
6 - Proposta

Un insegnamento veramente didattico deve avere implicito un approccio euristico. Tuttavia il semplice contatto con la ricerca, anche se è effettivo; non ...

6 - Proposition

A truly didactic education owes to include a heuristic approach. However, merely communicating with the research, is not sufficient, even if it is effective; ...

5 - The notion of the black hole

Many epistemologists begin their historical introduction presenting it as the first significant idea, the birth of this abstract conception, the black ...

5 - Η έννοια της μαύρης οπής

Πολλοί επιστημολόγοι αρχίζουν την ιστορική τους εισαγωγή παρουσιάζοντας σαν πρώτη σημαντική ιδέα, τη γέννηση αυτής της αφηρημένης σύλληψης, τη μαύρη οπή, ...

5 - Il concetto del buco nero

Molti epistemologi cominciano la loro introduzione storica presentando come importante idea iniziale, la nascita di questa concezione astratta di LAPLACE ...

4 - The contribution of Einstein in science

In 1879 on March 14, Albert Einstein was born in the town OULM of Germany. He spent his childhood in Munich, where his father ran a small electromechanical ...

4 - Η συμβολή του Αϊνστάιν στις επιστήμες

Το 1879 στις 14 Μαρτίου γεννήθηκε ο Albert Einstein στην πόλη OULM της Γερμανίας. Πέρασε τα παιδικά του χρόνια στο Μόναχο, όπου ο πατέρας του διηύθυνε ...

4 - Il contributo di Einstein nella scienza

Nel 1879 ed il 14 di Marzo nacque Albert Einstein nella città tedesca OULM. Visse l’infanzia a Monaco, ove il padre gestiva una piccola azienda elettromeccanica. ...

e-Lektion I: Bach: Willst du dein Herz mir schenken. (Dessin)

e-Lektion I: Bach: Willst du dein Herz mir schenken. (Dessin)

ATACMS, χρήση και επιπτώσεις για την Ελλάδα

ATACMS, χρήση και επιπτώσεις για την Ελλάδα.