
84880 - Transcription:  Russian support of Turkish barbarity

With the events right now in Cyprus and the problem of the issue of Cyprus, it’s clear that Russia is not able to be a part of the solution ...

84879 - Καταγραφή: Από τη Νορβηγία στη Γερμανία

Η επιστροφή στη Γερμανία δείχνει από μόνη της πώς είναι όταν ξαναμπαίνουμε στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση εφόσον ήρθαμε από τη Νορβηγία, ερχόμαστε ...

84878 - The simplicity of truth

- Many people think that a local problem...

84876 - A question of faith

- The whole problem is a question of faith.  - Nothing more, nothing less...

84875 - The way of the resurrection

- Who cares about the island? - Nobody like him...

84874 - Mission for the light

- It’s not sufficient to say that something is unacceptable to change it. You have to do something...

84873 - Dead zone

- Our counterattack will be a way to say that the dead zone is still alive...

84872 - Hammer time

- I heard what he said. - Good! - We have to answer to this subversive attempt...

84871 - The borderline

- I got something new… - What do you mean? - Barbarity is trying to change the boarder...

84870 - The beloved pictures

- Did you see the pictures? - Which ones? - The beloved ones…

84869 - Καταγραφή:  Βάρβαρη τουρκική επίθεση

Η κίνηση των Τουρκοκυπρίων είναι άκρως απαράδεκτη διότι όχι μόνο παραβιάζουν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα της Κύπρου, αλλά τώρα ...

84868 - Transcription: The spirit of the northern way

This podcast is dedicated to Norway. It's not only a country, it's not only a place, it's a spirit and we love this spirit because you know when ...

84867 - The waterfall

- The waterfall was huge. - And its acoustic was impressive...

84866 - In the fjords

- We went deep in the fjords - It was delicious...

84865 - Καταγραφή: Δυναμική γεωπολιτική

Όταν είσαι μία χώρα που συνορεύει με εχθρούς κι όχι μόνο με συμμάχους, τη γεωπολιτική την έχεις μέσα στο πετσί σου. Δεν είναι ανάγκη ...

84864 - Καταγραφή: Νοημοσύνη και Γνώση

Έχει ενδιαφέρον να σκεφτούμε ειδικά, όταν είμαστε σε μία ξένη χώρα, ποια είναι η διαφορά μεταξύ της γνώσης, η οποία μπορεί να είναι ...

84863 - Καταγραφή:  Άλλο ανθρωπιά, άλλο marketing

Όσοι ασχολούνται με το ανθρώπινο marketing, τουλάχιστον με το marketing για τους ανθρώπους, που δεν είναι ακριβώς το ίδιο, δίνουν ...

84862 - Καταγραφή: Ετυμολογική Εμπάθεια

Είναι σίγουρα δύσκολο κάποιος να φανταστεί ότι μπορεί να υπάρχει εμπάθεια με την ετυμολογική έννοια για τις μηχανές. Εδώ όμως ...

84861 - Καταγραφή: Πλούτος Ανθρωπότητας

Δεν είναι ακριβώς η ποικιλία της Ανθρωπότητας που μας αγγίζει αλλά ο πλούτος της, με την έννοια ότι η ποικιλία για μας είναι το φυσιολογικό ...

84860 - The readiness of the fjord

He expected that the fjord would be ready for the new mission...

84859 - Self reference

The souls recorded this sound in their memory ...

84858 - The sound of the metajoy

They knew how he felt after their joy and they loved to see his metajoy...

84857 - The multiple feedback

Like a Wiener machine, the feedback was important for him ...

84856 - The preferences

Any position was attractive in order to prepare the next step...

84855 - In the port of the ocean

He saw the signs in the port of the ocean. The fjord made the junction between ...

84854 - The consequences of silence

Next to the sea, no sounds. On the hills, only silence...

84853 - Creamy mussels

In the other side of the land, the first thing that he saw ...

84852 - The wooden church

In the northern way, he was touched by the wooden church...

84851 - The rainy day

The rainy day was an opportunity to drink the essence of Time for the souls...

84850 - The juicy fjord

Next to the melting glacier the fjord became juicy ...

84849 - The network of the fjords

The networks of the fjords was the complementary of the ones of the rivers...

84848 - The mirror of the water

The mirror of the water recalled him an image of the past...

84847 - The sun in the forest

The forest was trying to reach the sky but as it was impossible...

84846 - The iconic Time

The day after the night changed the landscape. It made an alloy with the sun and water...

84845 - The land score

The landscape looked like as an empty score but the truth was quite different...

84844 - The rocks and the water

A way to discover the power of the flow was to see the robustness of the rocks and the plasticity of the water...

84843 - By the river

The iron line was next to the river. It followed the same essence...

84842 - The green landscape

Even if the royal path was clear, the green landscape was impressive...

84841 - From the darkness to the light

Everything was invisible in the darkness. And after even the fog was an obstacle....

84840 - The northern repertoire

The emotion of the revelation was so big that they wanted to keep it for the future...

84839 - The soft oak

With the opera house, the souls understand what soft oak means. With what they knew ...

84838 - The face of love

They thought that it was impossible to see especially in the darkness ...

84837 - The music of the fjord

The fjord became a place for a new concert of the History...

84836 - The legacy of the future

In the same place it was possible to see the action of the polycyclicity of Time...

84835 - The sacred bells

The sacred bells were ringing in the harbour and the whole musical landscape changed...

84834 - Rain of fire

All the place was on fire and the symbol became a reality...

84833 - The alive painting

At that time, the sky was red. It was due to the volcano ...

84832 - Ιερή γιορτή ενάντια στη βαρβαρότητα

Πρώτα απ' όλα Χρόνια Πολλά σε όλους, διότι  σήμερα είναι της Παναγίας και πάντοτε έχουμε στο μυαλό μας τι σημαίνει αυτό, όχι μόνο ...

84831 - The fire in the fjord

Who is able to imagine fire in the fjord? That’s the question of History...