When we study all the dirty operations of the Soviet Union,
it’s natural to have some questions of credibility of this system...
75613 - Soviet Dirty operations
It’s impossible to imagine how many Soviet dirty operations were even in the United States of America. The KGB tried to influence the Communist Party USA, Martin Luther King Junior. But it failed...
75612 - Operation Denver
The Operation Denver was an active measure disinformation campaign. It was an idea of the KGB in the 1980s. They wanted to show that the United States had invented HIV/AIDS...
75611 - The puppetmaster
From the beginning, in the Ante Cold War, the Soviet intelligence was interested in Britain, France, Germany and of course the United States in the fields of military and industrial affairs...
75610 - Save Mankind
In Russia and in China a lot of people said that
for so many years that History is dead or even that it had to be killed...
75609 - The love of Mankind
If you feel the love of Mankind
it’s impossible for you to accept the positions...
75608 - The Soviet tail
According to the Russian government’s declassified material,
the Soviet Union tested about 1000 nuclear devices between 1949 and 1990...
75607 - Soviet espionage
The contributions of the Soviet espionage were huge in different fields. And this point is in fact a proof that the Soviet system knew the level of its scientists. It didn’t trust them in finding how to create...
75606 - Intelligence against Propaganda
The US had the intelligence to create the atomic bomb and the Soviet Union the spies to copy it. It was already a big difference. But the US had also the counterintelligence which was intended to decrypt...
75605 - Soviet nuclear weapon
As usual, in Soviet Union, everything was classified and especially the Soviet atomic bomb project. Of course, this one had nothing to do with the Manhattan Project...
75604 - Atomic memory
It's important to keep in mind a decision which has changed the history of the world. Because for Humanity it was a step of conscience. It's death wasn't more a taboo. People had to know that even...
75603 - L’amour des pinceaux
Il pensa que même ceux qui aimaient la peinture ne s'occupaient guère de la qualité des pinceaux. Ils avaient sans doute l'impression que leurs traces n'étaient pas visibles. Aussi ils ne ...
75602 - The Ukrainian strategic initiative
Ukraine takes sente and Russia have to play gote to save itsa stones in some regions on the goban. Ukraine ...
75601 - Turkey as the Russian muppet
It's not a surprise of course but it's really funny to see Russia praising Turkey for its role in brokering the deal ...
75600 - Irresponsible positions
The Chinese Communist Party regards Taiwan as its territory despite the fact that it was never controlled by its army. It's a characteristic for the ...
75599 - In the battle
It's not a question of willingness.
In the battle, you will need your belt...
75598 - So close to the source
When you are so close to the source
you can feel its power ...
75597 - Iron Love
The iron love was ready.
This was the first surprise for you...
75596 - e-Μάθημα: Στρατηγική μέλλοντος. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα: Στρατηγική μέλλοντος. (Dessin)
75595 - The smile
You never thought
that a smile could be iconic...
75594 - The contact with the Giant
The contact with the Giant was strange.
The first time it was simply incredible...
75594 - Der Kontakt mit dem Riesen
Der Kontakt mit dem Riesen war seltsam.
Das erste Mal war es einfach unglaublich...
75593 - In the desert
Only in the desert you are not alone.
Because there you can feel the end of your dream...
75592 - The Digital Cooperation Organization and Cyprus
The Digital Cooperation Organization was found in November 2020 by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait and ...
75591 - Playing with fire
China wants to threaten Taiwan. It’s obvious but it’s really insufficient. And the reason is simple. Nationalists and ...
75590 - Δεν θα βρεις αλλού αγάπη
Δεν θα βρεις αλλού αγάπη
σαν αυτή που πρόδωσες ...
75589 - Είναι βαρύς ο ουρανός
Είναι βαρύς ο ουρανός
κι αν κλαίει απελπισμένα ...
75588 - Μια φορά μονάχα φτάνει
Το έλεγε ο ποιητής
ότι μια φορά μονάχα φτάνει ...
75587 - Απόψε κλείσαν οι ουρανοί
Πάνω στον πίνακα του ποιητή
κλείσαν οι ουρανοί ...
75586 - Sur l’art pictural
Il s'approcha du tableau mental et se posa la question de la nature de l'art pictural. Il ne s'agissait pas simplement d'une représentation ou même d'une simulation de la réalité. Il y avait quelque ...
75585 - Harmony and sente against invasion
A harmonious position in Go Game is not just an aesthetic quality but rather a balance in the overall strategic connection of the stones. That’s why in the opening we try to place the stones...
75584 - Neural network and strategy
If we realize that a neural network can learn to recognize objects in less than one hundred lines of codes and also that after training it is characterized by millions of weights that contain...
75583 - A precious and dangerous weapon
The Russian forces set fire to the prison to avoid leaving any trace of their acts of barbarity. And they accuse Ukraine for an alleged precision strike using western military equipment...
75582 - Fake Nuclear fear
The Russian forces as a soviet system, want to use the nuclear fear to demolish Western will to provide military support to a Ukraine counterattack. As they don’t want to directly use...
75581 - Με το έργο της γλυπτικής
Στην αρχή δεν αντιλαμβάνεσαι
πόσο ουσιαστικός είναι...
75580 - Πέρα της κληρονομιάς
Ήταν σπάνιοι αυτοί που συνειδητοποιούσαν
ότι η διαθήκη ήταν πάντα...
75579 - Το σκληρό ξύλο
Το σκληρό ξύλο ήταν αρχικά ανώνυμο.
Αλλά μετά το λάξευμα που έγινε...
75578 - e-Μάθημα: Εξωτερική πολιτική και γεωπολιτική. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα: Εξωτερική πολιτική και γεωπολιτική. (Dessin)
75577 - Vom Druck zur Blockade
China sagte, seine Übungen seien eine Simulation einer Luft-und Seeblockade um Taiwan herum. Dieser Druck ist für einen totalitären Staat gegen eine Demokratie natürlich...
75577 - From pressure to blockade
China said that its exercises are a simulation of an air and sea blockade around Taiwan. This pressure is natural for a totalitarian State against a democracy. Because in its mind, it’s the easiest way to get a result quickly...
75576 - Live fire exercises
The totalitarian systems love special military operations and live-fire exercises. This is their method when proxy wars are no more efficient and relevant to get the results they want...
75575 - L’essence de la peinture
Dans son petit atelier, il était assis à son bureau. À gauche, les partitions musicales, juste à côté les carnets qu'il n'avait pas encore utilisés et enfin ses ...
75574 - e-Leçon III: DALF C1 préparation. (Dessin)
e-Leçon III: DALF C1 préparation. (Dessin)
75573 - e-Leçon II: DALF C1 préparation. (Dessin)
e-Leçon II: DALF C1 préparation. (Dessin)
75572 - e-Leçon I: DALF C1 préparation. (Dessin)
e-Leçon I: DALF C1 préparation. (Dessin)
75571 - The paintbrush of life
The command was free. He looks at his paintbrushes...
75570 - Deep History
Don’t waste your time with the news.
You need only Deep History to understand the connection with Grand Strategy...
75569 - Το άλλο μάθημα
Αν σου δώσουν την επιλογή γεύσης παγωτού
μεταξύ σοκολάτας και βανίλιας...
75568 - Άγια Μαρία Μαγδαληνή
Κανένας δεν με είχε προειδοποιήσει.
Κανένας δεν είχε πει ότι μια γυναίκα...
75567 - Der Sieg des Lichts
Der Erste Weltkrieg war am Ende ein Sieg.
Das gleiche geschah für den Zweiten Weltkrieg...
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