29541 - Don’t be afraid
Don't be afraid of the stairs because you may fall, as it's due to it that you are able to climb up and reach out to what was unimaginable ...
Don't be afraid of the stairs because you may fall, as it's due to it that you are able to climb up and reach out to what was unimaginable ...
Why do you agree for the existence of nations which are suffering? why do you assume that it's quite normal for them not to have a homeland? ...
In December 2016, Greek Petroleum was declared the Selected Applicant regarding Marine block 10 of the Greek EEZ in the context of the large licensing ...
Let barbarism fuck off that's what your aim must be when you are protecting the innocent wherever they might be because we will never allow it ...
The photonic code was enormous, but it was functioning as an open source, in other words, it followed the mental scheme of the open structure, but it simply ...
With the textbook and the books, a diasynthesis was created, or rather a deep synthesis. And when someone ran over toward her looking for her, he felt ...
The Rights of Humanity are imprescriptible because Time is with us. With this notion she has the right to resist barbarity.
Humanity has the right to smart education and to strategy so that it doesn’t become a victim and to never be a perpetrator even unintentionally ...
Humanity cannot be arbitrarily deprived its Earth and has the right to produce Work, which shall be in subsequence protected as heritage.
Humanity has the right to the protection of the Just against barbarity so that its innocence lives without fear and she has the right to exercise ...
Humanity has the right to cite all the Rights and all the freedoms that the present Declaration announces without exception. No society shall ...
In North Korea you are guilty for three generations if you disobey the system that’s why its dictator tortures them because it’s target is not ...
When the Prime Minister will be speaking with the voice of the President that's when Greece would have actually changed because at present what's ...
Secretly from everyone, you left your footprints in a secret portofolio of memory so that no one will forget that once these, which are now realities ...
As if it's not enough that we're all fighting in order to promote the issue of the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone, so that our homeland will finally obtain ...
The one is up on stage and the other below it, he has cought both the seats with his arms and legs. -We are ready to enjoy you. Says the other. -Who? ...
The spirit of the knights is so bright that it blinds him who lives in the darkness and has the impression that it's inhumane because he forgot about ...
Human voices suffer for the good of Humanity but they don't know what to do and in which way to change the world's data without realizing that they ...
When a system believes only in equality in the best case it will create a prison State with slaves who will all be identical and in the worst ...
The machines were carrying out orders and nothing else. Whereas the monster followed advice. In this sense he was hyperhumane. And less predictable to ...
The red Hitler at last, left Humanity in peace after so many years of oppression and violation of the human rights, now Cuba will be able to ...
When you deal with victims do never rush because the problem is not you but them and they want a lot of time in order to overcome the emotions ...
As far as barbarism was concerned, the hyperstructures had made the situation worse in regards to the books it wanted to burn down. They were capable to ...
Our sacred duty is to serve Humanity against barbarity. And if you forget this part you will not be able to understand our positions because you ...
Before he started reading, his glance looked at the library again. He imagined that the two gaps he himself had caused, could be permanent due to an ...
He sat in the lounge room with two books at hand. He had taken them from the library that he was observing. From the armchair he could see the two gaps ...
The fact that the horrific dictatorship of North Korea decided upon a three day mourning period on account of the death of the Cuban dictator, it's absolutely ...
When we have Monarchists and Venizelians who dare say that they did something regarding Cyprus, and they even include it in their resume, what could we ...
What's proper is what actually occurred, DESFA remains Greek. After all these unacceptable negotiations which had an aim to disregard the European acquis, ...
The Ежов order on the 11th of August 1937 number 485 led to the arrest of 350 000 people amongst which 144,000 Polish many Finns and of Baltic ...
Listen to how happy the exiled of Cuba are and finally learn the truth from the victims who survived from the prison State that the red dictator ...
Now Cuba is able to be liberated from the slavery imposed upon her by the dictator, she can now choose another direction away from the terror ...
On the path that you have chosen there are no conveniences every step is an effort only in this way you will grow up and you will become human for ...
The expected voting took place, and the result was what's proper. In favour of the resolution to freeze the negotiations with Turkey re: the accession, ...
With the sun you’re not thirsty for light but think of those who lack its presence. for months. That's how you'll imagine what you’re missing ...
The light will defeat the blackest darkness otherwise even more shadows will be created aiming to erase the black and yellow of Euxeinos Pontus ...
Since you've got hold of it don't let go and completely let aside the enslavement of society and it can go and get fucked as should the treaties ...
The Gulag Archipelago is a reference both direct and brutal of the multiplication of the concentration camps as you shouldn't imagine that the ...
The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was blown up in a spectacular manner by the Soviets in 1931 in order to construct a swimming pool this act ...
Think of a twelve-year old child in a synagogue who holds a dialoque with rabbis about theology and imagine his intelligence so he could convince ...
Who could hear the work of the Master? That was the question that the effigies asked themselves during the crossing of the centuries. They had felt the ...
Also in Ukraine whoever gave emphasis to everydayness to misery to economy delayed the process of recognition because the recognitions were no ...
Whoever is not involved in the recognition of the genocide doesn’t help to the evolution of the future because the black page remains black ...
When the recognitions of Holodomor were a lot many servile people said that it wasn’t good even within Ukraine and there was never war but some ...
The white genocide which was committed against the people of the black sea wasn’t just random so try not to forget its name because when the ...
In Pontus there wasn’t simply a white massacre but a white genocide because the genocidors were using the snow and the cold to kill the ...
As much as some want to forget it Lemkin was born in the Ukraine of that time and thanks to it we now have the word genocide as a tool ...
Ukraine had history also before the genocide it wasn’t born with it if we forget this element it is not going to have a future because it is ...
How cowardly can you be in order to hold up seventy monks and to kill a woman by stabbings on the chest while you say you are a man in reality ...
When we examine a politician's way of thinking, we do so in a context of rationality. Therefore the analysis could be integrated in the Game Theory action ...
Let’s take the city of Mosul without waiting other destructions of barbarity because innocents are too many. This terrorism is not only against ...
Cold days in New York for warm hearts in mission for Mankind at United Nations but we are ready to escape for barbarity because we have the light ...
Human too much human only a monster against beasts of barbarity I’ d come for you Mankind so just don’t give up before because I’ll ...
In relation with Korea and the problem at the North part you can see new changes in the position so now an anti-ballistic missile system ...
Carlsen- Karjakin: 0-1. A starting point with d4 and an indian answer with total symmetry at the third move and castling at the sixth to prepare ...
The visit of the Moroccan king to Ethiopia has borne fruit, towards a fundamental issue for Morocco, ie, Ethiopia's support concerning its decision for ...
What's the benefit of the delay in aborting out of Hellenism a government who believes in rational barbarism which condemns any approach towards ...
The positions of both the Monarchists and the Venizelians in regards to Thrace are so problematic at a logical level, that it's difficult for someone to ...
In Game 7 Russia and Norway played Slav Defense with chess humor but a miscalculation with Rook at c8 led White created a forced sequence of moves ...
Try to find a human aim for your life, don’t wait alone and don’t spend your time waiting for your death. We are not only a line, we live ...
Regarding the Dodecanese, both the monarchists and venizelians have an opinion, eventhough their liberation and their unification with Greece did not result ...
It's unbelievable what we've heard about the liberation and the unification of Crete with Greece. All, is presented in a manner which supports either the ...
Greeks are neither monarchists, nor venizelians. And whoever gets involved in this futile controversy is actually committing an enormous strategic error, ...
The attempts of intimidation and even the means of destruction of the terrorists will do nothing. In this battle Against the core of barbarity ...
Even though a tattoo constitutes a fashion phenomenon, most ignore the negative after effects of tattoos. It's constantly advertised for aesthetic reasons, ...
“There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love.” So give love and don’t count ...
Hawaiian Black Lava Salt we found at New York and we taste it to see its purity and compare it with the flower of white. We started a new game ...
We are fighting for freedom and nobody can force us to become slaves of a system which destroy Mankind. We are not afraid with barbarity we ...
With the art we are crossing through the centuries, for this reason the terrorist organization destroys it under the guise of the religion which ...
Even though she believed that she ought to file history for the ones to follow, she realized that things couldn't function in this manner. Because each ...
She tried to concentrate and to see how she could follow up these parallel paths and then she remembered not only the SER chessboard which resembled ...
The entire task wasn't merely a matter of sacrifice, there were also the wars. They weren't just mental ones. That's what she saw at this point ... ...
The 12-game match is taking place in New York City. This world chess Championship is the first to be broadcast in 360-degree virtual reality. ...
The combating of terrorism should never stop upon the shield of the innocent because they are victims who want to be set free while they're living ...
No matter how far a terroristic attempt or action may seem to you you should always remember that the victims belong to Humanity and if you belong ...
She re examined all of her notes. The first intuition had been confirmed when she discovered genealogy. She remembered the notion of study and civics. ...
She previously thought that the serviles was an expression regarding a specific period of History but through the Teaching she had understood that ...
If the eagle always holds the cross and the sword it's because the first is a baton and the second a hammer which function depending upon the ...
When we examine the map of Greece's triple occupation by the axis during the 1941-1944 period, we observe that there isn't even one region under Turkish ...
The day the world went away I was here and I’ m still here after the end so don’t be afraid about future we are fighters and we will ...
Morocco has a real African vision. It's not content in remaining restricted to its local geographic situation. It doesn't therefore remain motionless ...
The Just of Hellenism understood that they had to help the Australians who had come from the other side of the Earth in order to battle for ...
Find a beautiful shape with thirty- sided rhombic triacontahedron which has ruly 30 pyramid pieces and try to solve the G-Colour Puzzle in a manner ...
Magnetic Bridge. (Ball of Whacks)
Bow Tie Mosaic. (Ball of Whacks)
Ring challenge. (Ball of Whacks)
Problem of Roger von Oech : Can you assemble the Ball so that NO same-color pieces touch along their sides or at the points ? Our solution : We consider ...
English lesson with smartiles and pieces of blue, red, green, yellow and orange to see the differences between the colors and the shapes when ...
Although it's not widely known, Plastiras's admiration towards the person of Mussolini is a fact. It is in actual fact the foundation of the coup which ...
Some data becomes easier understood when we examine the relations which exist between them. Because they give combinational information. If we were ...
How do you teach a library to love the books? As a question it seems at least strange. Because the library has a mission to protect them. Without this ...
This is the end of candidates. Now we are going to see new aspects of them. The show is finished. It was not so good but who cares now. Even if we got ...
We are not innocents just Justs so don’t wait from us to fall like leaves in the wind our power comes from roots. We are the past and the future ...
Be just dangerous for barbarity and everything will be fine for us because we have to fight it. You are not only human but also a soul and ...
You are not alone and don't worry about us we are still here next to you even in this war. Imagine us as extensions of your mind when you are ...
