9001 - The EEZ as a national issue

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

In the nation of democracy it is inevitable for conflicting opinions on all matters to occur, because everyone is free to express themselves even they don’t have knowledge on a particular subject. So it was expected , now that the Exclusive Economic Zone became, not just a fashion phenomenon, but more widely known in Greek affairs, to read even accusations, direct or indirect, against those who promote the Greek EEZ and in particular its father, Theodore Kariotis.
Of course this should not worry us, because its not these kind of criticisms which produce tasks and or leave achievements behind at the end, but we assume it is important to defend the EEZ, not because of principles, but because of values.
At this point we must state that its not Theodore Kariotis who affects the notion of the midline, when there has to be a delineation of two EEZ which theoretically overlap. And of course he influences even less, the Voronoi diagrams and the Delaunay triangulation , because there are purely mathematical concepts that are not susceptible to any change, without degeneration.
In other words, the criticisms on these points, not only could not stand, but simply don’t have a substance due to mathematics and infact the pure ones.
Now, regarding the accusations against the excitement caused by the issue of the EEZ, its all explainable, in the sence of defeatism and servility.
Would it be possible, after so many years of misery in regards to national issues, to not have people who can’t face the truth and reality of the EEZ;
So many years all of them explain that a small country like Greece can not have high strategy,but consequently they received a mental slap with the achievements of Cyprus and the works of Solonas Kassinis and for that reason they seek excuses, as they feel guilty. Other people of course, are in a difficult position now, as they assume that the EEZ issue not only undermines them, but it exposes them with its effectiveness.
Therefore we need to sort things out and to label them by their name.
Whether they want to or not, our Greece will have EEZ and its adoption will occur this year.
Whether they want to or not, the Greek EEZ will happen for everyone, even for the miserable, the defeatist and the enslaved.
Whether they want to or not, the definition of the Greek EEZ will occur in a mathematical manner.
And finally, whether they want to or not, our nation will emerge from the crisis due to the EEZ, because we owe it to our children.
All of the rest are just details.