
75699 - Der Kampf der Seelen

In totalitären Systemen halten sie die Existenz von Seelen für unwichtig. Aber das ist ein Strategischer Fehler...

75699 - The fight of souls

In totalitarian systems, they consider that the existence of souls is not important. But this is a strategic error...

75698 - We will survive

We have decided that we will survive any totalitarian regime, system of barbarity. This is the starting point of every...

75697 - The survivors

For the totalitarian systems, the survivors are a system error...

75696 - The resistance of Latvia

Latvia is not afraid. It knows everything about the barbarity of Russia ...

75695 - e-Μάθημα ΙIΙ: Η μεγάλη εικόνα των Ευαγγελίων. (Dessin)

e-Μάθημα ΙIΙ: Η μεγάλη εικόνα των Ευαγγελίων. (Dessin)

75694 - e-Μάθημα ΙΙ: Η μεγάλη εικόνα των Ευαγγελίων. (Dessin)

e-Μάθημα ΙΙ: Η μεγάλη εικόνα των Ευαγγελίων. (Dessin)

75693 - e-Μάθημα Ι: Η μεγάλη εικόνα των Ευαγγελίων. (Dessin)

e-Μάθημα Ι: Η μεγάλη εικόνα των Ευαγγελίων. (Dessin)

75692 - Music against barbarity

In slavery states, art is always filled with health and happiness. This motif represents an obsession. Everyone has to be healthy and of course happy. There is no choice. But in Mankind, the situation is totally different...

75691 - Musique de chambre

Les instruments qui étaient dans la pièce représentaient le complémentaire des tableaux. Ces derniers appartenaient au passé comme les premiers au futur. Les tableaux ...

75690 - Stay with us

If you really want to save lives even in this war of Mankind...

75689 - The human resistance

Even if we are only humans we can resist to barbarity...

75688 - Active measures

In the active measures, we can find the promotion of terrorism...

75687 - The process of dehumanization

The Soviet propaganda was made to justify political repressions...

75686 - War of Mankind

Barbarity with Soviet Union declared war to Mankind....

75683 - Ain’t my fault

The slogan of the Soviet spirit is always: ain’t my fault...

75682 - Viktor, the warrior

In September 2004, Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin...

75682 - Viktor, der Krieger

Im September 2004 wurde Viktor Juschtschenko mit Dioxin vergiftet...

75681 - Kremlin’s denial

Kremlin’s denial is constant from the past until now...

75679 - Dirty system

Always the same idea in the core of the Soviet system...

75678 - New society and great family

Good propaganda had to instill hope. This hope was the new society...

75677 - Old new man

In the propaganda of the Soviet Union the idea of the  newman was crucial. In this system, everything had to be new...

75676 - Russian shame

At the beginning, the Kremlin said that the invasion in Ukraine was only a special military operation and that it was a duty to liberate the poor Ukrainians from the government of Kyiv...

75675 - Losing their religion

After so many errors and failures the Soviet spirit changed because it saw that its believers started to lose their religion. With all the atrocities and even the genocides, it was impossible to continue with the same way...

75674 - American archives

When we are fighting against totalitarian regimes it's important to have access to historical archives. Because of the supremacy of propaganda in space, time became the place of the resistance...

75673 - Artificial Heaven

As Heaven was impossible for Soviets, they had to create artificial heaven to convince their believers. It was the place of forced happiness. And it was the same for all the workers. That’s why forced work was...

75667 - La libération de l’essence

À travers l'œuvre picturale, il ne voyait que trop bien l'importance de la libération de l'essence. Avant le croquis, le dessin, l'étude préparatoire, elle était comme confinée ...

75666 - Beyond Acheson plans

The first invasion of Cyprus can be considered as the execution...

75665 - Turkey and Soviets

1964: Change of phase. Turkey became a priority of the Soviet Union. The Soviets started talking about the rights of the two national communities. Gromyko said even more...

75664 - Cyprus and Soviets

After the independence the interests of Soviets in Cypriot affairs became strategic...

75663 - Truman Doctrine

We have to protect and help peoples to maintain their free institutions...

75662 - Declassified documents

Before the declassification of Soviet – era documents it was impossible to prove in an objective way...

75661 - Strategic errors

The Greek Democratic Army was completely controlled by the Greek Communist Party and it was assisted  by the new communist regimes of Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia always, under the control of Big Brother i.e. the Soviet Union...

75660 - Resistance against Soviet expansion

Europe was always the target of the Soviet expansion The US knew this dogma...

75659 - II – e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

II - e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

75658 - I – e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

I - e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

75657 - The losers of Yalta

Yalta was a defeat for some countries that were convinced to belong to the Eastern Bloc. But Yalta rejected them officially. The communists of those countries had felt that it was possible to get one victory...

75656 - Soviet propaganda

From the start due to the low level of the strategy which was fragile, the Soviet Union had to use propaganda. For its system deception was natural. When it’s impossible to change the reality, it’s possible to change its interpretation in the brain of the victims. The paradox is that the first victims belong to the system. They were of course...

75655 - Transcription of #31 Podcast: The unique Party

In order to avoid its isolation, the Soviet System tried to create communist revolutions in the countries of its enemies. It set up the Comintern. The Communist International was totally controlled...

75652 - The dragons stay alive

Chinese forces are playing go game with Taiwan. They have essentially encircled Taiwan with their military exercises. It’s a demonstration of their power in a rather direct way...