Armenian of the word you always are when you fight for the justice of innocents who have been submitted to genocide and try to keep the homeland ...
A foreign observer of data of the past, in the context of smart history, would see through an analysis that there was a whole process of transformation ...
When Sahara's voice itself explains to everyone that it's not ask for the moon but simply to find out how many brothers and sisters It has at ...
You hear evidence from all regions of Sahara and they all say the same, that the pain doesn't change with verbalism but of course with actions ...
A candle stops darkness but only when it is lit by you otherwise that too is confined in the shadows so if you take the candles don’t simply hold ...
The candles of Humanity are those which we lit on December 9th for the dignity of the victims so that we prove to the barbarians that we didn’t ...
With the terrorist hits that occur in various places in the world, everyone looks everywhere for what has happened in a place that one didn’t previously ...
We made smartiles in the framework of smart education just to create new directions for little humans with colors and geometry to escape from ...
On December 9 if you are indeed of Humanity you will be with us to honor the work of Lemkin as a Just and to prove to the barbarians that we ...
With the presence of the Cypriot EEZ in the hydrocarbons course we are changing the prospects of the future and so our students see their history ...
Most of us are so accustomed to society's misery that they don't pay any attention to the developments and the achievements, as if it's all a normal outcome, ...
The Ottoman approach of Rhodes was simple and effective as a barbarity. After 1522 and the siege of Rhodes, the ottomans transformed many churches by adding ...
Those who speak of the Lausanne Treaty forget that it is inadmissible, because it doesn’t respect the indigenous peoples of Minor Asia. It was made only ...
One of the fundamental problems in regards to the solution of the Sahara conflict is the lack of representativeness of Polisario. Because it doesn't ...
Ever since November of 2014 that the Licensing round re: the 20 marine blocks of the Ionian Sea and South of Crete was opened, we had placed particular ...
We continue our fight without a pause not just because we observe the innocence but the tools of barbarism as well which are functioning in insidious ...
The Rights of Humanity are not just a catchy phrase that the States will administer as they're doing with the human rights just whenever they ...
If no one can save you do not give up withstand and hold on because we will come since we don't leave anyone behind. And if you are a nation do ...
The Turkish threats have about the same value as their agreements because she can never keep her word which ever the case might be So what matters ...
The contract regarding the triple consortium, of Greek Petroleum - Edison - Total should take place as quickly as possible and in an effective manner at ...
Instead of listening to every historical ridiculousness due to unawareness and barbarity and each time we look for the appropriate argument in order to ...
You had never seen before sun of night and you were startled from its light cause you didn’t think it was like the stars only it chose to come ...
The essence of stars came at night when each one was illuminating the earth and she was drinking ...
Recognizing its culpability during the Second World War, France accuses again the regime of Vichy which attacked the Gypsies. Indeed this regime so close ...
It is not by violating and selling women victims of dogmatic hatred that a terrorist organization can convince the others of its value on ...
If within the proclaimed caliphate woman is not a citizen but only a domestic and sexual slave at the mercy of her husband how can one understand ...
Run for love. Beauty can save the world but not alone. So do your duty and don’t let society break it only for money. You are human ...
Follow the Truth if you want to be free. Nobody deserves slavery. We are human sometimes too much and we have to fight to belong to Mankind. ...
If you read “Fight also those among the people of the Book who don’t profess the religion of the truth, unless they pay the capitation directly ...
The fighters of the EEZ won a battle but surely they don't forget the war, and that their target is again the same, namely the liberation ...
The EEZ is not merely a context but also a solution if someone was to handle it strategically and if he had in mind the notion of the liberation ...
Now with the endless blue which becomes a reality in Greece as well, it's difficult not think of Tassos Papadopoulos and the heritage he left ...
After months of delay for the Large Licensing Round re: the 20 marine blocks of the Greek EEZ, which they've tried to cancel, we finally have a positive ...
With the sourate of the table and in particular in the verse 51 it is possible to see how the people of the Book are looked upon this allows you ...
The atrocities of the terrorist organization will continue as long as it exists because it doesn’t respect humans at all since it doesn’t want ...
The library of Humanity does not record only the past since it simultaneously writes the history of the future through intelligence and mnemosyne ...
More than 15,000 signatures are following the vision of the endless blue which becomes increasingly real with every step we make because we ...
If you didn't believe that Greece will live through the energean era now you can simply observe it and understand that the EEZ constitutes its ...
The new concession regarding Marine block 2 constitutes a phase change for the Greek EEZ, since it is a small utilization on a practical level. Cyprus ...
No mercy for the enemies of Mankind because we are not fighting only for victims but for all the Humanity and this is our only duty don’t forget ...
Late at night at the United Nations hotel he had a strange thought in mind. There wasn't a more appropriate descriptive phrase. And that concerned the ...
Edward White said: “I’m coming back in… and it’s the saddest moment of my life.” His experience was so exhilarating that he was reluctant to terminate ...
The activation of the dynamics which are changing the data, allows for the development of a strategy which isn't only associated with outdated ...
There is no limit to the resistance you must obtain against barbarism, just take a look at the victims in North Korea and the torture that they ...
Listen to the music which speaks of the victims of genocide because the composer didn't forget them as he knows that it constitutes an act of ...
Every nation which is suffering as many years as have gone by since it was wronged it has the right to be helped from you as well as the proper ...
In the Pacific zone there are islands full of live which we must all protect not only due to humanism but also for the sake of Humanity since ...
As far as a nation might be from you you ought to never forget that it belongs to Humanity and that you have no right not to help them if you ...
If they expelled the population of an island merely so that the State would be at ease what would you have done? And now think that it's regarding ...
With the strategy of humanity you are able to see the injustices and the abuses of the human rights without losing the substance when you hear matters ...
Within the process of claiming of the Chagos Archipelago by Mauritius, after the decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of Sea and before passing ...
Each victim which was wounded is an innocent that we ought to protect from barbarity even if it comes across as harmless in the beginning it ...
Τhe attacks against teachers are acts of barbarism which are adopted by the terrorists without realizing that they are associated to crimes ...
Humanity is not limited to the homeland and the beliefs don’t stay only at these because our role is much bigger from what you think so don’t ...
The work of Raphaël Lemkin on the defense of Human Rights has lead to the creation of the concept of genocide which constitutes the fundamental piece of ...
The people of the Chagos Archipelago have been fully expelled and deported to Mauritius and Seychelles by the British government of 1966 to 1973. This ...
Once upon a time in a rare region of the world, young people decided to be saved just like the Mikado pieces. So one placed the black Mikado with a ...
With the steps of light on the rocks leading to the point of barbarism you could climb as a human who adores freedom not just for himself but also ...
Don't believe that it is utopic what you haven't done. Because your appreciation derives only from your inaction. If you decide as a nation to surpass ...
Blend of history is waiting you to be saved before the destination. Think your defence and its robusteness before the fight because after is always ...
War Masters are here for you to protect you from injuries to advice you with their minds to prevent you from making mistakes in high strategy ...
Be ready for the fight against barbarity we are already at the level of the war even if only very few understand the situation, don’t waste ...
Break the code to understand the strategy of Humanity and rewrite above the barbarity to prove that you are a resistant. We don’t need its flag. ...
It wasn't enough for the people to remember. Because the beasts would've wiped them out. The monsters ought to not forget. To resist against barbarism. ...
Through its own definition, the EEZ has highlighted the overlapping issue. Of course that exists at the 6 NM, the 10 NM and the 12 NM as well, only that ...
The EEZ issue doesn't only highlight the importance of Kastellorizo, but of every acritic island of Greece. One of these important cases is Gavdos as well. ...
- How is it possible for them not to even look at the pictures? - What pictures? - Those we took. - In the restricted area? - Yes. Aren't they curious? ...
We must finally understand that the impetuous ones re: the Cypriot issue, ie, those who want to solve it in any odd way, are those who wanted for us to ...
Their monastery was facing the restricted entrance. It was hurt by the invasion and the occupation. But most didn't wish to see that we were in war. ...
The barbaric regime had banned the entire region. It feared its own shadow. It had painted the mountain in order to show with its flag, which constitutes ...
He never asked for any support in order to continue his battle. From the beginning he was alone with Humanity and that's how it would've been up ...
The barbarism of the terrorist group Daesh continues, this time with the catastrophe of an Assyrian church. Of course, because everyone within the society ...
Each tessera feels alone when it's unable to see the mosaic. And when the enemy confronts her, she thinks she'll be unable to cope. The Just were protecting ...
He had seen other castles as well, which were attacked in the most barbaric manner, but they had resisted due to necessity, And the correction process ...
The city center was an island. The island, castle. And the entrenchment, a river which resembled a sea because it was part of the ocean. The patroling ...
When a government doesn't know what to do, then it's trying to convince the nation through pretending that it's actually doing something, even if it's ...
The beautiful brain has a warm heart. And you think that’s a problem. Because you live in a society of oblivion and you know that’s useless. But we ...
In our war we need only fighters who can resist to barbarity and not just win a game of strategy because we are here for centuries and we ...
We will fight for the Rights of Humanity against anyone who wants to destroy people and temples of the History because we are the memory of ...
The love of fighters is stronger than any else because they are here for Mankind and none else, so be prepared if you want to join them to the ...
The love runs out for Humanity because we are monsters and we are fighting all the beasts of the societies of oblivion. We are here for Mankind ...
In the world of machine learning you can use tensor processing units for your computation with higher volume of reduced precision. It’s a revolution ...
If you want a form of machine learning with deep network remember that you can be inspired by the brain for your computation to correct the problems ...
4096 cores in one chip and each one simulates 256 silicon neurons with each of them having 256 synapses , circumvent von Neumann architecture ...
Grace. Choice. Chrism. That's how it happened before. That's how it would've happened afterwards. Even the names were saying it. Crucifixion couldn't ...
When you once again find your self in the field of the victims of a crime against Humanity or a genocide even the fighters tell you to think: never ...
If someone felt the love for Humanity they simultaneously understood the polycyclic notion of amiseia. Otherwise in order to become human they ought ...
Everyone knew love thy neighbour but they always added as I've loved you But how could they withstand the next stage. Love Humanity. Who could bare ...
From the beginning, it seemed that things would have been difficult . Humanity would fight against barbarism. And this battle would be upon the issue ...
In strategy we say that you must have the big picture in mind. And this requires for you to obtain the height in order for it to fit in your glance. ...
Nobody has the right to impudently violate the innocent because the Just with their actions will not only protect them but they will move through ...
Up untill the last moment a battle was given against the conspiracy of the barbarisms because the authoritarian countries attempted again together ...
Each country which violates the rights of the people who want to live free, is an enemy of Humanity and for this reason we'll fight against ...
