6777 - Normality and deviation

N. Lygeros
Translation: Paola Vagioni

In the society of the average and not of the measure, normality is the ideal and consecutively the ultimate aim for each individual. The consequences of this tendency are dramatic and they would be tragic for humanity if these deviations of men did not exist to counterbalance with their opus the inertia of society. For this reason of course, the latter portrays deviation as being non-normal. In reality, deviation is only by definition non-normal and nothing more. In fact the non-existence of deviation would be non-normal. In any case we are talking about a reality, which forms reality. Thus, while the general tendency of society is the quest for happiness via equilibrium, the existence of deviations allows humanity to evolve, which is necessary since intelligence is its future. Additionally, there is a significant differentiation on the opus and not on the population. Society, due to the necessary manipulation that it must exercise on the individuals, greatly emphasizes the notion of majority under the pretext of democratic principles. In practice, its will is a degeneration, because it is never involved with the opus of men. And the reason is simple. There is indeed the so-called librarians’ rule of 80-20. To be more explanatory, 20% of the population produces 80% of the total opus. Society never mentions the opus but instead the job, which is the modern version of slavery. Who can realize that while they talk about their job, in essence they are talking about their slavery. Each one of us thinks that a salary can justify everything, even the lack of freedom. They forget that the meaning is life, free life, otherwise in Greece for example the Turkish occupation would be fine. Hence, the repeated references on the crisis, which whether we want it or not is artificial, are made to justify a situation that cannot be characterized as human. This is the essence. We comprehend therefore that normality is a form of control of the system, so that the deviations are not able to express themselves. Under the pretext of representativeness, it tries to convince even men that norm constitutes justice. Via this picture it promotes its interests without leaving any room for the questioning of its confined structures. In this way it comes into conflict with every group that produces an opus. And one of the worst results of this tendency is the crime against humanity and specifically genocide.