Extension. (Dessin)
85137 - The Master’s gift
The salvation of the soul is only the beginning of his mission. The Master’s gift ...
85136 - The dissemination of light
The light has to be disseminated to work for Humanity and against barbarity. The essence contributes to that via the transcendental way ...
85135 - The invisible shield
The invisible shield works from inside because it’s a potion. So you have to drink this essence, to transform your body into a body of light ...
85134 - The essence as a shield
When you learn about the existence of the elixir, you start to understand the importance of the essence as a shield. It wasn’t obvious ...
85133 - The light in the darkness
When you see light in the darkness, do you feel that it’s confined or enclaved? Are you able to see that light always wins the darkness? This is a question of ...
85132 - From the local to the global ecstasy
If you stay at the local approach you will discover the orgasm but not the ecstasy. You need a global approach with an holistic vision ...
85131 - The beloved
As you know now that you deserve to be loved, don’t waste time with things that aren’t essential. You don’t need to fill your life with ...
85130 - The instruments
The instruments aren’t toys. So if you see someone who is at the level of the toys, this means that he’s unable to valorize the life of instruments...
85129 - After anadiplosis
The anadiplosis is only the starting point. Don’t stay at the rhetorical level. Go further to reach ...
85128 - The slow breathing
Don’t rush, there is no need. Discover the beauty of the slowness. Start with the slow breathing. Imagine it as musical instrument. You ...
85127 - The body of light
You aren’t a simple body. You are a body of light and your fluid is your essence. So you deserve to know the deep truth. As a soul you are ...
85126 - No limit
Don't stop at the limit of your skin. Your body is not a jail. You can go everywhere you want. See the halo and you will see that there is no limit...
85125 - Before the first miracle
Your behavior has to be clear even before the first miracle. Because after it’s too late. You won’t need to believe in something or someone as you’ll see...
85124 - After the impossible
The open universe is after the impossible. What you thought that it was impossible was a kind of infinity. But infinity isn’t an obstruction ...
85123 - The rebirth
The awake soul is in fact the act of the rebirth. After that there is the past and the future, before and after, because nothing can be the same. Even ...
85122 - The wonder duration
The duration wasn’t important for you, at least at the beginning, but after the discovery of this extraordinary possibility, you understand ...
85121 - Transcription: Podcast With US #109: The unacceptable alliance of Russia with North Korea
This podcast is dedicated to something which is maybe a detail for many of us but in fact it’s a crucial point. The point is the following ...
85120 - The sacred blend
If you are able to drink the sacred blend you will see the world in a different way which is incomparable. It's not only a choice but an ...
85119 - In the heart
When the hand is able to go inside the body to touch the heart, it’s because there is already a link between ...
85118 - Manifold of choices
Everybody knows the multiple choice but at the end the solution is unique. So imagine now that there is only one error and all the other ...
85117 - Eclecticism and Faith
Eclecticism, by its nature can’t be compatible with dogmatism. For this reason it represents a sign in Faith. You have to know many ...
85116 - e-Μάθημα IIΙ: Γένεσις 30. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα IIΙ: Γένεσις 30. (Dessin)
85115 - e-Μάθημα IΙ: Γένεσις 30. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα IΙ: Γένεσις 30. (Dessin)
85114 - e-Μάθημα Ι: Γένεσις 30. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα Ι: Γένεσις 30. (Dessin)
85113 - e-Lesson II: Multiverse. (Dessin)
e-Lesson II: Multiverse. (Dessin)
85112 - e-Lesson I: Multiverse. (Dessin)
e-Lesson I: Multiverse. (Dessin)
85111 - When you talk to angels
When you talk to angels, you have to know that they are listening to you. So ask them what you want and don’t forget anything. In any ...
85110 - The subtle difference
When you don’t see something, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It’s simply subtle and not obvious. The open universe of harmony ...
85109 - In front of the essence
If you want to see the essence is simple. It’s just a question of a live request. Stay in the ...
85108 - Without bonds
The sages have experienced altered states of consciousness and ecstasy. And even if this seems like a paradoxe ...
85107 - After desires and greeds
When you read the following sentence: the Veda is the cow, the true Agama its milk, it's impossible to avoid their relation. There is no opposition but a real continuity...
85106 - Beyond meditation
The meditation is a kind of prayer when you don’t know to whom you should direct a request...
85105 - The spiritual excellence
The spiritual excellence is a recurrent quest in ancient texts. It's a natural way to seek the divine via the practice of the faith. In this ...
85104 - e-Lesson IV: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
e-Lesson IV: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
85103 - e-Lesson III: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
e-Lesson III: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
85102 - e-Lesson II: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
e-Lesson II: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
85101 - e-Lesson I: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
e-Lesson I: Duality, Complementarity and Harmony. (Dessin)
85100 - e-Lesson VI: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
e-Lesson VI: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
85099 - e-Lesson V: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
e-Lesson V: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
85098 - e-Lesson IV: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
e-Lesson IV: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
85097 - e-Lesson III: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
e-Lesson III: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
85096 - e-Lesson II: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
e-Lesson II: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
85095 - e-Lesson I: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
e-Lesson I: Music, Topology and Geometry. (Dessin)
85094 - Next to the essence
If you can feel it, you will breathe it. If you breathe it, you will be it. And after your enlightenment, you will get the vision. This is the ...
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