Το λευκό το άλογο
μας το έκανε
ένας νονός ...
81396 - Πώς να ξεχάσεις
Πώς να ξεχάσεις
τη Μακεδονία
όταν ακόμα ...
81393 - Και το σπιτάκι μας
Και το σπιτάκι μας
είχε καρδιά ...
81392 - The old Jukebox
The old Jukebox is a part of our memory. ...
81391 - The light of the night
The light of the night transforms it into day. ...
81390 - The memory of the day
Each day should be different
but in society all of them are the same. ...
81389 - Blue rain
Your sun is the blue rain
and you want it every day...
81387 - The unicity of Time
Time is unique.
It's like the truth.
Its polycyclicity is harmonic. ...
81386 - The Lord of Time
The trajectory of liberation is clear.
Time is always with us ...
81385 - Slow motion
Can you imagine your life in slow motion?
Do you think that is impossible?...
81384 - Transcription of Podcast With US #89: History as human trace
In this podcast let’s talk about History. History as a human trace. When we are talking about History, we are talking about writing...
81383 - The future of the taste
Do you have a bad taste in your mouth?
Do you want to change something? ...
81382 - The history of future
You never talk about the history of the future
because you think that it's an oxymoron...
81381 - The taste of History
When you study History you see only the fire
because light needs knowledge...
81377 - Ο άγγελός σου
Ο άγγελός σου
δίπλα σου ...
81376 - Δεν είμαι μόνο
Δεν είμαι μόνο
ο άνθρωπός σου
γιατί είμαι ...
81375 - Πάντα έτοιμος
Πάντα έτοιμος
όπου υπάρχει
ανάγκη ...
81374 - Αν είμαστε εδώ
Αν είμαστε εδώ
και για τις καρδιές ...
81373 - Κι αν λάμπουν
Κι αν λάμπουν
τα μάτια σου
γιατί έμαθες ...
81369 - Πώς να μην αγαπάς
Πώς να μην αγαπάς
τον κυρ Θάνο ...
81367 - Heroes
Heroes you can find the solution
even when problems do not have any...
81366 - One thousand years old
Your imagination is too short.
You can't imagine the reality ...
81365 - Love at first sight
It's difficult to explain love at first sight.
It's like a relation with no previous contact...
81364 - The precious gift
A gift is always precious
but for many people it is not obvious...
81363 - e-Μάθημα V: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα V: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
81362 - e-Μάθημα IV: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα IV: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
81361 - e-Μάθημα III: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα III: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
81360 - e-Μάθημα II: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα II: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
81359 - e-Μάθημα I: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα I: Ανάλυση νουβέλας: The power of zero memory II. (Dessin)
81358 - Τhe advice to the believer
As you say that you believe,
things are simple ...
81357 - The decision of the soul
Your soul is already alive forever
so what is your real problem about that?...
81356 - Free willingness
If you think that it's all decided for you
certainly it's impossible for you to escape...
81355 - e-Μάθημα II: Ανάλυση: The power of zero memory. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα II: Ανάλυση: The power of zero memory. (Dessin)
81354 - e-Μάθημα I: Ανάλυση: The power of zero memory. (Dessin)
e-Μάθημα I: Ανάλυση: The power of zero memory. (Dessin)
81353 - The gift of intelligence
Intelligence is not only a solver
but also a savior ...
81352 - The rarity of compassion
In the framework of the deep love, it's possible to
find the compassion even if it’s rare...
81351 - The deep love
Don’t make the mistake to consider
that the deep love is only a kind of love...
81350 - Τρεις γραμμές είδες
Τρεις γραμμές είδες
και φαντάστηκες ...
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