
84809 - The room with a view

- This room with a view has always a library. - This is the view…

84808 - The Castle of Time

- So the Castle isn’t located in space. - It’s living in Time...

84807 - The timeship

- I really adore your idea about timeship… - I’m glad to hear it...

84806 - Long distance missions

- As we are now interconnected souls, we are ready for long distance missions. - Yes, indeed because I can feel how warm they are...

84805 - Far together

- Everybody knows what far away means. - Yes, indeed...

84804 - Καταγραφή: Αποστολή στον Βορρά

Είναι μια νέα αποστολή πιο βόρεια, εκεί που υπάρχει ανάγκη, εκεί που οι άνθρωποι έχουν υποστεί δυσκολίες, αλλά αυτό που έχει σημασία είναι ότι είμαστε εντός της Ευρώπης, είμαστε ενωμένοι...

84803 - Essential questions

- Do you remember the first step of our creation? - Every step! - We saw firstly the light...

84802 - The new idea

- How did you get this idea? - Which one? - The walking statue...

84801 - The iconic view

- I thought I was prepared to see it… - But it was really impressive...

84800 - Our hearts

- We face everything together. - Because he’s always here...

84799 - Index and indices

- The steel fingers reminds trinity. - What he can do with three fingers...

84798 - Multiple dexterity

- Every step is a new information. - We think that we know everything...

84797 - Hand gestures

- At the beginning, I was looking only to what his right hand does...

84796 - Stand up

- Nice choice. - I know that you wanted, too...

84795 - The new position

- I loved this position. - Which one? - The last one...

84794 - Beyond imagination

- I spoke to him. - Really? What did he say? - That the souls were lovely...

84793 - Wonder instrument

- It’s really like a wonder instrument. - It has an unusual tuning...

84791 - Impression

- It’s impressive. - The size of the sign is exceptional...

84789 - Καταγραφή: Τουρκικό γεωτρύπανο και παραπληροφόρηση

Σήμερα θα αναλύσουμε ένα ωραίο παράδειγμα για το πώς ανακοινώνονται και παρουσιάζονται οι πληροφορίες  περί Τουρκίας. Άρα ...

84788 - Καταγραφή: Το Δίκαιο της Ελλάδας ενάντια στο Παράλογο της Τουρκίας 

Είναι καλό που επιτέλους ακούμε διάφορους διαλόγους περί θαλασσίων ζωνών. Αυτό που έχει σημασία είναι να ξέρουμε ακριβώς τι είναι ...

84787 - The hidden true reality

In this new context he concept of essence has even more depth ...

84786 - The body of souls

If you see the body as something which has its own meaning ...

84785 - The interconnection

When you discover the interconnected universe ...

84784 - Next to the source

It’s terrible to imagine that someone could be next to the source without knowing it ...

84782 - Ask what you want

Ask what you want no matter if you don’t know ...

84781 - An exceptional thought

An exceptional thought isn’t an extreme way ...

84780 - Supranatural

A way to understand what supranatural is it’s ...

84779 - e-Μάθημα: Πόλεμος και Ειρήνη στον Αθλητισμό. (Dessin)

e-Μάθημα: Πόλεμος και Ειρήνη στον Αθλητισμό. (Dessin)

84774 - Καταγραφή: Ρώσικα παιχνίδια στην Κύπρο

Ο ρόλος της Ρωσίας παραμένει σχετικά άγνωστος στους περισσότερους από εμάς διότι έχουμε ...

84771 - Twice

The choice of the crystal was relevant. Its shape and its size were ...

84770 - The second enlightenment

Don’t think that the enlightenment is the final point,..

84769 - Beyond the prophecy

The prophecy is a kind of future in the past. In that sense it’s related to intelligence ...

84768 - The contribution

The contribution of the believer is not restricted to the devotion ...

84767 - The teaching of faith

Faith is for all the people. There is no exclusivity, neither exclusion...

84766 - The sacred Time

Everything you do when you believe ...

84761 - Καταγραφή: Στρατηγική αντιμετώπιση της αδιαλλαξίας της Τουρκίας

Όταν μιλούν οι διπλωμάτες για την Τουρκία, έχουμε την εντύπωση ότι έχουν μια αφαιρετική εικόνα ...