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#178: We have solutions for the Climate change but we have to apply them

#178: We have solutions for the Climate change but we have to apply them

#177: Strategy is bigger than Politics

#177: Strategy is bigger than Politics

#175: About the structure of Human Resources

#175: About the structure of Human Resources

#174: About flaws and how to manage them

#174: About flaws and how to manage them

#173: The contribution of subscribers

#173: The contribution of subscribers

#167: The depth and the contributions of India

#167: The depth and the contributions of India

#166 The agreement between Israel and Musk for the use of Starlink in Gaza

#166 The agreement between Israel and Musk for the use of Starlink in Gaza

#164: The agreement is only a brief pause of the war

#164: The agreement is only a brief pause of the war

#162: China is attacking the US in a communication war

#162: China is attacking the US in a communication war

#158: Middle East: Solution, Tactics and Grand Strategy

#158: Middle East: Solution, Tactics and Grand Strategy

#157 Frictions between politics and geopolitics

#157 Frictions between politics and geopolitics

#155: The difference between the Us and Israel and the essence of their position

#155: The difference between the Us and Israel and the essence of their position

#151: Analysis of the notion of occupation in geopolitics and strategic games

#151: Analysis of the notion of occupation in geopolitics and strategic games

#147: Resolution of global problem via local solutions

#147: Resolution of global problem via local solutions

#144: Global versus local analysis in Geopolitics

#144: Global versus local analysis in Geopolitics

#143: Strategy inside and outside the chessboard

#143: Strategy inside and outside the chessboard

#142: The protection of democracies against barbarity

#142: The protection of democracies against barbarity

#133: Analysis of the terrorist attack against Israel

#133: Analysis of the terrorist attack against Israel
#109 podcast

#109: The unacceptable alliance of Russia with North Korea

#109: The unacceptable alliance of Russia with North Korea

#104: The Work and the Souls With us Podcast

#104: The Work and the Souls With us Podcast

#92: Walk through Forest in Wind and Snow (Clarinet)

#92: Walk through Forest in Wind and Snow (Clarinet)

#91: In the Heart of the Time | Castle Ambience for Mind (Cello)

#91: In the Heart of the Time | Castle Ambience for Mind (Cello)

#86: Ukrainian Resistance against Russian Barbarity

#86: Ukrainian Resistance against Russian Barbarity