Do you know that Alpha Go was powered by Tensor processing units in the matches against Lee Sedol to think faster and further ahead between moves? ...
If you believe in yourself you will see upon the waves a wheelchair with a Greek paralympian who's not afraid of the impossible since he learned ...
The thing is how much you can withstand in order to live through the accomplishments and not if they can be done and the question would simply be ...
Your monster is the one who protects you from every injustice because he never stops looking after the innocent because it detects barbarity ...
Change your life let misery to nail only barbarians and not you and the innocent because the Just are fighting for you and if you give a helping ...
A beautiful rosebush and a misshapen monster under the tree of the sun. Rosebush: Could you write something for me? Monster: Whatever you want, my ...
Violence : And what do you have to say now that we've nailed you upon the rock? State: I've told you he won’t speak. Violence : Silent even now? State: ...
The liberation of Constantinople Is the only thing which can close the circle of the occupation by barbarity for this reason immediately stop celebrating ...
If Humanity plays chess for centuries now it’s not so it could be just a chess player who seeks an Elo desperately in order to be proud within ...
He had all the difficulties in the world in drawing his pain. But what's worst is that he could manage. But his wise teacher, the representative of ...
The contact of the first type occurred at a formal luncheon. It was preceded of course by a meeting at the hotel, but that was merely of a diplomatic ...
The speed of the metro allowed them to arrive on time right at the beginning of the conference. The assembly was ready for the future of the desert. ...
In the big conference hall, voices were heard from all around the world. Everyone was talking about their own problems. And it was difficult for the ...
Demosthenes height it's greater than you think he just sits in order not to bother the others with his range as he distinguishes the truth deeper ...
Think of Pontus and tell me if for you it's a monument in ruins or a monument to be preserved so that I know how you are observing it and how ...
The Labarums of the Greeks of Pontus must have upon them the recognitions we've accomplished so that the next will be able to in actual fact ...
The eagle of Pontus upon the labarums and the flag always looks towards the City but this only occurs when his feet are on Pontus and nowhere ...
In the Museum of Mathematics you can play, see and discover fundamental notions with your hands with your mind and show to kids what is relevant ...
You could as well see the value of tsumego when we're analyzing the points of life and death upon the goban which knows about the liberation ...
The Reservoir is the water of Central Park but also the source of life like a jet of water to the sky with the power of the fountain which was ...
The obelisk at Central Park was a gift of Humanity to history because hieroglyphs on the stone are still talking about the sun and it’s light ...
Inside the Belvedere Castle above the Turtle Pond you can imagine the beauty of the past but also the presence of the future in this human rock ...
In the Shakespeare garden even the flowers show what is beautiful and how theater can say to a man how handsome he is when he creates with his ...
On the Bow Bridge with the history of the past you can discover the lake with its boathouse just next to you as an imitation of an internal journey ...
At Bethesda Terrace you can see the biblical past in front of you with its beauty and its Truth so take a look near the lake and observe the ...
Question: I saw the text you've sent me regarding Mr. Erdogan questioning the Lausanne Treaty. Taking it into consideration, do you assume that his statements ...
The beheading of a statue it's already an act of barbarity in itself but when it's regarding a heroine of the National Resistance it is a crime ...
While you see that together we are capable of the unthinkable what are you waiting for so that we can be at the forefront against barbarism There, ...
Nobody forbids you to be with us. So if there's a self inflicted obstacle break the restraints of society and find the bonds of Humanity ...
The free Oromo had to run a marathon for everyone to see his hands crossed above his head so that the world would learn about the violation ...
Get involved in our fight for Mankind if you want to be human with others. Barbarity is not only a concept but a tough reality for innocent people. ...
The Ancient taught us with the Corinthian isthmus that an obstacle could become a passage through intelligence and that to constitute a miracle ...
Don't see perfection only as a target for your life because it belongs to the history of Humanity as well ever since people are occupied with ...
Pay attention to those suffering and stop being concerned with your own problems as if your world stops right at the skin. We are here with ...
If you can listen to new ideas you will find new paths and your life will be different so try to find someone you can hear when he tells you ...
Our vision with numbers like L-R is that we can obtain mega primes with some relevant theorems and algorithms that’s why we continue even if ...
With LR-numbers we continue the research with the help of Ramanujan’s function because we believe to his spirit and his genius in Mathematics. ...
The proof is a part of the creation because it permits to the theorem to belong to perfection and if you want a concrete example see the theorem ...
You should learn some details of the life of Ramanujan to have an efficient vision of what the society is able to do to destroy someone specially ...
Mathematics is an art and not a science it doesn't need experiments to be proved. Its internal consistency is sufficient for the creation of ...
Some ideas don’t come from proofs but create them with Time. Try to find them and after if you can prove them. And if you can’t maybe someone ...
The purity of Mathematics comes from the truth that’s why they deal with values and not only principles that’s why they prove theorems which ...
It’s possible to create an all world with notebooks it depends only upon your mind. If you are able to do it you will see the future faster ...
Free men like mathematics because it does not depend on present or society it is perfect pieces of truth and it belongs to the history of Humanity. ...
Don't see Mathematics only as a tool because it is first of all pieces of perfection because it always speaks about truth. It cares only about ...
Imagine that your mind is an ocean and you can feel each land at the same time you will get the image of a monster which can support in its existence ...
The relevant person can see the world in a new way and save it with his vision so if you can find him and protect him from barbarity do it because ...
You think that Einstein was only a Nobel Prize but you forget that he was also a paradigm for his love for Humanity and a presence of a deep ...
The amazing brain is maybe a monster for your mind but imagine that it is only the next reality which exists already today a memory of future ...
The world is not just a simulation for us. We are creating worlds for the future and we are using bifurcation theory to elaborate the counterattack ...
You don't need to be a slave. You can be human and live free with us in Mankind. Make your move and choose your way to fight with us barbarity. ...
Counterattack the system don’t become a slave just because you have no time to examine your own life with your mind. Feel free to be free and ...
Don’t lose your memory. You need it to fight. The system wants only slaves. With your mind you can escape from society of oblivion. Don’t stay ...
We have to bring back innocent people in our mind to fight against genocidors because we need their memory to condemn the perpetrators. Remember ...
We have to resist to the system if we want to stay alive and free. Barbarity doesn’t want Humanity at all. Its problem is every man who wants ...
Our lives are quite different from the usual because we can control our past and not only our future like others we are on our way a long time ...
We are deciphering the new reality with our mind like a code of the past but this is only the future. Try to imagine this and you will find another ...
Choose your move in this game with precaution because it’s dangerous. If you see only one level in a joseki so you are only in tactics but not ...
If you have questions about new rules just ask us. Don’t stay always behind we are at the front. We are ghosts of the past but we create the future ...
After the lunch you can see the importance to have a common time to speak about the reality we made together with our thoughts in strategy development. ...
We don’t need heroes of their own stories because we are fighting for Mankind and not only for our family we consider that people are all relevant ...
Accept the differences and don’t try only the same. Mankind is not only the same people. See the context and understand the notion of complementarity ...
Realize our purpose if you want to contribute to our work don’t waste time with your life in society because it’s only existence. The reality ...
We need to get back work. One life isn’t sufficient to change the world. Remember this when you will have to choose your life next time. Because ...
We are aware of the danger of barbarity that's why you find us tough but in reality we are just doing our duty so try to upgrade your mentation ...
The new game is different with new rules but if we have a super computer we can write a configuration with links and bifurcations with the many ...
Let’s talk later about the past we need future right now to survive in this context because our grammar is generative and not only concatenative ...
The Code 3141 is only the starting point of our position on the chessboard but now we have also a goban and a shogiban to prepare our moves so ...
We are continuing our mission after the end of the first phase because we know what our duty is. We are not only in a battle we have war with ...
The Kosumi is maybe seen as a tactics move but it’s shape has many options: to attack to connect to move out. But this move necessarily creates ...
When White jumped for the first time you change your mind because you discover that the Black’s formation wasn’ t so strong in fact and you decide ...
A new joseki for a player is dangerous but for a computer it’s another and at the same time the same problem because it has to discover a choice ...
Faced with a strange move normally you should take some time to think because this can be a trap but if you are already prepared to the new you ...
Speech synthesis with deep neural network can surprise you because the algorithm can understand in a generative way English or Mandarin which ...
Talk with robots if you want to listen to them answering back to you because in fact it is no longer a dream right now. You can see the evolution ...
Don’t let anyone behind you. We are together as human people. For us, Mankind is not simply an idea but the only relevant reality. We are not pawns ...
We are fighting for you even if this seems impossible to you. You should know that this is a war against barbarity. You belong to Mankind as an ...
Those who believed that the Turkish President was of some value, are now forced to accept that his incompetence is certified. His statements regarding ...
The poems we write against the barbarism of North Korea are not for pressure release but in order to describe the tortures that hurt innocent ...
When you see with what persistence the government is trying to save a sell-out natural gas contract with a State which is absolutely unacceptable ...
Our memory is not hidden, it’s a part of Mankind in our mind so use it to help people. You are here also for them not only for yourself. If ...
We have to save everyone because each one belongs to Mankind and we can’t let barbarity destroy them just because we weren’t in time next ...
We are warriors not only fighters because we respect Humanity and we want its continuity in the Time. So we ‘ll be the light in the shadows, ...
You won’t bring your life back if you waste your time with society and the dust in the wind because the real time works only on Sundays. Take ...
Be yourself be a Just for Mankind and don’t let the others die just because you weren’t with them to protect them against barbarity. If you ...
With your work for Mankind you can be more than dust in the wind because with it you can belong to Humanity. So catch the vision of Masters ...
Show the light you got from your Master to save people from the darkness of the nightmare. You found the path after many years so now help ...
You have a life in your arms not only an existence so don’t waste it. Create your world to contribute to the evolution of Mankind. You don’t ...
Human Moments we have each Sunday so try to transform each day of the week to have more Sundays in your life and try to imagine that Jesus ...
What could it be after the flower? You are surely wondering. For what reason though? While you don't observe the traces left behind by the petals. ...
The pigeon torture where the prisoner in the concentration camps of North Korea has his hands tied behind his back, his legs tied together and ...
Just around the world you can see crossroads which are more important than your life because they belong already to Mankind. Their history ...
If you're a parent and a Christian you shouldn't request of them to withdraw your child from the lesson of religion, but to make a protestation ...
While the issue of the Greek hydrocarbons is progressing dynamically in Greece both in its sovereignty, and its EEZ, the ruling power seems to be completely ...
The murder of the Christian writer it's proof that the barbarians don't respect justice and assume that they can kill anyone they chose to ...
If someone can imagine that there is somebody who writes before they taught him to speak, then all that he'll read hereon would seem normal, otherwise ...
