27105 - The Kurdish existential war

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

It is difficult for many people to imagine a people without a country but from what it seems now it is even more difficult to accept that the people itself is obtaining gradually with its struggle and its sacrifices not only a country but also a state. Because very simply the Kurds struggle indeed against the terrorist group Daesh and the turkish power. They know that non of the two want even to exist. For this reason the kurdish war is existential. The Kurds want to live free in a historical region. There is no reason to accept the violation of their rights. There simply is so much misinformation on behalf of Turkey that we don’t understand that the Kurds are building gradually their structures even if they don’t have many means. But the reality has changed. And it would be good to know it too. We are no longer in a neutral phase for this case and we continue to ignore fundamental elements. So the Kurds are not going to stop as long as they don’t have an official homeland, namely recognized by everyone. They are already working with de facto at many points, it is the de jure that they seek for now.