E: And what about the victims?
L: They’re waiting for our work.
E: Dedicate yourselves to this then.
L: We don’t know how to do anything but this.
E: I’m glad.
L: It’s the first time.
E: It’s a rare phenomenon.
L: Following the atomic bomb.
E: It had been like this earlier, as well.
L: So, it’s a matter of time.
E: Always.
L: Humanity and Time.
E: There’s a continuation.
L: It’s the only way to fight barbarity.
E: Be careful with this notion.
L: We are Humanity’s servants.
E: I was late at my appointment.
L: I’m glad we could meet.
E: Send my greetings to the little one who thought of us.
L: I will convey them to her immediately.
E: Bless you for continuing the work.
L: We have no other end.