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75887 - V – e-Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
V - e - Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
75886 - IV – e-Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
IV - e - Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
75885 - III – e-Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
III - e - Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
75884 - II – e-Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
II - e - Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
75883 - I – e-Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
I - e - Μάθημα: Στρατηγική και Ενέργεια της Κύπρου. (Dessin)
75879 - GREAT BRITAIN AND IRISH FREE STATE Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland, signed at London, December 6, 1921.
GREAT BRITAIN AND IRISH FREE STATE Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland, signed at London, December 6, 1921.
75869 - I – e-Masterclass: Ιρλανδίας Παρελθόν. (Dessin)
I - e-Masterclass: Ιρλανδίας Παρελθόν. (Dessin)
75865 - The man from the US
The man from the US
needed something...
75864 - The Irish miracle
Life is rare. This point of Oscar Wilde is fundamental to understanding the Irish miracle. Normally with all the problems which were created by the British policies in time, Ireland should be dead...
75863 - The British genocide
Everybody is talking about the famine in Ireland. But in reality this starvation wasn’t natural. It wasn’t only a disease or even a problem with potatoes. By the way, potatoes had only one century...
75862 - Le bateau du passé
Soudainement la chambre se transforma en navire immobile comme s'il était amarré dans le passé. La lumière s'assombrit comme s'il était dans une cale prêt à partir. Cette immobilité était ...
75861 - Καταγραφή Podcast #46: Επιτυχία Κρόνος 1 – ΑΟΖ Κύπρου
Στο θαλάσσιο οικόπεδο 6, όπου βρίσκεται το κοίτασμα Κρόνος 1, έχουμε επιτέλους τα επίσημα αποτελέσματα, τόσο από την εταιρεία Eni και την εταιρεία TotalEnergies, όσο και από το Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, άρα μπορούμε τώρα να πούμε ότι έχουμε μια συνολική ποσότητα για το φυσικό αέριο της τάξης των 2,5 τρισεκατομμυρίων κυβικών ποδιών (2.5 Tcf)...
75860 - The passion of freedom
The passion of freedom is natural in Irish Faith. From the Viking time, the people of Ireland knew what slavery was. And the word occupation had a meaning in the next centuries. It was the same for the oppression...
75859 - Transcription Podcast #38: Churchill’s Crusade
For Winston Churchill the situation was clear. The Bolsheviks had betrayed the Allies with the Brest-Litovsk Treaty. So he tried many times to convince the government to take the offensive against the Bolsheviks...
75858 - Irish achievements
In 1999, Ireland joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace program.
Since 1999, Ireland has contributed to the NATO-led Kosovo peace keeping force...
75857 - The previous proposition
After the fall of Chamberlain, Winston Churchill formed a National Government. It was an all-party coalition. This was a reason to keep Malcolm MacDonald. His political career was well known in Palestine...
75856 - In the heart of Dublin
In the heart of Dublin, you can find the essence of the Irish spirit. The Churches and the Museums play a fundamental role because they prove that its future has a past and that there is a continuity...
75855 - The Lady in green
Could you please paint me with my umbrella? Is the color fine for you? Because it's a symbol for me. I know that you know that but I wanted to tell you about it, at least one word. Could I also have my lovely hat?...
75854 - The historical step
Ireland needs right now to make a new historical step in its Grand Strategy. Its history was clear even with shadows because the light is powerful. The issue was only a tactical problem or even a proxy...
75853 - The path of the beauty
Before history, you need beauty to make it. And the path of the beauty started in 1916. It was the time of sacrifice, to create the necessary bifurcation for the future. One century later, the strategy...
75852 - L’essence irlandaise
Dans sa mémoire venait s'ancrer l'histoire irlandaise comme si c'était un vaisseau de guerre à la recherche d'un port d'attache où il pourrait enfin vivre sa si précieuse liberté ...
75851 - Transcription Podcast #37: The strange Pact
For the Soviet Union nothing was a borderline. Any move on its chessboard was justified with ideology but it was always the same point of view: the consolidation of its power no matter the prejudices for the others...
75850 - Καταγραφή Podcast #45: Περί Θέλησης
Σε αυτό το podcast θέλουμε να ασχοληθούμε με την έννοια της θέλησης. Η θέληση, παρόλο που δεν φαίνεται τουλάχιστον αρχικά, έχει την ιακανότητα να αλλάξει μερικά δεδομένα και να παρουσιάσει...
75849 - The castle of memory
Ireland is like a castle of memory in the ocean. You can see its loneliness if your thought is oppressed by geography. But if you think about Ireland, in the framework of history, you will discover the knot work of Mankind...
75848 - The Easter Rising
The pivotal moment in modern Irish history was the Eastern Rising. But how to understand this without being in 1916? After one century, it's possible to see the fire in the steel of the time from the perspective of the Rebels...
75847 - La chambre irlandaise
Sans se rendre compte de la bifurcation créée par sa pensée, il se retrouva dans la chambre irlandaise, juste après avoir contemplé le jardin de la mémoire. Il était assis ...
75846 - The Garden of Remembrance
For the warriors of Mankind the whole Ireland looks like the garden of remembrance in Dublin i.e. a tranquil memorial dedicated to the memory of all those who gave their lives for the cause of Irish freedom like...
75845 - History makers
You don’t need only a church and a faith to be a history maker but it’s important when you have to fight with a bigger country than yours. But the point is always the same, you need also Grand Strategy to avoid...
75844 - Transcription Podcast # 36 – The Pact and the Agreement
After the German-Soviet Treaty of Rapallo in 1922, the Treaty of Berlin was signed in 1926. But all this was nothing in comparison with the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939. Because it had two levels. And one of them was the Secret Protocol which was made public ... 75843
75843 - Kilmainham Gaol
Even in prison, you can find a part of Irish history. Sure, it’s different to imagine it but you can if you want to comfort the souls of the innocents and the Righteous who fought for the Independence of Ireland against the inhumane occupation...
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