91079 - Blue Screen. (Pen and Ink on paper)
90731 - Duty to Roger. (Pen and ink on paper)
90730 - Harmonic Colours. (Pen and ink on paper)
90704 - Duty to Dali. (Pen and ink on paper)
90703 - Duty to Gradiva. (Pen and ink on paper)
90298 - La cuisine thérapeutique. (Drawing)
88964 - Stop bullying. (Dessin)
88207 - Blue Curvature. (Dessin)
88184 - Lines of Purity. (Dessin)
88122 - Piece of Blue. (Dessin)
87841 - Paradigm. (Blue ink, Canson 14,8x21cm, 300g/m2)
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