
75664 - Cyprus and Soviets

After the independence the interests of Soviets in Cypriot affairs became strategic...

75663 - Truman Doctrine

We have to protect and help peoples to maintain their free institutions...

75662 - Declassified documents

Before the declassification of Soviet – era documents it was impossible to prove in an objective way...

75661 - Strategic errors

The Greek Democratic Army was completely controlled by the Greek Communist Party and it was assisted  by the new communist regimes of Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia always, under the control of Big Brother i.e. the Soviet Union...

75660 - Resistance against Soviet expansion

Europe was always the target of the Soviet expansion The US knew this dogma...

75659 - II – e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

II - e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

75658 - I – e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

I - e-Μάθημα: Συμπαράσταση υπέρ παρηγοριάς. (Dessin)

75657 - The losers of Yalta

Yalta was a defeat for some countries that were convinced to belong to the Eastern Bloc. But Yalta rejected them officially. The communists of those countries had felt that it was possible to get one victory...

75656 - Soviet propaganda

From the start due to the low level of the strategy which was fragile, the Soviet Union had to use propaganda. For its system deception was natural. When it’s impossible to change the reality, it’s possible to change its interpretation in the brain of the victims. The paradox is that the first victims belong to the system. They were of course...

75655 - Transcription of #31 Podcast: The unique Party

In order to avoid its isolation, the Soviet System tried to create communist revolutions in the countries of its enemies. It set up the Comintern. The Communist International was totally controlled...

75652 - The dragons stay alive

Chinese forces are playing go game with Taiwan. They have essentially encircled Taiwan with their military exercises. It’s a demonstration of their power in a rather direct way...

75651 - Le fauteuil du futur

La chaise n'était plus suffisante pour contempler l'œuvre. Rapidement l'idée du fauteuil devint une nécessité. Chaque nouveau dessin, chaque nouveau croquis lui rappelait son existence. Il devait ...

75650 - In the desert

In the desert, ideology is useless...

75649 - Waiting for Russia

At the start of the invasion in Ukraine, China accepted even its timing...

75648 - Freedom and Democracy

Freedom is forbidden in red States. But Democracy is simply unknown...

75647 - Life without soul

For the Soviet spirit the soul is forbidden. That’s why even now, for Russia...

75646 - Human essence

Human essence is precious because it’s not a human creation...

75645 - Russian casualties

For Russia it’s impossible to say the truth and especially for its own casualties. This is a tradition from the Soviet Union...

75644 - III – e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση του Άσματος Ασμάτων. (Dessin)

III - e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση του Άσματος Ασμάτων. (Dessin)

75643 - II – e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση του Άσματος Ασμάτων. (Dessin)

II - e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση του Άσματος Ασμάτων. (Dessin)

75642 - I – e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση του Άσματος Ασμάτων. (Dessin)

I - e-Μάθημα: Ανάλυση του Άσματος Ασμάτων. (Dessin)

75641 - Freedom in the World

It was common in Soviet Union to donate monuments to countries which were even partially controlled by its system.  Soviet Union ...

75640 - Étude préparatoire

Cette étude préparatoire était différente car elle avait en elle la notion d'auto-référence. La représentation choisie devait comporter le bureau sur lequel elle serait conçue par la suite. À cet instant, il eut ...

75639 - Pseudo-referenda

Russia has the tradition to use pseudo-referenda in the occupied territories to legitimate the situation. This method is also used in the context of the annexation...

75638 - e-Μάθημα IIΙ: Κατά Ματθαίον ΧΧVΙΙΙ – 11.21 – 12.2 (Dessin)

e-Μάθημα IIΙ: Κατά Ματθαίον ΧΧVΙΙΙ – 11.21 - 12.2 (Dessin)

75637 - e-Μάθημα IΙ: Κατά Ματθαίον ΧΧVΙΙΙ – 11.21 – 12.2 (Dessin)

e-Μάθημα IΙ: Κατά Ματθαίον ΧΧVΙΙΙ – 11.21 - 12.2 (Dessin)

75636 - e-Μάθημα Ι: Κατά Ματθαίον ΧΧVΙΙΙ – 11.21 – 12.2 (Dessin)

e-Μάθημα Ι: Κατά Ματθαίον ΧΧVΙΙΙ – 11.21 - 12.2 (Dessin)

75634 - State sponsor of terrorism

It's strange that for the moment only four countries are labeled....

75633 - Cold warriors

Against the means of propaganda, we have to be cold warriors even after the end and the fall of the Soviet Union. Because the Soviet dreams are still here. They always use the same techniques i.e. victimization...

75632 - The mechanisms of partisan bias

It’s difficult to realize how the mechanism of partisan bias works but it’s important to study it if we want to understand the past of the Cold war but also its future. Because the moves of Russia or China...

75631 - Cyclic form in politics

Usually we use the expression cyclic form as an attempt of musical composition in which a theme occurs in more than one movement as a unifying device. But it is of course possible to study it in politics...

75630 - Rules and neuropolitics

Simple rules can create complex situations and not only in strategic games. In real life it’s possible to find many examples of that type. Concretely this means that it is easier to try to understand...

75627 - American Duty

The Soviet Union never understood the position of the US about Europe. In a system which was working ...

75626 - Remarks and Facts

WWI: 1914 - 1918 WWII: 1939 - 1945...

75625 - Κυπριακές Εκλογές – Ένσταση 7

Τώρα που ετοιμαζόμαστε σιγά σιγά όλοι για τις κυπριακές εκλογές, βλέπουμε ότι διαμορφώνεται μια κατάσταση η οποία για μας είναι επικίνδυνη και αφορά την ικανότητα διαχείρισης ενός κράτους...

75624 - Strategic reciprocity

The Europeans wanted, of course, to ensure that the United States would automatically come to their assistance. This was clear from the beginning. They knew what they had done in WW I and WWII and they had...

75623 - The European initiative

Due to Soviet propaganda, normal people are convinced that the creation of NATO was an american idea. In fact, it’s false. The Treaty between France and the United Kingdom in 1947 and its generalization...

75622 - Transcription of #30 Podcast – The resistance of consciousness

Even if the majority was blind and underestimated this red mentation which was from the beginning against history, some people realized that it was important to resist...

75620 - The many faces War

In the Soviet spirit everything was possible in order to confirm the supremacy of this unique party...

75619 - The struggle

The struggle was clear. At that time the problem was the contamination...

75618 - Le nouveau péplos

Il venait de lire des études sur l'Antiquité grecque avant d'ouvrir son carnet pour faire des croquis sur cette tunique féminine de style dorien. Le péplos qu'il avait en tête devait être à la fois ...

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