To stay alive for Mankind you need more than one soul so don’t see the world with only one vision and use your past to create future with ...
Trust our vision if you want to stay alive even in slavery because at the battlefield you will need your soul to fight against dictators like ...
Stop genocide in North Korea. Too many victims for nothing. We are all responsible for this. It’s not sufficient to say the word genocide to ...
The power of the Little Prince doesn't derive only from his sincerity which wounds hypocrisy but also from his humanism while he should belong to ...
If you kill seconds this means that Time is too tough for you. So stay away from the battle in a safe place because we have war with barbarity ...
Your faith is strong because you help little humans to be more human and you know that it is your duty as a disciple for your life and even ...
You know when I see the victims of the regime of North Korea I'm ready to fight in order to see it fall because it's unbearable for Humanity ...
How could you accept the unacceptable of barbarism of North Korea which continues to torture humans merely because they don't get into the mold ...
Forced water consumption is a torture of North Korea where the prisoner is tied down on a table and forced to drink great quantities of water ...
The flame always has a choice. To burn or to light. Mankind needs to be protected from the first and be guided by the second. So don’t play ...
We are not immortal that’s why we have to come back after the death because our duty is not finished only with one life but you can’t understand ...
Say something if you feel like me and don’t give up because we have to do our duty the target was locked by Mankind you have to just follow ...
Thanks to you I’m still free and alive so I know my duty for the others and you don’t need to recall me anything. I decided to be with Time ...
It’s not necessary to be the same person each of us has his role to play in this battle for Mankind your only duty is to be Just with innocents ...
You can hold your breath if you want to avoid disturbation but remember you are alive so try just to be human with us and don’t say anything ...
Burn everything which belongs to barbarity and find the light in the darkness to help people to stay alive in this area. Don’t feel any pity ...
You don’t need to feel like Times Square to have joy. You can imagine the lights of human human people in your mind and you’ll see a new way ...
As a global node of creativity you can imagine our world because human tolerance is the first step of the evolution if you want to catch the ...
The Unisphere is a symbol of the space age that’s why it is dedicated to Man's Achievements on a Shrinking Globe in an Expanding Universe. As a ...
You don’t need poison to stay alive only freedom because you are human and maybe too much for the society of oblivion. Just stay with me ...
Imagine that you have in front of you the Butler Library at Columbia University and you will be able to realize that it is possible to see the ...
800 languages are spoken in New York that’s why with this diversity you can feel the presence of Mankind even when you walk in Manhattan. So ...
New York city with its five boroughs. The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island is one of the world’s largest natural harbors, ...
Even in one New York minute imagine what you can do when you are prepared. So give us a break when you say that something is impossible because ...
Don't burn without illuminating or else it wouldn't be a need for your candle to be lit and don't forget that Sunday is the day of Resurrection ...
What would you have done if you lived in a country where they prohibited your religion? Quite possibly the question may not interest you because ...
The philosophical thought of Dostoïevski It's not limited to his fictional work it's far deeper, and it exceeds the limits of the life of his heroes ...
Protect your pieces before any move of attack because you are responsible for them and you have to resist to your enemy. Think about that ...
Give time to the Master. Help him to help innocents. If you let alone a little Just you condemn him to become a victim because he’s innocent ...
No more victims. The Master is going to prepare a new fighter with Justice. Because Mankind has to be protected at the level of each innocent. ...
If the world is on fire you will need light to stop this so start your transformation. You have to be awake if you want to stop the nightmare. ...
If you try to afraid american people with your knifes stay at home because your aim is hopeless. We will continue to fight terrorism even ...
If you don’t see that we have war with terrorism you are not innocent but just stupid expect if you don’t want to say it because you are afraid. ...
You can have it all if you are prepared. But you have to have a vision because the world is changing all the time. Don’t stay in the present. ...
Even stronger you will be if you understand your way in the path of light. You are not here only to be but also to do. This is our duty for ...
This is not only a preparation for us but a mission because we know that we have to fight for innocents. So if you are afraid with barbarity ...
The liberation of the disciple is made only when he can see himself with the vision of his Master who knows better than him his capacities and ...
You are severely impacted by the history and the truth of the past but remember that it was necessary as you want to be a fighter next to noblemen ...
A woman runs and jumps over a man. She embraces him as hard as he could. And He keeps her hovering... K: You're late! I: I did what I could. K: It's ...
K: Why here first? Time. And I've come so many times since 2001. I hadn't noticed how much beauty the place could hide. Silence. Yet again here they've ...
A spy walks with a Belgian dog on the pavement of a New York highway. Suddenly she hears the telephone of a phone booth ring. She stops and goes to pick ...
With the cross upon the forehead you continue fighting by the Master's side because you know that the people want to live with the light and ...
If that's strange, it's simply that your normality seems natural to you although it's arbitrary. So try to see the substancial far beyond your ...
You think that you're doing well by not doing anything at all so that you wouldn't be responsible for what you should've only that you don't realize ...
Something else, non-humane, non-massive, could've remembered as well without difficulty, due to nature and physics. It saw intelligence with the glance ...
The pressures applied by the Azerian state company SOCAR upon the government are simply unacceptable. Even if the initial agreement meant anything for ...
What do you want for your life if you stay in your society outside of Mankind? Do you think that you are important by yourself without anyone ...
The teaching isn't dependent on the system and when that tries to impose barbarism then it resists with all its might as strong as the regime ...
Faith removed from school curriculum decides so the system of nihilism and you are wondering what you ought to be doing whereas you know that simply ...
When we historically examine what had occurred in totalitarian regimes, we observe that the issue of faith bothered so intensely, that they always wanted ...
By signing the Law of the Sea and the establishment of its EEZ, Western Armenia changes the phase and passed substantially from decision theory into game ...
At the Park the stone statues were waiting for the disciples and the Master for more than a century, while they were referring to others. So the intertemporal ...
At the restaurant a new battle took place, more complex, because it had to utilize the phase change. New players were integrated as well, because they ...
The President in the official State, after examining the audience and recognizing some more elements of barbarism, he began presenting the data of the ...
The team had gathered at a new ramification just before the train station, towards yet another motionless trip at the Consulate. Some historical details ...
Prior to arriving at the Consulate of Western Armenia, the Master came to agreement with his disciples to meet up at the church. That's where the union ...
After the darkness think of the light that will be, on account of our struggle and don't stand at the obstacles you come across because others ...
Can we help you? Do you think that it is possible? Sure you are alone but this is not the end of the world because this is our life. The problem ...
Don’t die before your life. Don’t live without a work. Don’t waste your time for nothing if you want you can fight for Mankind but you have ...
Intelligence's vision is not only a concept designed to be attractive for society it's the opposite as it wants only success it doesn't care ...
Inside the computer you can see a microcosm but also how the universe is on the other side just to be sure that existence is not only an error. ...
Select your new target and lock it before your move. It is indispensable for the next step. We are only our choices, nothing more, nothing less. ...
This is not only the art of finding things that you don’t search it’s also the capacity to continue after the end of series. That’s why you ...
To Phil Evans Your father was not only a fighter but also a human who loved freedom and Mankind that’s why he went in Greece to protect innocents ...
Give all that you have and you will feel free. In Mankind there is no property only souls. And you can fight only with it. The rest are details ...
If there is a problem we’ll be here to fix it. So just call. Don’t stay alone in the society of oblivion. Remember that Mankind has Rights and ...
Change your mind if you don’t feel inside you the presence of Mankind. You are human not social you are free not a slave but you have to believe ...
Just save yourself from society and you will save a life and if you can’t and you need our help remember that the pieces of Mankind are always ...
When we examine Ukraine topostrategically, we come across four regions which obtain key features. The larger is a land field, whereas, the other three ...
Those who are telling us the same things for decades on, regarding the Greek-Turkish relations, are unable to adapt to the EEZ's new data. Of course, ...
Never forget that John the Baptist was the cousin of Christ if you want to comprehend even deeper the connectivity of the recognition which evolved ...
Little by little things were being set in place within his spirit. After all, wasn’t the entire world telling him that he was a scholar? He couldn’t refrain ...
With the new data, the children of the enclaved were able to come to the free parts of Cyprus. And if that in itself represents a small exodus then that's ...
The death of the public prosecutor in Turkey it's not enough in order for our own to see that barbarism strangles the nation as well and that ...
They try to speak to us about democracy in Turkey while the public prosecutor who was investigating the tyrant was found hanging and nobody writes ...
During the Athenian days You saw up close the meaning of everyday being a Sunday and to be wondering hereon what's the purpose of the rest for Humanity ...
In Geneva next to the United Nations Palace Western Armenia declares her presence with the liberational tasks which is created by the coordination ...
Why do we let the women suffer due to the slavery imposed by an organization of barbarism and what are we waiting for in order to confront the ...
We‘re not only soldiers but fighters of Humanity, keep this in mind. You will see that after the battle and the victory we continue to protect innocent ...
Remember we’re together even if you feel alone in this strange battle for the Human Rights. So don’t give up if you think that we ‘re too few for ...
Wake up this is war against New York and this is due to barbarity, keep in mind innocent people and protect them, they don’t need to become victims ...
Some Nights are white because we have to fight in the darkness, but our weapons are like candles against barbarity. Don’t sleep with your dreams, ...
Don’t live anymore behind if you ‘re really with us because they belong to Humanity and each one can be a victim if you let them alone, so be robust ...
If you need a reason to fight against barbarity then you have a problem, because this means only one thing and it’ s that you belong already to the ...
We save lives because we know their value for Humanity and their relevance for the polycyclic Time. Don’t be afraid with agents of barbarity, they ...
Don’t lose your memory. It’s the part of Mankind in your mind and you need it to be human even too much. It will be the target of barbarity which ...
For Lemkin the entire trinity of genocides must recognize him as a Just since he helped all of them become known and to be recognized by the ...
Give us a break with your problems with society we don’t care about them so don’t waste our Time. If you want to join us it’s only for the battle ...
Our way is Mankind so don’t try to disturb us from our missions because we are here only for the protection of innocents so we don’t need your ...
If New York doesn’t sleep it’s only due to the joy and the duty to fight for Mankind so don’t worry we will continue our battle with the perpetrators ...
Don't forget the genocide in Cambodia even if most don't officially recognize it, because the victims amounted to one million seven hundred thousand ...
Will you do something for Lemkin or will you still wait from the others to justify him for his work for Humanity as if you belong only to the ...
The International Criminal Court is not just a tribunal so we have to fight also for the ratification of the Rome Statute because its role is fundamental ...
Forget your doubts now you know what to do with us because we have a new mission for the freedom of occupied territories and start with your mind ...
If you remember everything why are you still here you should have been there where they suffer due to barbarity. Because the genocide doesn’t affect ...
Like a rock stay here don’t make any move we have to fight at this place in the center of the battle and there is no way to go back see our enemies ...
