Συμβολικό δώρο …
94458 - Απαντήσεις ερωτημάτων μικρών ανθρώπων
Απαντήσεις ερωτημάτων μικρών ανθρώπων
94456 - Απόσπασμα ΙV – e-Masterclass: Υψηλή Στρατηγική Ειρηνικού
Απόσπασμα ΙV - e-Masterclass: Υψηλή Στρατηγική Ειρηνικού…
94454 - Τα σπίτια της Στουτγκάρδης
Τα σπίτια της Στουτγκάρδης …
94453 - Τιμής ένεκεν στον Αρχιμήδη
Τιμής ένεκεν στον Αρχιμήδη …
94431 - The new light
Even a dark choice needs a new light. This one comes from the combination of History, strategy and energy. At our present configuration we are not talking about politics and economics, we are in a show. It's not only...
94430 - Strange references
When everybody is talking about the American elections with its strange references to the dark past at the WW II it’s interesting...
94429 - Νοbody needs to be a slave
Slavery is naturally against Mankind. It's a very old system of societies which want to control life. It's also a way to avoid even the thoughts of freedom. But in reality nobody...
94428 - The flashpoint of the mission
An impacted History is always a flashpoint at the strategic level and we have to be prepared from...
94427 - The starting point of a mission
The starting point is always a need for a new a mission. Different places, different...
94423 - Απόσπασμα ΙII – e-Masterclass: Υψηλή Στρατηγική Ειρηνικού
Απόσπασμα ΙII - e-Masterclass: Υψηλή Στρατηγική Ειρηνικού…
94422 - Απόσπασμα ΙII – e-Masterclass: Υψηλή Στρατηγική Ειρηνικού
Απόσπασμα ΙII - e-Masterclass: Υψηλή Στρατηγική Ειρηνικού…
94419 - You aren’t alone
Loneliness has become a phenomenon of society due to isolation. It means that you don't want to be alone but you are forced to. Isolation in society is
94418 - Amazing Mankind
Far the most people the most important thing for their life is the existence of society. That's why it's impossible for them to conceive the life of Mankind. For them...
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