
84356 - In the desert of souls

- I never thought about this definition for societies of oblivion...

84355 - A message in a universe

- With the splitting effect, we can have a message in a universe...

84354 - The rarity

- Everybody knows the slogan of the three Musketeers. - One for all and all for one. ...

84353 - Like a machine

- When you protect humans of any kind, they say that you belong to the same group. - Always. ...

84352 - All in one

- You need to be the same with them. - It's not the most difficult part...

84351 - The umbrella

- It's the first time that I see an accordion becoming an umbrella...

84350 - The multiple salvage

- How is it possible to save different people at the same time? - You need to be focused and you need also the help of the others. ...

84348 - III – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)

III - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)

84347 - II – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)

II - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)

84346 - I – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)

I - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)

84345 - The Knight

- I’ll remember you for centuries...

84344 - I will be here

- Shall I wait? - No, you can have rest...

84343 - The need

- Is it normal to have a need...

84341 - The sign as a gift

- I thought that your gifts… - Were only gifts. - And now I realize that they are signs in fact. ...

84340 - Give me a sign

- Is it possible? - If you tell me what, maybe… - Can you give us a sign? ...

84339 - Καταγραφή: Υπεριστορία

Όταν εξετάζουμε την έννοια της ιστορίας, βλέπουμε πολύ απλά ότι υπάρχει η ...

84338 - e-Leçon III :Structure de l’OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)

e-Leçon III :Structure de l'OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)

84337 - e-Leçon II :Structure de l’OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)

e-Leçon II :Structure de l'OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)

84336 - e-Leçon I : Structure de l’OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)

e-Leçon I : Structure de l'OTAN, Finlande, Suède et Ukraine. (Dessin)

84335 - The codename

- The colours are a code. - Even a codename. - In the heraldic sense. - It’s the relation between deep history and superhistory. ...

84334 - Superhistory

- They are trying to kill history. - But it’s impossible...

84333 - The heroes

- We can be at the right place in Time...

84332 - In my mind

- You are in my mind. - Even if I am what I am…

84331 - The work

- If the work creates the being...

84330 - Rescue us

- I don’t know about the others… I need to know if you are going to rescue us...

84329 - The question

- Let me ask you a question. - Please, feel free...

84328 - Only human

- They are only human. - I’m here for them...

84327 - Next to the source

- Can I drink? - Are you asking this to me?

84320 - Καταγραφή: Η ομορφιά της Λυών

Για όσους και όσες ανησυχούν είναι καλό να έχουμε μία ζωντανή εικόνα της Λυών, δίπλα από τον ποταμό Ροδανό, ...

84319 - Beyond the equilibrium

- Why equilibrium is represented as an important notion? - Because it’s one of the simplest. - It’s obvious as a delimitation…

84318 - The duality

- Light and dark. - Fire and water...

84317 - The manifold

- We are from here and we know how the people are...

84316 - Absolute believers

- We are absolute believers. - I know. - But can you feel it? - I see its beauty. ...

84315 - I got your back

- I got your back. - I know. - Go ahead. - Thank you. - By the way…

84314 - The sufficient reason

- Shall I ask if the reason is sufficient? - No, it's fine. - That's all? - I think so. ...

84313 - Fire and light

- Can I stay hidden? - As you like. - And can you stay visible? - Of course. ...

84312 - Love us

- I know that you love us... - It's the truth...

84311 - New York

-Why New York is so important? -For the United Nations...

84310 - II – e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII – IX. (Dessin)

II - e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII - IX. (Dessin)

84309 - I – e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII – IX. (Dessin)

I - e-Μάθημα: Ανθρωπότητα και Χρόνος VIII - IX. (Dessin)