When you think deeper…
94554 - Λίβανος, Χεζμπολάχ, Τουρκία και Κομισιόν
Λίβανος, Χεζμπολάχ, Τουρκία και Κομισιόν…
94541 - The souls never forget
The souls are not only immortal, they never forget because they know that...
94540 - Freedom against division
There is no need to be divided. We can be together and free. Freedom is made for all in a Democracy. Division creates...
94520 - Fascism and Communism
It's now clear for almost everybody that Fascism and Communism are enemies of Humanity. There is no choice to make. Both of them are the worst things...
94519 - Times Square
For many people, it’s difficult to imagine the reality of the concept of Humanity. They need a help to conceive...
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