- I never thought about this definition for societies of oblivion...
84355 - A message in a universe
- With the splitting effect, we can have a message in a universe...
84354 - The rarity
- Everybody knows the slogan of the three Musketeers.
- One for all and all for one. ...
84353 - Like a machine
- When you protect humans of any kind, they say that you belong to the same group.
- Always. ...
84352 - All in one
- You need to be the same with them.
- It's not the most difficult part...
84351 - The umbrella
- It's the first time that I see an accordion becoming an umbrella...
84350 - The multiple salvage
- How is it possible to save different people at the same time?
- You need to be focused and you need also the help of the others. ...
84348 - III – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
III - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
84347 - II – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
II - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
84346 - I – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
I - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
84345 - The Knight
- I’ll remember you for centuries...
84344 - I will be here
- Shall I wait?
- No, you can have rest...
84342 - e-Lesson: Duty to Cleanthi. (Dessin)
e-Lesson: Duty to Cleanthi. (Dessin)
84341 - The sign as a gift
- I thought that your gifts…
- Were only gifts.
- And now I realize that they are signs in fact. ...
84340 - Give me a sign
- Is it possible?
- If you tell me what, maybe…
- Can you give us a sign? ...
84339 - Καταγραφή: Υπεριστορία
Όταν εξετάζουμε την έννοια της ιστορίας, βλέπουμε πολύ απλά ότι υπάρχει η ...
84338 - e-Leçon III :Structure de l’OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)
e-Leçon III :Structure de l'OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)
84337 - e-Leçon II :Structure de l’OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)
e-Leçon II :Structure de l'OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)
84336 - e-Leçon I : Structure de l’OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)
e-Leçon I : Structure de l'OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)
84335 - The codename
- The colours are a code.
- Even a codename.
- In the heraldic sense.
- It’s the relation between deep history and superhistory. ...
84334 - Superhistory
- They are trying to kill history.
- But it’s impossible...
84333 - The heroes
- We can be at the right place in Time...
84332 - In my mind
- You are in my mind.
- Even if I am what I am…
84330 - Rescue us
- I don’t know about the others… I need to know if you are going to rescue us...
84329 - The question
- Let me ask you a question.
- Please, feel free...
84328 - Only human
- They are only human.
- I’m here for them...
84327 - Next to the source
- Can I drink?
- Are you asking this to me?
84326 - VI – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
VI - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
84325 - V – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
V - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
84324 - IV – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
IV - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
84323 - III – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
III - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
84322 - II – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
II - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
84321 - I – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
I - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 3.30. (Dessin)
84320 - Καταγραφή: Η ομορφιά της Λυών
Για όσους και όσες ανησυχούν είναι καλό να έχουμε μία ζωντανή εικόνα της Λυών, δίπλα από τον ποταμό Ροδανό, ...
84319 - Beyond the equilibrium
- Why equilibrium is represented as an important notion?
- Because it’s one of the simplest.
- It’s obvious as a delimitation…
84318 - The duality
- Light and dark.
- Fire and water...
84317 - The manifold
- We are from here and we know how the people are...
84316 - Absolute believers
- We are absolute believers.
- I know.
- But can you feel it?
- I see its beauty. ...
84315 - I got your back
- I got your back.
- I know.
- Go ahead.
- Thank you.
- By the way…
84314 - The sufficient reason
- Shall I ask if the reason is sufficient?
- No, it's fine.
- That's all?
- I think so. ...
84313 - Fire and light
- Can I stay hidden?
- As you like.
- And can you stay visible?
- Of course. ...
84312 - Love us
- I know that you love us...
- It's the truth...
84311 - New York
-Why New York is so important?
-For the United Nations...
84310 - II – e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII – IX. (Dessin)
II - e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII - IX. (Dessin)
84309 - I – e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII – IX. (Dessin)
I - e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII - IX. (Dessin)
84308 - III – e-Leçon: Le choix du meilleur chez Leibniz. (Dessin)
III - e-Leçon: Le choix du meilleur chez Leibniz. (Dessin)
84307 - II – e-Leçon: Le choix du meilleur chez Leibniz. (Dessin)
II - e-Leçon: Le choix du meilleur chez Leibniz. (Dessin)
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