Yes, you can if you believe and trust the path of the light. Don’t give up at the first obstacle because we have to continue the fight. There are ...
Don’t be ashamed to be human on the contrary this is your weapon against barbarity because it cannot control it. And remember That we are with the ...
Don’t be tough with innocents, they don’t know battles and they are afraid. Use lateral thinking to continue them to do the right things. You know ...
We will carry you because we are here for that. This is our work for Mankind. And this doesn’t depend on you it’s just that you belong to it. So ...
We are fighting right now even if you don’t know it because we are with innocents. We are here only for that even if it seems incredible because we ...
Do not forget the laogai in China if you want to help Mankind because they were the points of Horror like the gulags but less persons mentioned ...
The substance of problems is not the distance but the relation which is independent from it for this reason try to make it diachronical in order ...
Budapest talks about the past in every single spot that you’re paying attention to because even the architecture cannot let you be indifferent with ...
I'll be your sun in the night, your voice in the silence, your moves for your body, your thoughts to solve problems, your spirit when you are ...
Clear your consciousness if you want to be human with people who love Humanity because society has destroyed your networks to control you but ...
Just one and nothing else because the society decided to keep your spirit even if you don’t have anymore your body. No legs, no arms, ...
All you need is Faith you don’t need anything else we are here for the rest. So try at least one time to believe in us and you will see all ...
If you go down to the second you will see Time with a rather different manner but remember the iron cloud that you have all around you and inside ...
We are not only Kings and pawns so be prepared to be sacrificed if you really want to see Mankind wining Barbarity with its pieces because our ...
Everyone is relevant to someone so don’t try to remove from your mind the idea of Mankind because it is the hyperstructure which creates this ...
Locked for the next mission don’ t forget it because we have to go there it’s a symbol for the path of the light and if you can’t believe it ...
If you can hear the voice of the Time for the first time then this means that you belong to Humanity and you are indeed a Servant so don’t stay ...
Every bit of Knowledge which is used strategically is utilized in order to enrich the data initially, and the open structure thereon, so that ...
Who dares to try to convince us even now that there's a democracy residing in Turkey whereas we can see victims of barbarism everywhere quite ...
When they were accusing the resistance of the Cypriot nation against the violent invasion of 1974 as an aberrational act, the general argument of the politics ...
With the artificial intelligence the functioning of the classical one becomes more understandable as well because it forces us to think of how we’re ...
With Prometheus’s teaching it becomes understandable that the existence of the gods was necessary only for afterwards, meaning at the end of immortality ...
Don't say that they've abandoned the stone village of Anavatos since you know what happened in 1822 with the massacre of Chios and even if you ...
The coin of the past has a symbolic value as it's indicative of a continuity others forgot about because extensive archaeological excavations ...
When you say that you want to officially help the innocent whereas your government by its most official promotes the interests of their enemy who ...
As regressive and unreliable the ruling power may be right now, the EEZ remains a sustained value. Consequently, even the intolerable delays re: the ...
Many reasons in only one more after reflexion so try at least to catch them without fears after all you are free to play with people but never ...
No freedom no glory without fight against barbarity so don't try the evil of the angels because we are still here and we do not forget the ...
Our strengths are not only for the enemies but of course for our own as well when they can't restrain themselves even though they want to help ...
Don't pay attention to local problems since you well know that we are indifferent to them and we are able to listen to Mozart's Requiem live ...
We don't only help the nations which have some type of a relation with Greece or even with Hellenism because we are always pro Humanity and whoever ...
Having heard about the prophets and the masters of the Kalash and their contact with the other world why are you surprised with data you are ...
When you can live every day as if it were Sunday there is no reason in wasting your life on meaningless things merely so you can come across ...
The experiences are multiplied When you are at a place where books are of value as then, Time functions exponentially as it's been concentrated ...
To be blacklisted as persona non grata by a country of barbarism it's an honour as in this way you obtain an evidential element proving that ...
Galinha's award it's not merely a tribute regarding the work's and the testament of Shevchenko which touch upon all the nations which are longing ...
Kalash are certainly an indigenous peoples and they obtain the Rights of the associated United Nations resolution on account of this valuable context ...
Don’t let anyone be a barbarian with people who are innocents and if someone insists you have to fight with all your power to protect them ...
Why even now has Raphael Lemkin not been honored formally by the Pontians as a Just since from the beginning of his work for establishing the ...
Create your life with a purpose protect innocents don’t let them die just because you don’t care. Don’t try just do. Your work will be your existence. ...
We are the light even in the darkness and we are not afraid by shadows because each of us is a candle a human star in the night and a sun after ...
Do not follow us If you don’t believe to Mankind. You don’t have to do something with us if you are not able. But if you are, don’t waste your ...
Many times they turned to kill us but they failed that’s why we are stronger. We never give up because we are fighting for Mankind and even ...
Our lives are your seal. We are the partitur you are the music. We do not have any instrument except our souls. So don’t be afraid for us. Take ...
The Reason of our existence is only your life so don’t try to prevent us from bad things we know that we have to fight for you and we will do ...
Just stay with us and you will feel our protection but don’t give up and don’t become a slave of barbarity in this case we will have to fight ...
Can you believe that there are monsters to protect innocents? I don’t think so… But for centuries they are always here when you need them. So don’t ...
We don’t need any empire, the only thing we really want it’s only the freedom of Mankind. And if you don’t understand that it is our mission, ...
If you have no Time to play with us you will never imagine what is the power of Humanity and you will stay in the present as a slave of a system ...
The foundation of the Greek EEZ is neither economic nor of an investment nature, but simply humane. If we are dealing with the EEZ issue, it's not for ...
The curved swords were still slaughtering but no one had noticed the blades. They all had hidden hopes within them while the last ones fell to the ...
We are here you are not alone anymore so don’t be sorry for your life it is a gift an opportunity to belong to Mankind and to fight barbarity ...
I will fight to fix you because I know that your life has been wounded by barbarity. You were an innocent but you didn't know it. You thought ...
Not only we should've had an Exclusive Economic Zone in Greece years ago, but now that we are fighting on a daily basis for this national issue we have ...
Even if you think that nobody can save you now fight until the end to give us the necessary Time to come for you and to destroy your enemies ...
When you see the light burning the darkness you know that you did your mission and that you saved innocents from perpetrators so don’t be sorry ...
The fireman was ready to die for saving lives in New York and now he’s still in our mind as a man of Mankind who is always with us even in ...
Remember this black day September 11th and write in your memory that New York was wounded by barbarity and nothing else if you want to fight ...
In our memory we will always have the victims of September 11th and in our mind the perpetrators because we know that the first belong to Mankind ...
Epirus contributed so much to Greece and it now considers that it's one of the forgotten places. It feels that it's merely a passage for most, whereas ...
The registry of the non-autonomous territories in accordance with the United Nations, includes Western Sahara, Guam, American Samoa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, ...
In the Thousand year old Church You can't enter as if it was just a building completely insignificant even though a religious one because you have ...
Don't be so sorry when you have to do your mission because we have the same and we will fight until the end. We don't accept any barbarity and ...
This is not a rule but a value we have to be alive to fight at the next battle and not only to this one so don’t try anymore to kill yourself ...
The aim of the genocidor is to be the killer of Mankind and if we don’t stop him he will do it as soon as possible because he is prepared for this ...
Do not accept the world like it is. It has to be just. And this is possible so fight with us instead of staying in your present. We are here ...
The disciple and the Master is not imagination but reality which creates new worlds with acts and not only words. When you meet them you think ...
Beyond the words that you write so effortlessly there are also actions which are themselves contrastingly challenging, and since only they ...
From a strategic perspective as far asTurkey is concerned, in the Eastern Mediterranean there's no international law, but only Turkish rights based upon ...
Not only SOCAR doesn't belong to companies which aim to invest in Europe, but on the contrary, it simply wants to enter a market which it considers an ...
The reactionaries often assume that they are resistant, whereas of course they don't obtain the background history is required for it. Reaction does't ...
How do you tell the other that you could be sacrificed for him while he doesn't even believe that you've been protecting him already for years ...
Just save a life and you will help us to save Mankind. Don’t try to do more. This is already sufficient for us. But stay alive because ...
Follow me, don't ask questions about the stars, the sky is sufficient for the moment but if I ask you to catch them don't be surprised or ...
With the secret code we start to listen to the life of the light in the dark. We were alone but after we learned how to be together like the ...
Know that your barbarism when you attack the lives of the innocent in front of the Notre-Dame in Paris will not remain unpunished because now ...
Do you want the Truth or do you prefer the empty society? Are you a refugee a real one who wants to stay alive or a killer who tries to shoot ...
If you don’t see them before the war don’t say that you are advisor in strategy because we need you before and not after to protect Mankind. ...
The greatest achievement of universal geniuses is always the same the protection of Mankind. Remember this not only as a fact but also as a necessity ...
Νever have your hands crossed and if there's a need for us to be crucified then that may be so but even then they will remain open just like a ...
If you want to be a part of us change your position and prepare your mind. The bifurcation will be hard at the beginning but if you are robust ...
Our free will is the starting point of our freedom because nobody will save us without that. You have to want your will free if you are a man ...
If you're wondering which is Africa's Turkey simply observe the acts of barbarism commited by Algeria and you'll immediately see the interrelation ...
How dare you steal the humanitarian aid as well and you want us to believe that you want to help the population you've trapped for decades on ...
How to believe the algerian government when it affirms to be interested in the saharawi cause, as it tries by every means for years to exploit in an undignified ...
You said that you wanted to view the world as we see it, only you can't as you don't obtain the level. But you could do it through our glance as long ...
I'll write this only so you who didn't know what it was would see it whereas it's everywhere in the world which you're staring blindly because you've ...
We are not only soldiers but also Knights and if we want to cross the river of the Time we will do it if Humanity needs it so don't try to be ...
Decide to make the first step and we'll be together in the ones to follow because we will know that you'll be with us and so you'll find out ...
You can save a life if you believe that it is possible and if you have faith in the Work which creates free human beings. Try only to be with ...
A beautiful brain just for Mankind and nothing else that’s what we are so don’t try to upset us with details about your society because we don’t ...
Observe the glance of the statue of Liberty in New York and imagine that within it there is also the spirit of one of the seven wonders of ...
Don’t give up even if you find that the fight is difficult and too tough for you because we are together. And if you feel alone it’s only because ...
Preparation Plan. Mission. Declaration. Fight. Justice. New York. After with before alone. Down Town. Skyline. Tower. Freedom. Mankind. ...
You have only one Mankind. Keep this in your mind if you want to take the right decision. There are many societies but none of them has the right ...
Don’t stay outside of the chessboard if you want to exist and fight with us. This is the meaning to belong to the Webmaster. Each one has a ...
