Κι αν αλλάζεις
κάθε μέρα
θα είμαι
πάντα ...
81296 - Οι μετέωρες μπάλες
Οι μετέωρες μπάλες
είχαν ταυτόχρονα
την ικανότητα ...
81292 - I – e-Μάθημα: Ασύγκριτα πλεονεκτήματα. (Dessin)
I - e-Μάθημα: Ασύγκριτα πλεονεκτήματα. (Dessin)
81291 - I – e-Μάθημα: Ασύγκριτα πλεονεκτήματα. (Dessin)
I - e-Μάθημα: Ασύγκριτα πλεονεκτήματα. (Dessin)
81284 - Η συμβουλή
Η συμβουλή
που δεν ακολουθεί
ένας αθώος ...
81282 - Shield volcano
It's impossible for you to see the gift
of a shield volcano...
81281 - Polar desert
For you Mankind is only the population.
In reality you forget the dead and the unborn people...
81280 - The sword of the soul
I'm living already one thousand years
and I saw many bodies
but only a few souls. ...
81279 - The respect of the body
The respect of the body is important
because it’s a gift for your soul. ...
81278 - The new shape
It’s difficult for you to imagine the shape of the soul. ...
81277 - e-Μάθημα IΙ: Διάσωση ψυχών. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα IΙ: Διάσωση ψυχών. (Dessin)
81276 - e-Μάθημα Ι: Διάσωση ψυχών. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα Ι: Διάσωση ψυχών. (Dessin)
81275 - The love of light
The light is too tough for your soul.
It's impossible to open your eyes...
81274 - In the society
You have been abused.
You thought that you were in the society of happiness...
81273 - In the mass
For so many years, you were in the mass.
For you it was easy to be confused...
81272 - Alone
For many years you were alone.
You thought that your family was sufficient...
81271 - The Reconstruction of Faith
After the absolute interdiction of any religion
except the religion of barbarity ...
81270 - The sacred night
Open your wings.
This is the sacred night.
So be ready to fly...
81269 - Nocturne
Even in the darkest night,
you are my light
because your soul is a gift for me ...
81268 - Corpus
For the access to the Corpus,
you have to be a soul.
Only light can see it. ...
81267 - Mens
You can ask freely what you want
but you have to listen to the advice ...
81266 - Opus
You can see freely the Opus.
This is an open source. ...
81265 - The new show
The new room is your choice
as always.
The beauty in the truth ...
81264 - The other side
You always want the light
even in the darkness
to see my face, my smile and my body. ...
81263 - e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση: The miracle. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση: The miracle. (Dessin)
81262 - e-Μάθημα V: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα V: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
81261 - e-Μάθημα IV: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα IV: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
81260 - e-Μάθημα III: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα III: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
81259 - e-Μάθημα II: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα II: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
81258 - 81258 – e-Μάθημα I: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα I: Ανάλυση: SIQ [sic]. (Dessin)
81257 - e-Μάθημα IV: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα IV: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
81256 - e-Μάθημα III: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα III: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
81255 - e-Μάθημα II: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα II: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
81254 - e-Μάθημα I: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα I: Η γέφυρα των συναισθημάτων ΧIV. (Dessin)
81253 - The fingers of essence
For you it is maybe a tough way
but for me is the way ...
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