
95505 - The Notre Dame Cathedral

The reopening ceremony for the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is a great occasion to have a meeting between the French President and the Us President elect in order to prepare the next steps for the future beyond the...

95485 - The new point of view

It’s strange but the new point of view is related to the reelection of the President of the USA. And even now, before his official position at the White House, we can see his impact in many...

95462 - The Cold War II

Russia doesn't accept the end of the Cold War because it will have to accept its failure. This denial is crucial for its policy and not only at the level of...

95444 - The crucial choice

If life is a gift for the soul, you have to valorize it, that’s the point. But you can also stay at the level of existence without any evolution, like a fact which is obvious and nothing else. The crucial choice comes from the reality of...

95433 - The power of quality

Quality is able to make the difference and we have to valorize it in an efficient way. It’s always hard to find quality and many people prefer quantity but when the notion of legacy is understood...

95432 - Life in the dead zone

It’s of course difficult to imagine life in the dead zone and especially in a cemetery but when it happens, it’s even more difficult to realize it in an objective way. The fact is beyond the limits...

95213 - The need of artistic creation

An artistic creation is a way to stay. You need firstly to go but in order to stay. And this can't be only a move. It has to be an action. And for a settlement, we need an...

95212 - The Martian settlers

To go somewhere is always easy. To come back also. But to stay it's always difficult. The first needs intelligence. The second, memory. But the third has to...

95211 - The rebirth of Mars

Mars isn’t an unknown planet and we have many data about its past. Mars isn’t totally empty. We aren’t talking about a tabula rasa. It’s of course difficult to imagine its past because we don’t have any historical evidence. But we will...

95210 - Ignition time

If you remain at your starting point then it becomes the end. You have to start to move in order to define it as a starting point. You need an ignition to realize the first move. Only after that you will be able...

95209 - On the other side of the sky

When you are flying with an aircraft, it’s difficult to imagine that you are in a spacecraft of the ground. But it’s possible. It’s sufficient to consider that you are looking more the ground than the sky. And even if you are...

95208 - The vision from space

When we talk about satellites even in Astronautics, we are still at the level of Earth. This is an extension but not a liberation. To be liberated, we need to go beyond the Moon, of course someone will say that it’s not sufficient because...

95207 - The vision of the space

For many people, the vision to the Moon in 1964 and the following years, belongs only to the past. They don’t realize this importance of this huge innovation for Mankind. Even if we are living in the impact of this phenomenon. But even for them the next...

95206 - A new mission, a new target

From the plane the world is always different. Every battle on the ground looks a detail.  What is important in the battlefield can be in reality just a specific case of...

95138 - The update of nuclear doctrine

Everybody understands that this new update of nuclear doctrine is just a way to answer to the reality of a new situation. It's a manner to lower the bar to first use of nuclear weapons,...

95137 - Innovative politics

When you ask to people to have a super IQ in order to work in a structure next to the government, it’s already something totally new. You emphasize something which is related to the brainpower and not only to the experience. The idea is the following. Even knowledge has to be supported by intelligence in order to fix tough problems. This option is quite different...

95113 - Imagination and Politics

Imagination in politics is much more important that someone is able to think. And the reason is simple. Imagination is another way to talk about strategy in a simple manner. Everyone is able to imagine something even if very often reality is far beyond his imagination. But it remains simpler than strategy. That’s why it’s so useful when you want to...

95078 - The big difference

ometimes we believe that someone is faster than another one because he has the speed for it. In reality, the big difference comes from the initial difference not only of point of view. The difference which makes the difference is the brainpower. It’s not about speed that we are talking, it’s about mentation which works in the framework of a super intelligence. And this one as...

95038 - Against xenophobia

It’s very important to define xenophobia as a toxic mix against people who simply belong to Humanity. And this hasn’t to do something with the legal immigration. The problem is in fact the difference between legal and illegal immigration. So, we have to take care of that in order to avoid any conclusion. To be against illegal immigration is not related...

95037 - The anti-establishment

Each choice has been calculated in order to make the biggest impact against the establishment. There is nothing which is political correct. Every move is a proof of the existence of a tough willingness which wants to change everything which goes wrong. And this change has to be deep. The question is if it's radical or revolutionary. The first it's only a way to cut...

95008 - New function and new era

The most difficult thing isn’t necessarily a new function. This can be combined with the beginning of a new era which can have a dominant strategy in the space problem. So, it’s more important to be compatible with it. In this case, the new function will be the support of the real task. And this is even more difficult because you can’t change the conditions...

94923 - The new shape

When the center of gravity is changing, you have to define a new shape for your strategy. At a first glance, everything is possible, that’s why the choice is so important. The new government has to be sharp in order to contribute...

94862 - The new Grand Strategy

When you do not indent a world at peace, it’s normal to consider that you have to reach this peace. But to do it, you have to be free and to think freely. Lateral thinking, brainstorming or even a chaotic rethink, have to be considered when you want to solve difficult problems which are...

94861 - The White House chief of staff

For the first time in the US history, a woman will be the White House chief of staff. She isn’t unknown, on the contrary, and everybody knows that she’s tough and efficient. So. It’s not too difficult to understand that she will play an important role...

94814 - The great rivalry

China doesn’t like any highly unpredictable path when it’s related to its great rivalry. And this historic political comeback could with its choices and its positions, devastate its economic growth. The question of tariffs is indeed crucial. It’s also a reason to create even more...

94801 - The massive power

The massive power is always impressive but you need to keep an eye on it in order to control it in any situation. So, it’s power can be also a problem. But when you control this kind of power, you are unstoppable. In reality, it’s also a question...

94800 - The incredible change

Even in the framework of continuity, the incredible change is possible. This is related to the unpredictable bifurcation with the result of US election. That’s why we have already an impact not only in America but also in Europe. Firstly there is...

94779 - The decision day

The battle of the White House and the control of the Senate and the Congress is crucial. That’s the point. And now we have the new data. Even if we are talking about a historic comeback, everything will be...

94715 - The stealth fighters

In order to prepare the new challenge at the higher level in the Pacific Ocean, the impact of stealth fighters is more and more important. This is the reason why...

94714 - The election day

Everything was made for this election day and here we are, ready for all the scenarios and all the results at all the levels. This is not only a presidential...

94623 - Barbarity leaders

Barbarity leaders speak too much. They consider that they have to promise a teeth-breaking response to any free...

94622 - The historical finding

Even if it's not obvious prime numbers belong to the History of Mankind. And each breakthrough in the research of the largest prime number is always a new step in the future. No matter what is going on in so many societies, Mankind  continues to investigate that…

94580 - The race and the show

For Europe, it’s always difficult to understand the behavior and of course the mentation of America, especially in the framework...

94520 - Fascism and Communism

It's now clear for almost everybody that Fascism and Communism are enemies of Humanity. There is no choice to make. Both of them are the worst things...

94519 - Times Square

For many people, it’s difficult to imagine the reality of the concept of Humanity. They need a help to conceive...