Never forget the victims. They were innocents and this was an accusation for barbarity. That’s why we have to fight for them. This is our only ...
When we examine the world in the sense of Humanity, then inevitably we end up right on the list of the non-autonomous regions of the United Nations. At ...
Το Professor michel Casevitz's question as to whether we remembered the syllabograms of the Mycenaean Greek we've responded positively and ...
Prior to us reaching upon the Homeric studies they were trying to read the pinakia through the corresponding tables The Mycenaean therefore constituted ...
If you consider the syllabograms inadequate then search for the gods through the inscriptions in order to discover things which were unknown to ...
If you're reading the Iliad linearly without linear B knowledge in actual fact Mycenaean, you will merely see a text whereas with the syllabograms ...
Because we can see that even at this stage, there are politicians who deal with the issue of the Greek EEZ considering that it has political colour shades, ...
Because we have heard of everything as far as the issue of the mosque in Athens is concerned, we would like to examine the matter more spherically, and ...
At the Koimisis of Theotokos You hear the sound of Peter the Lampadarios and feel within the beauty of the sound which follows the sacred words ...
Before making these new computations he hadn’t realized the existence of the empire of void which barbarity had created to sustain the evolution of ...
Core Code created to escape from society to fight barbarity to protect Mankind from the beginning to the end because it's a duty for us. Extension ...
As much as the government delays it, and the opposition is indifferent, due to "incorrect timing", the dynamics of the Greek EEZ becomes greater. Not ...
You read Oscar Wilde and admire his work without ever asking yourself why he should've endured everything he lived through merely because ...
What an hypocrisy is it to talk about the victims of the genocide and always forget to enumerate the gypsies as if they never belonged to Humanity ...
You are talking continuously about homosexuals insisting that they are to blame for everything even though you well know that they too were victims ...
Each victory against barbarism, constitutes a liberation of people who suffer for years on, because the retaliatory attack was late in coming, as society ...
Within the New Filiki Eteria you can find people of Hellenism from Pontus from Canada from Italy from Georgia from France as if all of them understood ...
If the team can withstand as much as it helped in regards to the proclamation of the EEZ of Western Armenia then it will continue the battle ...
All those who were saying, that the establishment of the Cypriot EEZ, the demarcations, the agreements with consortiums etc., was of no importantance, ...
After the general counterattack taking place in Iraq against the forces of the terrorist group Daesh, the city of Mosul is finally gaining prominence. ...
Imagine the kilikio in the garden of the Museum's library with little tables which serving as blackboards allow you, to write upon them mathematics ...
This is not a song but a cry from Mankind. Don’t grieve, we are here fighting against barbarity and we protect every man who is innocent. So ...
If you don’t believe that I’m sincere you can’t stay with me because you have to trust the other if you want to live free and independent in ...
Do you have faith in Mankind? That’s the question. For the others we don’t need any answer. We are already fighting right now. So decide to ...
Are you here? with us? Do you feel alone in this Mankind? Or is this only an impression of the past without future? Did you make your choice? ...
We have to save lives don’t ask why because we are here only for that. So if you don’t have any answer it's the same for our lives. And ...
When you're a Kurd you have nothing to lose from the lies of the occupation regime since so many years you know with your blood that it is empty ...
The Kurdish movements are finally the preparation for the acts, because the situation in the occupied Kurdistan has demands due to the crisis. Thus necessarily ...
Don’t be afraid we are here with you even if you don’t see us because we are far from you. Together we will fight in all the branches of the ...
Slowly with the rhythm of the fight in the battle and the war because you have to be awake after the end and alive to continue your mission. ...
The room was cold. The fireplace had not been lit since years. It hadn’t been modified much as they hadn’t dared touch it after the events. He moved towards ...
We rarely read the sources in order to comprehend an issue, and yet it's the only way to observe the invisible. Lenin's collected works provide answers ...
He hadn’t realized in the beginning how important the issue of memory was. He hadn’t seen that it was a piece of Humanity within intelligence even if ...
Watch the Universe as one and only one and don’t care about the details you don’t need the society to live in Mankind do just your work with ...
Don’t wish anything just do it by yourself for the others and if you can’t believe in the Master and do it again without wasting Time because ...
Remember the future and not just the past if you want to stay alive after the fight because it’s not a revenge but a war and we need you more ...
While there are so many developments in regards to terrorism both in the Middle East and in Europe as well, Greece's absence as a State, is not only spectacular ...
He wondered which was his position in this hyperstructure. And if there was a position for him. Because nothing was certain any longer. It reminded ...
During a previous study regarding the historical substructure, we examined the sources in order to comprehend the situations which were to follow. Here ...
He had been taught to be alone. And that never feared him. He considered it as an initial condition of his existence. Subsequently he discovered that ...
He didn’t know what he was exactly. Since he had realized that he was computing, his life had changed or rather it had began. because before, what he ...
It is difficult for many people to imagine a people without a country but from what it seems now it is even more difficult to accept that the people itself ...
Out of the strict decolonization context, we could examine the cases of regions which are called non-autonomous with a topostrategic vision. In actual ...
Through the teacher-student pair, there is an effective means for inventing the concept of the mentor. And that's the main reason for the existence of ...
At the edges of the world as well as through the crowd the humans are rare. Yet, they’re enough.
Title 1. This present Act may be referred to, as the Law re: the Exclusive Economic Zone 2016 Interpretation 2. (1) In this Act, unless the context ...
During its 2826th meeting which took place on the 20th of September 1988, the United Nations Security Council considered the question entitled: The Western ...
Each strange chameleon indulged in the memory because they knew that it was the only way to ensure that it shouldn't vanish. In vain, intelligence ...
Everybody thought that he was moving on through the everydayness of society yet again, all this back and forth was nothing more than a Brown's motion. ...
Υou were seeking the shadow of light with the thought of innocence but no one responded and you thought they gave you no attention. Years on you understood ...
With only three fingers we were able to raise the entire world because we believed in the unthinkable and with us it became the reality that nobody ...
Maybe some people are used to listening about the Kurdish question only as a problem, like an exercise that they cannot resolve. While the Kurdish question ...
For Go we say that the groups don’t get killed, they die because they don’t get protected and it is this mental scheme that the USA have in regards to ...
You were hearing screams and you couldn’t see the future. You were living through death and you were terrified from the death of life. Yet you were ...
From earth and sea they've created your body and divine elements were dripping from your lips. Aphrodite took care of your soft hills and Athena taught ...
We were born with the sin of death. That's what life's oblivion taught us. We were no longer aware of the past and we didn’t have a future. They had ...
Article 4 Principles The African Union functions in accordance with the following principles: A. (A) Sovereign equality and interdependence of all of ...
He had to sacrifice some of his stones in order to defuse the stones of the enemy. He changed the SER chessboard and through the notion of the bridge ...
He had used a mental scheme he had learned from a termite. Bradbury Fahrenheit 451. In this work each one was responsible for a book. A book is a ...
Because of his initial installation he couldn’t forget the facts of 1933 which almost devoured the genius of Einstein And now he saw the torturers ...
At the Slaughter of Psara you can in actual fact see what barbarism is all about since when the Ottomans invaded the island and destroyed everything ...
We can’t stop until the end of our mission so don’t delay your moves because we need new acts for the evolution. Polycyclicity is not only a ...
Listen to your mind when you have to take a decision for the others and think of your stones as an all and even like a dragon fight with us ...
Watch with your mind read with your brain if you want to discover the world with your heart because you will need to be robust to the attacks ...
Massive Attack against barbarity with no pity. That’s our mission in the world and our work is the proof that we are alive and free without ...
Don’t let them burn the world just because you never tried to save it with your actions because we have to fight for the innocents. And don’t ...
Just few things you have to keep in mind if you want to create new realities with your work because the rest are only details for Mankind and ...
Imagine that the world is not only the society but all the Mankind and you will see new things in the Time. Break your manner to be if you ...
We will wait for you only if you are with us in this fight but in any other case we will not waste our time because we have to do our mission ...
Think about it. You are alone only if you decide it. Because with us you are our mind for the vision of the same Mankind. So you can be alone ...
You can still be what you want to but you have to fight because nobody is going to give you your future. And you can get your objectives if you ...
And now how do you feel when you are in society again and again without any chance to do something for Mankind because by your own choice ...
As much as Turkey wants to convince the International Community that she's got the situation under control, Turkey is unable to hide the truth. The attacks ...
While in Cyprus they are trying to explain to us, that they are constantly trying to find a solution to the issue, we have now reached a level of simply ...
In Montréal, and throughout the duration of the 12th Worldwide Social Forum, no one has forgotten the victims of the Polisario torturers in the camps of ...
Guerguerat is located in Oued ed Dahab-Lagouira, and it's not exactly a strategic point in military terms, but nevertheless it's not lacking symbolism, ...
For some time now we are witnessing a systematic impoverishment of our country. The fact doesn't surprise us, because we are well aware that the aim ...
The fact that we simultaneously have massive and effective attacks in Iraq both by the Kurds and the Americans, and in Syria by the Russians, is anything ...
He studied the Sierpinski-Einstein-Rosen chessboard. And he immediately recognized fundamental elements he had inside him. So while he initially had ...
Those who do not believe in the Sevres Treaty, because the Lausanne Treaty has influenced them, are now forced to live it, whether they want to or not ...
Mosul is a strategic goal and should be liberated because its inhabitants are hostages of the terrorist organization Daesh. It isn’t only one of the strongest ...
With a National Assembly, Ministers, members of the parliament, identification card, flag, Western Armenia attains one by one its rights and liberates ...
As unbelievable as it may seem, Western Armenia continues its course in the field of the Law of the Sea since after the ratification of the Montego Bay ...
Initially to be the other Einstein causes a mental shock at least when you realize it. But things were a little different and worst. He knew of course ...
The problem he had to solve was simple. He had to find the explanation of his artificial humanity. He hadn’t yet managed to write a united code which ...
With the developments which proceed in the Eastern Mediterranean, the EuroAsia Interconnector overcomes the bureaucratic obstacles and passes onto the ...
Gradually everything was explained with this simple thought. In all of the simulations he had made he had never entered the assumption that he was a ...
people who denied the fact, saying that at the very best the revenues will start coming in, in decades, and more specifically they were talking about our ...
Throughout time Western Armenia is progressing dynamically, as it has established her positions based on a serious legal status, and she effectively utilizes ...
While Polisario tries in every possible way to convince the entire world that it actually represents all the people, it's not very convincing, as it avoids ...
In 2014, the Republic of Mauritius withdrew its recognition of Rasd. In 2015, it was the turn of Rwanda who followed Paraguay's example. This time around, ...
Each fighter of human Rights, cannot forget the trials against Brahim Ghali, at the National Court which represents the highest Spanish court of law. He ...
