
84296 - Καταγραφή: Η ασχετοσύνη της συνεκμετάλλευσης

Επειδή είναι πολλοί που μας το ζήτησαν να το ξεκαθαρίσουμε, θέλουμε σήμερα να μιλήσουμε για το θέμα της συνεκμετάλλευσης στο Αιγαίο. ...

84295 - Angel Face

- Is it normal? - What? - To have an angel face… - Do you prefer something else? ...

84294 - On my mind

- You are in my mind. - You are in my universe. - At the beginning I had doubts… ...

84293 - One and only

- I asked only one thing. - And you got more. - Exactly. - It’s normal. ...

84292 - One more life

- I will need one more life... - To do what? - To live next to you. - I will give it to you, in any case. ...

84291 - One thousand years old

- How can you do all these different things? - You mean our works? - Not only… - What else? ...

84290 - Full of love

I don’t even try something. I’m just full of love. So I’m ready to give you the essence of light. ...

84289 - The Russian Ministry without defense

It’s strange to imagine the Russian Ministry without defense but this is the reality. ...

84288 - e-Lesson VII: Rado’s Theorem, Hindman’s Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

e-Lesson VII: Rado's Theorem, Hindman's Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

84287 - e-Lesson VI: Rado’s Theorem, Hindman’s Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

e-Lesson VI: Rado's Theorem, Hindman's Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

84286 - e-Lesson V: Rado’s Theorem, Hindman’s Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

e-Lesson V: Rado's Theorem, Hindman's Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

84285 - e-Lesson IV: Rado’s Theorem, Hindman’s Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

e-Lesson IV: Rado's Theorem, Hindman's Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

84284 - e-Lesson III: Rado’s Theorem, Hindman’s Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

e-Lesson III: Rado's Theorem, Hindman's Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

84283 - e-Lesson II: Rado’s Theorem, Hindman’s Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

e-Lesson II: Rado's Theorem, Hindman's Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

84282 - e-Lesson I: Rado’s Theorem, Hindman’s Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

e-Lesson I: Rado's Theorem, Hindman's Theorem and Ackermann function. (Dessin)

84281 - Transcription: Music

Music is a manifold for the human brain. Music is in fact something which is unique but at the same time ...

84280 - Transcription: Smart Education

We talk about the importance of education but we forget something which is crucial. ...

84279 - Καταγραφή: Υπόθεση Τυνησία-Λιβύη περί υφαλοκρηπίδας

1985, υφαλοκρηπίδα πάλι και τώρα είναι Τυνησία με Λιβύη. Εδώ μέσα στο rationale η υπόθεση Τυνησία-Λιβύη ξεκινάει με την υπόθεση ...

84278 - Καταγραφή: Υφαλοκρηπίδα και ΑΟΖ

Ποια είναι η διαφορά μεταξύ υφαλοκρηπίδας και ΑΟΖ. Η υφαλοκρηπίδα σχετίζεται κατευθείαν με την έννοια του κράτους ...

84277 - Καταγραφή: Υπόθεση Μάλτα-Λιβύη περί υφαλοκρηπίδας

Διεθνές Δικαστήριο Δικαιοσύνης. Σ’ αυτό εδώ μπορούμε να κάνουμε τις υποθέσεις που αφορούν τη θάλασσα. ...

84276 - We go deep

We go deep. We love that. This is our aim. We need to know the truth ...

84275 - The Russian exaggeration

The exaggerated Russian praise for defeating a small Ukrainian landing is easy to explain. ...

84274 - The lover

The lover doesn’t try to be someone or even another. He’s just what he is ...

84273 - The power of harmony

Beyond equilibrium try to find the field of Harmony...

84272 - Against rules

When you are weak you need rules. When you are a believer ...

84271 - Come on!

Come on you can’t stay like this. It’s time to make your decision. ...

84270 - The gravity

For you it was only a force, not for me. It was a symbol and a kind of reality ...

84269 - e-Masterclass VII: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass VII: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

84268 - e-Masterclass VI: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass VI: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

84267 - e-Masterclass V: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass V: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

84266 - e-Masterclass IV: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass IV: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

84265 - e-Masterclass III: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass III: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

84264 - e-Masterclass II: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass II: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

84263 - e-Masterclass I: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

e-Masterclass I: Ελληνικά Κυριαρχικά Δικαιώματα. (Dessin)

84262 - The Gould’s breath

I like to listen to the Gould’s breath  when he’s playing piano. Because it’s not any more  ...

84261 - Yesterday

Yesterday isn’t a lost memory. I see it as a trace in Time of what we did ...

84260 - Unforgettable Autumn

If you see New York you will understand why...

84259 - I will never give up

I will never give up to find a way to help you...

84258 - Only love

Only love is able to change the world because for it ...

84257 - No sunshine

Don’t wait for the sunshine if you don’t do anything for it. Don’t feel guilty ...

84256 - The musical world

The musical world is the book of forgotten melodies which you can open when you want. ...

84252 - The kiss of freedom

Don’t care about what the society can say against you when it doesn’t understand the kiss of freedom. ...

84251 - Superman versus superpower

If someone says that he believes to the existence of Superman everybody will find him ridiculous. ...

84250 - The counteroffensive

The Ukrainian forces conduct an impressive counteroffensive against Russian barbarity. ...

84249 - New data

The troubles in a country are not always relevant of the real situation. In fact, they can be used ...

84248 - VII – e-Leçon: Puissance, Connaissance et Volonté chez Leibniz. (Dessin)

VII - e-Leçon: Puissance, Connaissance et Volonté chez Leibniz. (Dessin)

84247 - VI – e-Leçon: Puissance, Connaissance et Volonté chez Leibniz. (Dessin)

VI - e-Leçon: Puissance, Connaissance et Volonté chez Leibniz. (Dessin)