
84160 - It’s gonna take time

The paradox is simple. It’s gonna take time. Time is precious but also with us. ...

84159 - No limits today

This isn’t a decision but a fact. In a certain manner it’s related to the vacuity but the message is deeper. ...

84158 - And so it was

It was like a revelation. The sky was huge and beautiful. This blue was everywhere ...

84157 - e-Masterclass II: Στρατηγική ανάλυση Εθνικών Εκλογών. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass II: Στρατηγική ανάλυση Εθνικών Εκλογών. (Dessin)

84156 - e-Masterclass I: Στρατηγική ανάλυση Εθνικών Εκλογών. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass I: Στρατηγική ανάλυση Εθνικών Εκλογών. (Dessin)

84155 - No distance

Only Time is with us. We do not belong to any society. So space is useless. ...

84154 - The impact factor

The local point of view wasn’t efficient for the transformation ...

84153 - In the noise

It was impossible to listen to the sounds because the noise of the society ...

84152 - Out of the monastery

The first mission was over. And now everything is possible even if it's incredible. ...

84151 - Waiting for the Light

Even if it's incredible, many are waiting for the Light ...

84147 - Great Balls of Light

In the monastery it was impressive to see all those great balls of light in the darkness. ...

84146 - ​The bridge

When you walk on a bridge you forget that this simple walk would be impossible ...

84145 - Thought experiment

It’s like a simulation for me. For him is a thought experiment. ...

84144 - The crucial help

We avoid to ask for help because we consider that’s a proof of our incompetence. ...

84143 - It’s cute

When I see persons who are waiting for something exceptional ...

84142 - They’re more things than we can see

Many things are possible. Many things are out of our perception. But not for everyone. ...

84141 - The efficiency of mind

Nobody emphasizes how much intelligence was important to solve many problems ...

84140 - The huge issue

It wasn’t only a contemporary issue about the sacred rights of the women. It was also a problem of the past ...

84139 - Deep lover

He told me to listen to my heart but my heart was him...

84138 - The sweet lord

They belonged to an ancient world but his world was ...

84137 - The sunshine

It was impossible to see any sunshine at least outside but in the secret room ...

84136 - The next day

Early in the morning, we were invited to share the first meal of the day ...

84135 - Καταγραφή: Τριβές και επιπτώσεις στο ρωσικό σύστημα

Έχουμε νέα δεδομένα στην Ουκρανία. Τώρα το θέμα της εισβολής στην Ουκρανία δεν είναι πια μόνο ουκρανικό, είναι και ρώσικο...

84134 - Transcription: Frictions in the Russian System

We have a new situation in Ukraine. The problem with the invasion is no more just ukrainian, it's also russian. Right now, in Russia ...

84133 - The viewer and the upper room

In the upper room everything was different. The universe was close and at the same time free and sacred. ...

84132 - ​The fight of the witness

I wasn't supposed to stay passive in this strange relation ...

84131 - The rain of essence

It was incredible to see this rare phenomenon: the rain of essence. ...

84130 - The survivors

It’s very easy for innocent people to become victims. But it’s very difficult for a victim to be a survivor. ...

84129 - Pure love

I knew what it was pure good but I never saw before him what is exactly ...

84128 - The occupied bell

He’s able to ring a bell in occupied territories. He has no fear. So even in this trap ...

84127 - Inside the trap

I’m not afraid for me only for him. I know that he’s unstoppable but it hurts. ...

84126 - Unchain the souls

My prayer was simple. I said only one thing. Unchain the souls. It was the first contact. ...

84125 - I saw the sky crying

I didn’t know that it was possible. I saw the sky crying. And it looked ...

84124 - A man’s world

I know only this man’s world. But he’s different. He can’t forget the women ...

84123 - Only one

Only one can make this miracle as if it was obvious for all the others. ...

84122 - Καταγραφή: Επόμενο e-Masterclass: Στρατηγική ανάλυση Εθνικών Εκλογών

Αφού τελειώσει η εκλογική διαδικασία, είναι σημαντικό να σκεφτούμε τι θα γίνει μετά. Πρέπει να το σκεφτούμε σε επίπεδο στρατηγικό, ...

84121 - The sacred fight

- Here we are. - Yes, indeed. - You see the holy place. - Target locked. ...

84120 - The Book of Psalms

- You know all the Psalms… - Yes, of course. What shall I do? - We will be separated in the Church.

84119 - The master of the sky

- I imagine that I will be your shield. - You are a woman… - Yes, my sacred sword. - They are believers. ...

84118 - The believer

- Do they deserve your protection? - There is no relation. - So? - It’s about what you believe now…

84117 - The new armour

- I feel that I put a new armour. -It's also a key signature. -What do you mean? -You will never play alone any note. ...

84116 - Upgraded perception

- So this is the path. - Each of your questions was a stone on the path. - A stone of light. - Always. ...

84115 - The Lord of Light

- Can I say something? - What you want! ...

84114 - It’s now or never

- The library is open. - What do you mean? - I mean to the people...

84113 - Never let me go

- Can I ask you a favor? - You mean a grace… of course. - Never let me go...

84112 - Only you

- There is no dream, just a vision. - Only you can make it. - I thought you were singing...

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