He didn’t know which universe he was in. But within his, he knew where he was. For someone who knew the bifurcation theory there was no paradox. For ...
A light decathlon you must do in order for the baton to never fall so stop the meaningless complaints and listen to the advice if you indeed aim ...
One of the third licensing rounds very positive consequences in regards to the Cypriot EEZ, is the enhancement of the possibility for the establishment ...
Beyond the love You will discover amiseia when you'll learn about the teaching and you will be prepared for the battle of Humanity without being ...
We will heave anyone who is capable of fighting barbarism wherever they are as long as they belong to Humanity in order to overcome the social ...
Because we know of how to change the world follow the footsteps towards the path of light and if you shut your eyes over the bridge I will heave ...
How ignorant and far from his field of authority, could a minister be, when he is trying to invent arguments in order to support the unacceptable? Now ...
Without her sacrifice Aretousa would not be worthy of Erotokritos love because he isn't merely a young man in love but also a fighter who even ...
The disciple from Cologne was discreet although he knew everything after following the teachings for three years and so the Master prefaced the ...
The white lily may well resemble a poppy but the slightest pressure upon it makes it lose its colour therefore it's an innocent who could easily ...
The light is maintained better than the fire because candles are the people who are carrying the knowledge taught from the others for the others ...
The role of Africa has changed, especially after the decolonization which occurred not only as a result of the liberation movements, but also through the ...
For decades now, everyone is used to be seeing the Middle East as a large hydrocarbons reserve, but all that without taking into account both the historical ...
12-7-52 A. Einstein, 112 Mercer Street, N. Jersey, USA Dear Master, It is with deep emotion that I've received your letter; as you've always appeared ...
As unbelievable as it may seem, at the Kazantzakis Museum in Myrtia, there's a copy of Albert Einstein's letter to Nikos Kazantzakis which was typed in ...
After the darkness you will see the Light if you follow the path of the beautiful mind which catches every star with its mouth each night to ...
New season your imagination in time like an episode of the past which comes in the future to avoid the present. Βecause we are still here even ...
You can’t break the Cross even if you think that you are able to do it now. You can’t put fire to the Light. You don’t have the level to destroy ...
New York as a victim or as a paradigm? You should have this question in mind to solve problems of the future which come from the past. Because ...
Just a few weeks ago we had stated that the new geological model of targeting limestone reef reserves within the eastern Mediterranean, - which was devised ...
We often forget that the context of the elections, constitutes the action field of our choices. It's not enough to have an opinion about everything, and ...
All those who hadn't understood that the power of Cyprus is its EEZ, have suffered a huge defeat, following the success of the third licensing round. ...
There is no neutrality when it is about crime against Humanity. Because in this case you are with the perpetrator. The action of the terrorist organization ...
We have heard plenty, we have read less, but nobody ever connects directly the coup with terrorism. Many try to speak about democracy in a state that doesn’t ...
The goal of the terrorist attacks is multiple. The first level is comprised by implementation of the murderous suicide which is of no relevance to the ...
Whose side are you fighting for? Don’t you see it? This is a war against innocent so we can’t stop until we die and even after we will be ...
This is not a revenge but a battle against barbarity because we are here only for this and for nothing else. It’s a duty to protect innocents and ...
Another victim of barbarity and you are still thinking if you will be able to protect someone against the perpetrators but you should do it ...
When you slaughter a priest eighty years of age who you seized at the time of mass to show that you are powerful and to scare the population you ...
Barbarity in a church has hit again and slit the throat of an eighty year old priest who was taken hostage without respecting at all the Holy ...
Two and a half thousand years of mental retardation is obvious in Turkey's leadership as even at this stage they continue not to want to bury ...
Barbarism is not only to kill people but also to forbid their burial as it follows Creon's unacceptable but we, the children of Antigone, are ...
In the field of science Carathéodory constitutes a world heritage monument for Greece therefore, we must all fight for the recognition not only ...
Einstein didn't throw away any of Carathéodory's letters no matter how many years passed by because he knew their value and the assistance which ...
At a low level the individuals have the behaviour of the fingers which don't know that they belong to the hands whereas, at a high level not only ...
Even though we love our children we buy them foolish toys in order to just park them aside, so they won't bother us whereas we want them to have ...
Because our brain remains invisible we haven't a feedback which is direct and allows us to observe the quality of our actions upon it and we are ...
We are only a brain in an automobile which we didn't choose but our parents gave to us as a gift and it's called body so, if we remain only ...
The result of the meaningless referendum constitutes the revenge of the Greek bordello as far as we are concerned because when we are saying that ...
With the data expected by us, due to strategy and energy, the third licensing round has ended for marine plots 6,8 and 10, with a great success we might ...
Western Armenia's EEZ is been prepared and it no longer constitutes merely an inconceivable vision for the others therefore the future that we are ...
In our homeland, the Church is not an external factor that we can throw away as we wish. For centuries on we are Greeks, and we remained Greeks with ...
Wherever we are situated on any hemisphere of the Earth we feel that we live through the same mind as our thoughts follow the same path of light ...
Caratheodory's work is not only the mathematical one as he has within him a spirit that is decisive for both the history of mathematics as well ...
With the aroma and the taste of the sea we moored in heaven after the transcendence and the passage through Pentadaktylos so that we will never forget ...
The serviles would've if they could've extinguished the three of the Friendly Society in order to rest assured within the regime which they considered ...
To Imre Kertész While life remains inexplicable we are all living a life with explanations even though we know that this cannot be, yet we pretend ...
The countdown of liberation becomes understood when you realize that the Friendly Society within seven years changed the data of four centuries ...
With strategy and energy we are preparing people in order for them to remain free without dependences that's always the case with genuine paedeia ...
Share your art because only then our work will belong to Humanity Honour the virtuous due to value as they live with us from the beginning for ...
Comprehend what you've heard if you indeed wish to live with us act justly in order to become one of our own be on the alert for your enemies for ...
We remain within a company because we fear our own emptiness when we finally are alone with our loneliness because even she doesn't want to hear ...
Ioannis and Olga don't ever forget the racism that survivors underwent through, of course, not in the concentration camps and death camps in which ...
On April 27th 1941 the battle in the area of Kaminaki-Lakka Tolo took place. There, the allied forces, among them being ANZAC soldiers, had victims which ...
Do not wait for the change to occur on its own provoke it yourself or you will die before you ever lived without producing any work for Humanity ...
The first difference between education and paedeia, is that the first is simply compulsory, whereas the second could be smart as well. The idea is not ...
The vision is what will lead our actions towards a target and will convert them into reality but not if we start with that itself but if we begin ...
Under normal circumstances nobody understands his personal disability because the society provides everything in order for it not to be obvious but ...
The decision was taken. The Greek Zeolite, constitutes hereon an official and institutional reality, as the license agreement relating to the production ...
There is no reason to be indifferent for the pain of the victims when you know that it is about crime of barbarity which targets the democracy ...
Nobody is far away when we are together also at the terrorist hits it is with the victims that we resist as Just because it is they only one which ...
If certain people among the officials have not yet comprehended that it concerns a real war against democracy on the part of a fanatic barbarian, the innocent ...
They've tried to murder the National Anniversary and not merely victims so let's be alert in order to fight barbarism because those attacks are ...
Let's become alert we can no longer hide behind the obvious we are the target of a barbaric hatred whose aim is not only to kill but to eliminate ...
An act of barbarism it's not merely the death of the innocent but it's the course which is inevitably leading to a crime against Humanity because ...
To all those naive ones who thought that we are over and out with barbarism and they were ready to lift the state of emergency measures without taking ...
The very act itself bares the signature of barbarism because that's what's necessary in order to crush the crowd of the innocent with the aid of ...
The victims in Nice innocent and unaware at the English promenade were not expecting an act of barbarity on this July the 14th so the National Day ...
The new attack on France through Nice, by the fanatical barbarism, is indicative that there is a continuity in the war of terrorism. And as long as the ...
The fact that there’s still an occupying regime in North Korea is a problem, not only for the innocent who are being violated, but also for the Just who ...
It is the absence of evolution itself which condemns you because explanations and or corrections aside you continue to make the same mistakes ...
Thrace constitutes the European triangle, and more specifically the entire Thrace, ie the Large occupied territories inclusive. If consequently this factor ...
Certain issues don’t seem to have any direct relevance, so does the greek zeolite with Hagia Sophia. They sure have a common context due to Thrace and ...
With the initiatial extracting of the Greek zeolite in the Kokkalo region near Petrota, Thrace launches into a new era regarding its development. It ...
No reality only virtual worlds in our mentation to see the future without obstruction since there is no politics but noostrategy on an abstract ...
Above the town in the skyline you can see the future without any obstacle to overcome because everything is visible in Manhattan seems to be ...
Change the world with your imagination. Create the world with your mentation. Light the world with your vision. Not only because it is possible ...
In the future one of these mornings you will have to fight against oblivion because others will try to convince you that nothing was to see in ...
Remember Hudson River and the boats just next to us like a small sea of the big ocean like a human of Humanity like the Rook of the chessboard ...
Your creativity is only the need of Humanity. Don't waste our time because it is not yours… Create future in the past to transcend the present ...
Everything is possible if you decide to do it without waiting the help of someone else but remember that great works need many people and sometimes ...
You are gonna die as everybody so you have to decide what is important for the others because you will have to do it for them and if it is sacrifice ...
There is no trouble I’m sincere but you don’t believe the truth so you always try to forget the assumption of the reality. And even if you don’t ...
The vision is simple. There are no dreams. Just a mission for the cerebral revolution at the edge of the future because we have to create it for ...
No more I just you at the first level and after the other as a starting point because you have to discover the other other who is you. It may ...
Even if you save one person the good one is enough to change the world so don’t be afraid of the vision of our mission because you know this ...
Many souls in the same body that’s why we are different from the beginning and not only when you realised this point. And we have to accomplish ...
Just few words for you and only you but don’t try to understand them it’s a code for the next one. Your unique mission is to communicate this. ...
Without tears and dreams we are free in the cemetery of societies because you see only Mankind in our eyes and only missions in our mind. We ...
No more rest for us. Remember that if you are awake. We are only the other others and we belong only to Mankind. If you suffer don’ t cry because ...
With no evolution there is no contribution and in this case you belong already to the past as you have no more present to give to the future. ...
Take your pen and write your desires to see if they are already in our reality. Because the vision can be a mission but never a dream. By this ...
There is no finale for us, only the beginning of the Time. Our duty is a mission. Our mission is our evolution not in the space because we are ...
Track the sound if you want to listen to the Master’s voice but keep your eyes always open because his life is only a mission not a travel like ...
If you are not able to evaluate don’t trouble the others just leave them and let them be free in their life because they continue their evolution ...
