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Επιλέξτε γλώσσα μέσα απο το app ανάμεσα στα Αγγλικά, Ελληνικά και Γαλλικά.
#68: The language as human resistance in China
#67: The starting point of seismic surveys in Greece
#66 Russian sexual barbarity against Ukraine
#65: The reality of the Treaties of Lausanne (1923) and Paris (1947)
#57: Analysis of the Novel – The sacred freedom. Part III: Fire and Light
#54: Analysis of the Novel – The sacred freedom. Part I
#53: Analysis of the Telegram from the Department of State to Secretary of State Rusk, at The Hague Washington, May 10, 1964, 3:25 p.m.
#46: Telegram from the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State, Geneva, August 15, 1964, 7:30 p.m.
#45: Analysis of the Telegram from the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State, Athens, August 9, 1964, 2 p.m.
#24: With us Richard Mulholland – Life and Death in Mankind and Metagame in Strategy. Part II. 02/07/2022
#23: With us Richard Mulholland – Life and Death in Mankind and Metagame in Strategy. Part I
#21: Analysis of Minutes of Meeting of the Washington Special Actions Group. Washington, July 18, 1974, 11:41 a.m.–12:22 p.m.
#20: When the picture is bigger than life. EO Unlimited Santorini 2022
#19: Analysis of Analysis of Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State Kissinger and British Foreign Secretary Callaghan July 17, 1974, 2:50 p.m.
#18: Analysis of the Minutes of Meeting of the Washington Special Actions Group. Washington, July 17, 1974, 10:10–10:48 a.m.
#17: Analysis of the Telegram from the Embassy in Turkey to the Department of State. Ankara, July 17, 1974 , 1329Z
#16: Analysis of “Minutes of Meeting of the Washington Special Actions Group. Washington, July 15, 1974, 10:18–10:43 a.m.”
#15: Analysis of the Memorandum from the Counselor of the Department of State (Sonnenfeldt) to Secretary of State Kissinger Washington, July 29, 1974
#14: Analysis of the Letter from Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev to President Nixon Moscow, July 23, 1974
#13: Analysis of the Letter from President Nixon to Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev San Clemente, July 21, 1974
#12: Analysis of the Note from the Counselor of the Department of State (Sonnenfeldt) to Secretary of State Kissinger Washington, July 21, 1974
#11: Analysis of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State Kissinger and United Nations Secretary General Waldheim. July 16, 1974, 11:50 a.m.
#10: Analysis of telephone conversation Secretary of State Kissinger and the Soviet Ambassador (Dobrynin). Washington, July 15, 1974, 5:30 p.m.
# 1 : Strategic analysis of the invasion in Ukraine
#2: Reflexions on Russian shift in strategy
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