7625 - Mathematical details and strategic implications

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

In mathematics we always pay attention to details. This procedure is necessary because it regards a mind art . In the case of science, reality through nature finally reveals the details that cause problems to theories , which are nothing more than models . In day to day living we don’t pay attention to mathematical details , assuming that there are not of great importance and certainly of no consequences. And while no one has studied accurately , everyone agrees without realizing their mistakes . Here we would like to highlight a problem that belongs to mathematical details yet has strategic implications . Initially the problem comes from the combination of the existence of the local and the whole. We have the impression that a small angle is proportional to a no angle. Calculations in our science create this trend, even at the level of a classic pendulum. The mathematical reality is radically different. The classical analysis is sufficient to prove the argument wrong , even through differentiation. The truth is that a small angle is just proportional to another small angle excepting a zero angle. The problem occurs in geometry , where distance is of great importance. Indeed a small angle remains small at a local level, as far as the graphic oppening is concerned , and not the corner point .We hardly understand how important this detail is. And only when we think totally and not locally we can comprehend it.
Because at a long distance the slightest angle has its importance. In other words , is a degenerated application of the butterfly phenomenon, which lives in the morphoclasmatic analysis . Most of us have realized the importance of Kastellorizo concerning the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone . The key point is that the island of Kastellorizo allows the contact of both the EEZ of Cyprus and that of Greece . Yet things are not exactly like that. In fact it is the Kastellorizo cluster that’s allowing this contact and not just the island . This small difference has strategic implications and for this reason it is important to focus on Strogili . Because the difference makes a difference. The exact calculation of the angle shows that this detail has a major impact through the midline . In other words , if we really want to strengthen all our efforts , we must practically support the economic activity of Strogili and this is clearly seen in the sources that mention anything regarding the Greek EEZ , whatever that institution is. And this estimate should be presented in a clear way to our partners in the European Union , so that they know that the coherence of the European EEZ depends on this small difference , the mathematical detail that we have pinpointed. Practically, raising the issue may be used in order to request a European sponsorship in this region , which is so important. This phenomenon is explained by the definition of the EEZ , which regards the 200 NM. The large distance gives importance to the small angle of the inclination of the Greek EEZ and allows the existence of the triple point of contact outside Voronoi cell of Egypt , which shows the effectiveness of the Voronoi diagram for the study of the problem, where the local influence the total , and where mathematics project the strategy.