Η κοινωνία είναι…
89164 - The gifted souls
You consider that all the souls are the same.
But they aren't the only ones...
89163 - No compromise
Remember that there is no compromis.
Everything is possible if you follow...
89162 - The secret essence
If you can taste the secret essence,
do it and your world will change...
89161 - The complementary world
You need to understand
that very few things are obvious...
89158 - Επέτειος της Γενοκτονίας των Αρμενίων
Επέτειος της Γενοκτονίας των Αρμενίων
89157 - ΟΧΙ στο Σχέδιο Ανάν, 20 χρόνια μετά
ΟΧΙ στο Σχέδιο Ανάν, 20 χρόνια μετά
89156 - The achievements
When you feel that you aren’t able
to do something important...
89155 - Deep love
In societies love has to be obvious.
But love and especially the deep one...
89154 - Beyond the sound
Your world is full of sounds.
But many of them are simply noise...
89153 - The strange brainpower
No compromise is possible.
The kind of brainpower is certainly strange for you....
89152 - The work of light
You know what a firework is
but there is an essential difficulty...
89151 - The castle of souls
All the people think
that the church is the house of souls...
89150 - The beautiful day
You can’t imagine
what a beautiful day is...
89149 - Daredevil actions
When you realize that life requires courage
then you can decide...
89148 - Life is a gift for the soul
At the beginning
life is a gift for the soul...
89147 - Keep thinking
When you want peace,
you already have a part of you...
89146 - Alone with Mankind
If you want to be free
you need to learn...
89145 - It’s too late now
You always want to convert your errors.
You don’t realize that it’s too late now...
89144 - Solitude
For almost all the people
solitude is a synonym of...
89140 - Έρευνα στα σχολεία της Γερμανίας
Έρευνα στα σχολεία της Γερμανίας
89139 - Οι παρεμβολές του Καλίνινγκραντ
Οι παρεμβολές του Καλίνινγκραντ
89138 - Αρμενία, Αζερμπαϊτζάν και οριοθέτηση συνόρων
Αρμενία, Αζερμπαϊτζάν και οριοθέτηση συνόρων
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