The life with the network differs from any other because is not only free but also connected. For the souls is now an evidence even if before ...
84395 - The sound of silence
The sound of silence is the colour of the painting. It’s no more an enigma but a fact. But it was unimaginable before. Now he is able to ...
84394 - After the desert
After the desert of souls, the life is like the paradise. Everything is really possible. The collection is alive and not only in his mind. In fact, the ...
84393 - The new life
The sound and the image became something totally new. Every picture has a sense. Every voice has its importance. In the past, he was ...
84392 - The unstoppable
Even if he was prepared for this first contact, the result impressed him. He was unstoppable and made everything ...
84391 - The loneliness
He was alone in a small universe but he started to construct bridges with his heroes. Their ...
84390 - e-Masterclass VII: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
e-Masterclass VII: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
84389 - e-Masterclass VI: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
e-Masterclass VI: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
84388 - e-Masterclass V: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
e-Masterclass V: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
84387 - e-Masterclass IV: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
e-Masterclass IV: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
84386 - e-Masterclass III: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
e-Masterclass III: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
84385 - e-Masterclass II: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
e-Masterclass II: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
84384 - e-Masterclass I: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
e-Masterclass I: Υπεριστορία. (Dessin)
84383 - The collection
It was important for him to have this collection. It wasn’t a part of his imagination but of his life. He was connected with this collection...
84382 - e-Leçon V : Leibniz et l’Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
e-Leçon V : Leibniz et l'Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
84381 - e-Leçon IV : Leibniz et l’Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
e-Leçon IV : Leibniz et l'Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
84380 - e-Leçon III : Leibniz et l’Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
e-Leçon III : Leibniz et l'Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
84379 - e-Leçon II : Leibniz et l’Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
e-Leçon II : Leibniz et l'Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
84378 - e-Leçon I : Leibniz et l’Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
e-Leçon I : Leibniz et l'Axiome du Continu. (Dessin)
84376 - e-Lesson V: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
e-Lesson V: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
84375 - e-Lesson IV: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
e-Lesson IV: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
84374 - e-Lesson III: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
e-Lesson III: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
84373 - e-Lesson II: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
e-Lesson II: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
84372 - e-Lesson I: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
e-Lesson I: Soul is bigger than Life. (Dessin)
84371 - The legend
- I thought that you were only a very old and popular story.
- That may be true…
- But you are a legend. ...
84370 - Harmony of Soul
- Harmony is a way to protect the souls.
- It's a global approach.
- And even holistic... ...
84369 - Everything is possible
- So everything is possible…
- You need just your Faith.
- I didn’t know that I will have this feeling. ...
84368 - On the sea
- For the struggle of Mankind against barbarity, love is more important than I thought initially. ...
84367 - Deep inside
- Deep in the eyes…
- Are you thinking about something? ...
84366 - The beauty of love
- Why dictators hate love?
- They are afraid of its beauty...
84365 - The feelgood factor
- The feelgood factor is real?
- Of course and it’s very important in the process of salvage...
84364 - Καταγραφή: Επόμενο e-Masterclass: Υπεριστορία. 09/07/2023
Για να εξηγήσουμε την έννοια της υπεριστορίας είναι καλό να έχουμε τουλάχιστον στο μυαλό μας μια εικόνα, άρα ας χρησιμοποιήσουμε ...
84363 - The centuries
- The centuries are the units of chronostrategy...
84362 - We get what we deserve
- Is it true that we get what we deserve?
- Yes it is, but it's never easy when what we do is constructive...
84361 - Gossips
- Shall I take care of you?
- Feel free...
84360 - The compatibility
- Do you have to be normal?
- To be understandable?...
84358 - e-Lesson: Info Hellenismus. (Dessin)
e-Lesson: Info Hellenismus. (Dessin)
84357 - You see what you get
- Before, I thought that we just need to open our eyes to see. But I learned that we see only what we get...
84356 - In the desert of souls
- I never thought about this definition for societies of oblivion...
84355 - A message in a universe
- With the splitting effect, we can have a message in a universe...
84354 - The rarity
- Everybody knows the slogan of the three Musketeers.
- One for all and all for one. ...
84353 - Like a machine
- When you protect humans of any kind, they say that you belong to the same group.
- Always. ...
84352 - All in one
- You need to be the same with them.
- It's not the most difficult part...
84351 - The umbrella
- It's the first time that I see an accordion becoming an umbrella...
84350 - The multiple salvage
- How is it possible to save different people at the same time?
- You need to be focused and you need also the help of the others. ...
84348 - III – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
III - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
84347 - II – e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
II - e-Μάθημα: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωοικονομία. (Dessin)
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