26336 - Stalinism and Kemalism

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

Whoever has not yet understood that the common element of Stalinism and Kemalism is genocide and that this derives structurally from the partisan attitude, they try even in our days to give excuses for the inadmissible. If genocide and the persecutions were so effective against the victims, it was simply that the ideology of a system enforcement without the people’s acceptance was leading to this outcome. The agreements that were made between those regimes but of course with Hitler also in the second period, they always had the goal for the people’s wretchedness in order to force them to accept an unacceptable and inhumane system which would conclude to genocides. The most incredible is that the victims of persecutions that were found in the Soviet Union, after the genocide, have been subjected to the Stockholm Syndrome, and still look at in a friendly manner the partisan systems which have as models Stalin and Kemal as if they didn’t understand what happened. And even now they don’t see that these ardent partisans are simple the epiphenomenon of a hardcore structure which is made to destroy peoples with the pretext of equality which is converted into a cue: everyone the same, everyone dead.