72798 - Russia will bite
Russia will bite the dust...
Russia will bite the dust...
Η προστασία της Μολδαβίας...
Now the Kremlin has set...
Now it’s obvious that the Kremlin...
The Kremlin tries to cement...
Ukrainian World Congress - Світови́й Конґре́с Украї́нців нагороджує Нікоса Лігероса ювілейною відзнакою "200 років з дня народження Тараса Шевченка"
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine characterizes as genocide the invasion of Russian forces. As the sole legislative body of Ukraine, it condemned the official policy of Russian Federation which tries...
If you can’t see the future now, you can prepare it with strategy and understand how important are for Europe the agrarian products and the energy resources. Ukraine is a gift for Europe and not only a constraint...