Barbarity expresses itself also with societies and religions based on hedonophobia. This abnormal, excessive and ...
85079 - From the pleasure to the liberation
The pleasure plays a key role in the History of Humanity. This does not mean that it is the only concept which has an intrinsic value as it was said by the axiological hedonism....
85078 - The gifts of Mankind
The body is a gift to the soul, not a jail. So if you can use it, do it and this will be a proof that you deserve this gift. When you valorize a gift, it's in fact the Eucharist....
85077 - Against tabu
The use of tabu is a barbaric way to work against Humanity. When a society needs tabu, it’s only when it wants to be different from Mankind. Because Mankind doesn’t need tabu...
85076 - The astounding gift
If you have access to an instrument and you don’t play music, it’s not only a waste of time but also the deny of an astounding gift. This is the same for your body and your mind...
85075 - The joy of pleasure
There is no knowledge that you can learn without pleasure. This pleasure is a part of the joy which belongs to harmony...
85074 - The workout
Don’t see the workout only as a period of physical exercise or even training. Think of it as the duration of your relation ...
85073 - With the Exercises
With the Exercises you can meet more often what it’s known as the open universe. Don’t see them as challenges or tasks. They exist ...
85072 - The Exercises and the Work
You know the Acts but you didn’t realize that they constitute Exercises for the Work. The Acts are an example of what you ...
85071 - The immobile mission
To feel the dilation of Time, you have to use the immobile mission and you will see the power of the link. For that, valorize the diamond-shaped ...
85070 - The expansion and the salvation
If you have a feature, a framework, a model or even a main point and an essential part, use it to discover the open universe. Because ...
85069 - The essence of the intercourse
The ancient texts emphasize the role of the essence of the intercourse. They mentioned the precious fluids and their properties. They ...
85068 - The huge puzzle
In real life, we can see only small parts of the huge puzzle of the open universe. And the moments that it's possible to have access with ...
85067 - The holistic vision
The holistic vision is possible only after the universal approach because you have all the pieces of the puzzle and you can see that it is ...
85066 - The universal approach
The paradox with the universal approach is that it’s more related to the notion of intersection than to the notion of union even if it consists ...
85065 - At the same time
A book in one field, can be a monography. But many books in many fields are traces of the essence. This is also a way to figure out the invisible ...
85064 - The books of light
When you have the books, you can at least see their size and their number even if you aren't able to understand them. You have access ...
85063 - The precious traces
Due to the invisible facts, the traces are precious. The ancient texts are also traces. More generally, the books are the precious traces ...
85062 - The invisible facts
The properties of a gifted are invisible facts. Someone else who is not gifted has to overpass terrible difficulties to understand a part ...
85061 - The value of the offering
There is another point which is crucial and this is the conscience of the value of the offering. Because even if the offering exists, it’s ...
85060 - Protection and dissemination
When the knowledge is accessible then the notions of protection and dissemination are activated. The protection comes from the respect ...
85059 - Extraordinary powers
Everybody is sensible to the power in any sense of that notion. So it was relevant to imagine the existence of extraordinary powers...
85058 - Beyond the completion
It's possible now to see the completion as a terminus and the perfection as a way to go beyond. In reality, perfection is beyond the completion. Completion ...
85057 - The non-dual state of bliss
It’s looks like a paradox to see the non-dual state of bliss as a tool to get vacuity. But it’s in fact a transcendental way to liberate the souls...
85056 - Pleasure and liberation
In ancient text, it’s possible to see the notions of pleasure and liberation as opposite. As if they are the final target of a school or a tradition...
85055 - The notion of sacrifice
If something it’s impossible via a linear and frontal way, tradition found a way to get it is the sacrifice. You need to give something, to ...
85054 - From tradition to innovation
It’s important to understand that there is a continuity between tradition and innovation. The same concepts are present in both of them...
85053 - The traditional way
The traditional way is not unique. There are many traditions which are useful in the soul's issue. This is, by the way, the reason of the ...
85052 - The multiplicity of tradition
Tradition is also a manifold. In one word, we can have many traditions. So even when we talk about the traditional way, we have to ...
85051 - Soul’s exercises
In life, it’s hard to imagine that soul’s exercises exist. But the tradition in Mankind and all the knowledge of Time says that it’s possible ...
85050 - The exoteric knowledge
If you want to keep the knowledge for yourself in an esoteric manner, you will not help Humanity because only the exoteric knowledge ...
85049 - The use of koans
The use of koans is one method to conduct the local darkness to the global light and the enlightenment. This use is also a kind of mental ...
85048 - The role of conscience
The role of conscience is crucial. The problem is when there is a lack in the direction and you try to impose an arbitrary morality ...
85047 - Follow the tradition
If you follow the tradition, you will be on the path of innovation because it’s its continuity. If you hear someone who insults tradition ...
85046 - In front of the river
In front of the river, you always have the choice. To use or not. It’s the same with Time. Time is always with us. So the problem remains ...
85045 - The power of the Faith
In the ancient text, the power of the Faith is a fact. Of course it isn’t obvious for someone who isn’t a believer but it remains a fact and ...
85044 - IV – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
IV - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
85043 - III – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
III - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
85042 - II – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
II - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
85041 - I – e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
I - e-Μάθημα: Κατά Ιωάννην. 5.35. (Dessin)
85040 - The shape of soul
The shape of soul is visible only in Time. It's like a piece of music when you see only the score, you are able to listen to its sound, only ...
85039 - The structure of the symphony
You can go inside the structure of the symphony as if it was a temple. It’s an one chamber structure but so huge that you need an orchestra ...
85038 - The Time of Mankind
When you are trying to live in society, the most important thing seems to be the space but with Mankind, you discover that the Time is even more important...
85037 - e-Leçon V : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
e-Leçon V : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
85036 - e-Leçon IV : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
e-Leçon IV : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
85035 - e-Leçon III : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
e-Leçon III : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
85034 - e-Leçon II : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
e-Leçon II : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
85033 - e-Leçon I : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
e-Leçon I : Introduction aux origines des Esséniens. (Dessin)
85032 - The energy of the subtle body
The seek of a powerful force conducted to the knowledge of the anatomy of the human body at all the levels which were susceptible ...
85031 - The Greatness
Support: the limitless teachings.
Practice: the benefit of self and others...
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