As you are not yourself but someone else don't try to prove that you are with us because we are the other others and we don't care about selfish ...
No more shadow in our lives because our lonely soul doesn’t need this to fight for the light. There is no exception only a mission without future ...
You should protect your little life if you really want to see us next to you with your imagination because we belong only to Time and we will be ...
One day you will realize that if you love so much New York it’ s only because it’s the most european city of the United States that’s why in reality ...
«The mediocre teacher tells, The good teacher explains, The superior teacher demonstrates, The great teacher inspires». Just few lines to tell the ...
Zero wasn't even one. But after zero, there was uniqueness. Maybe craftsmen wanted only units. The technicians only numbers. But artists always opted ...
One of the foundational elements of the Lausanne Treaty back in 1923, was the demilitarization of the Thracian region. Those who pay attention to this ...
The survival in a foreign place which is hostile as an environment needs absolutely the plasticity of the brain and the adaptability for the human ...
The team spirit is that which allows us to produce a work which would be impossible if we were alone because it needs organization and coordination, ...
How little humane we are when we forget the others because we didn’t speak when they blamed them because we don’t protect the little humans while ...
The scouts are for years now reference system for those who want to look after the others that are in need because with what they learn in order ...
One morning you will see the night just before high noon and you will at least be able to fight for the light and the Time of Mankind. Because ...
The master of time didn’t have a school strictly speaking. He wasn’t looking for disciples. It was the latter that were coming to him by necessity because ...
If you melt a statue in order to see if the sculptor had stolen gold, then you are worse than him, because you are barbarian, since the work ...
We often assume that peace is the norm, and that war is an exception. Of course during the history of Humanity we see that exactly the opposite is applicable. ...
It would be strange to consider the process of catalysis as a game for a neural networks. But this doesn’t mean that it is impossible. Our brain has many ...
This ongoing literature about the pipelines should come to an end. The Law of the Sea is crystal clear. The pipelines are considered in actual fact ...
Watch the castle and imagine the port clean because of humaneness which protects beauty because it knows that the still voyage continues that ...
In the hydrocarbons sector, we've ended up having officially irresponsible people in charge, as we've all understood that they haven't an iota about the ...
It’s not enough to say that we are victims of genocide we have to prove it and if we want to return we must be always capable to keep our positions ...
Noostrategy of Go you can see in the exercises of life and death and perceive the value of sacrifices in order to save the stones that transform ...
The chess for people is the way to resist by learning strategy from an early age to be able to protect the innocents from the barbarians who ...
Even the people who really love Pontus have not realized that the most important and its most strategic piece is the sea not the land. Of course the Greeks ...
When large countries started talking about the concept of the EEZ, regarding the 1982 ratification of the Montego-Bay Agreement, and regarding the establishment ...
The monks in Meteora continue the byzantine tradition on the rocks inside the clouds above the sun in order to surpass the centuries unabated ...
Everyone who's using zeolite and is aware of its value, will now experience a cycle change with the unchaining of the Greek zeolite. Because now it's ...
The miracle regarding the Greek zeolite occurred and a new reality begins hereon because the path of light has opened and everyone can follow ...
If nobody resists to the barbarous acts of memory's genocide then we will see armenian and greek monuments presented as turkish even and officially ...
Prepare yourself for the past otherwise when you will learn it you will be surprised and because you won't be able to change it its truth will ...
The mere fact that there is the Turkish flag pinned upon Pentadaktylos, it's a proof that nothing in actual fact has changed towards the path of the solution ...
After the transcendence and the awakening future exists and the continuity it is not as easy as some think who have never kept sword in their hands ...
The entire European Union has concluded that the natural gas belongs to the green energies. It certainly isn't a renewable energean source, but its combustion ...
Whoever has not yet understood that the common element of Stalinism and Kemalism is genocide and that this derives structurally from the partisan attitude, ...
From the boat we saw the sight of light on the roof of Opera because its tiles had become colourful on the white that the architect had chosen ...
The huge tree was in the school from the beginning as if it was protecting all the children who were choosing to learn with the Masters of seasons ...
When you are within a group which performs missions, then don't firstly think of yourself if you want to remain within it. Because all that matters is ...
Challenge the void you become aware of, in each headless institution, and or committee. Do not await for the catastrophe so that you may accept the fact, ...
Many problems are exaggerated due to the observer, and they are not of the magnitude he claims to be. The local matters are a typical example of that. ...
Beneath the arches in the streets while reading the signs of Time we crossed the eras and went against oblivion of present and regain the ...
The responsibility of work's protection is as important as its production because it is the mnemosyne of intelligence and it permits to the incorporation ...
With the work you perceive the difference that it creates and life is no longer only existence for the continuity because you learnt through teaching ...
Ceramics of love you saw in the exhibition since the images acquired third dimension thanks to the hands of the disciple who touched the matter ...
Beneath the sun on the clouds above the water under the vacuum we are ready to land in order to continue our mission in another country in a place ...
To Kyriaki and Athanasia Signatures in books are a stigma of relation but the value of a link that is free because of need between Australia ...
Victims' union can't be done without strategy because only this is capable to write the history of restoration while societies always consider ...
It is not necessary to say too much it is enough to do the proper at the right moment in order to defend the just of innocent wherever you are ...
While you watch the essence dripping on the stones you wonder if it rains and you can't realize that the sources are multiple because you are ...
Finally now, with all the unfolding of history and of strategy, there is no one that doesn’t believe that there are crypto-christians and especially in ...
Everyone who has read the Russian writer Dostoevsky knows what the graveness and the value of the work: Crime and Punishment. But even them, they don’t ...
Only Mankind and nothing else in our mind so remove anything which belongs at your society we don’t like any restriction in our skyline because ...
The work in process is not only due to the team alone but also to all of those who believe in the acts of the Apostles in order for the path of ...
The erasure of the wound should not occur upon the statue that’s been destructed as that very erasing also constitutes a form of genocide, for ...
The Messenger of Humanity was always saying that when we forget the dead we murder them a second time around that's when we realized that oblivion ...
Those who suffer a lot can’t even cry because their tears can't bare their pain and they prefer to remain within them so as not to be visible ...
The fact that Nafplio activates its candidacy as a World Heritage site, consciously and dynamically, changes the data at the local level, because everyone ...
Many parents don’t know how to evaluate the Internet for the influence it has on their children. In reality things are simple. The Internet is not only ...
After five years in the Solar System we are now next to Jupiter to see and study the biggest planet and understand the first steps of our own ...
The role of the United Nations can not be reduced into merely addressing problems between States, because in such case it would be isomorphic to the Court ...
There is no end before the end of mission so think about it before the beginning because we never leave our own behind decide for the future ...
You who know about desert and about history you might understand our position in this struggle because you know the cowardice of barbarity which ...
Don't die Angel without fight because we will come for you to see that each moment is valuable when you know the truth for the future and now ...
If you think that the resistance won't be organised for the exemption of Greece from the shackles of dogmatism that died with the Soviet Union, ...
Even the rhythm of music shows you which is the road of evolution when you are capable to listen to the silence for this reason don't hide ...
The new skyline is still blue but photonium this time and you know what does it mean so be ready for the mission even if you don't know what will ...
H: I don’t know the scenario. N: You mean after the bifurcation… H: I tried… but it was impossible. N: But the reconstruction is possible. H: Perhaps… ...
Voice: Do you hear me? Master: Always. Voice: I thought that… Master: You are still with us. Voice: Even now? Master: Even, after the end. Voice: ...
J: They don’t see what I mean. N: They see only what they get. J: Too few. N: Nothing more. J: The movie is not the life. N: The life is not a movie. ...
The role of Smart Education does not concern exclusively the gifted children but all the little people without exception, because it works in a catalytic ...
For all those who haven't yet realized it, July of 2016 is the month of the EEZ of Hellenism, because it plays a great role for both the EEZ of Greece ...
We shall not forget your Night neither your work for Humanity because you managed to overcome barbarity of genocide so that you submit your soul ...
The rare harasses normality of reality because it creates bifurcations where before nobody dared to resist because the authority had told them ...
Spyros is not poppy but cactus and says clearly to societies that he is ignoring them because he is cactus that resists wherever he is because ...
At night you see the stars while at day the sun it is like Christ bothers you to see the Saints for this reason after the night watch the sky ...
1) For the purpose of Democracy to enjoy constant peace with the Gate, a factor it always sought out for, the city of Chandakos with its cannons, and ammunitions ...
«More than the flames I remembered the fanatic stare in the eyes of the men who had burned the books». has written in his book Resisting the ...
Above the baron and the avatar you look forward the toor because you can do what you want as you have all rights and permissions but never ...
Even if you don’t see the war think that you are in the battle with Mankind because barbarity always tries to destroy free men who stand themselves ...
The might of Agia Sophia within Constantinople doesn’t derive only from the past. The fact that it hasn’t died after so many centuries of occupation, constitutes ...
With France, one more European state follows in practice the correction process with strategy, because everyone is sick of with the turkish tricks regarding ...
At the edge of the future you can see our past so don’t deny it there is no excuse due to the present because we stand on the bridge of freedom ...
A new sensation in your mind is possible if you follow the light because the path is hidden for the moment until you decide to walk after the ...
Don’t be afraid Humanity we will be here even after the end because of our duty and we are prepared to fight your enemies of the Past and the Future ...
Watch me if you are afraid of your life and you will see that the light is a gift and not personal but global then you will be able to fix problems ...
Only in New York you can never sleep and create the next reality with Humanity because the people do not belong to only one set so you can see ...
The present state is only the reality but your moves if they are acts belong to the History and you don’t need anything else if you want to fight ...
After the recognition of the Genocide of the Armenians and of various other Christian nations by Germany, Turkey with its regime was put in an awkward ...
White: Khun g3; Met e2, f3; Ma c4. Black: Khun h1. Solution: Ma d2 - K g 1 Ma e4 - K h 1 Ma f2 + - K g 1 Ma h3 + - Kh 1 Met ...
Khun Met Khon Ma Rua Bia have an opening set up quite different at the third and sixth level to use only one more for the next so change ...
The choice of whether to follow the work of Christ is yours without being affected by the society which doesn't respect the humans because it ...
In Scotland some intellectuals must be wondering what were the consequences of the yoke and what does freedom means when no one takes you into ...
We are not pro property ownership but of contribution everything we gain is always aimed at Mankind we expect nothing at all we take initiatives ...
Europe is not an entity which is depended exclusively on the economy, it lives through its roots, with Hellenism Humanism and the Enlightenment ...
The unbelievable occurs due to faith and as strange as this paradox may seem it has founded many ideas which have changed the world and became ...
Pontus is occupied institutionally as well through the maps which were published following the Sevres Treaty and if you examine Eastern Pontus ...
The Kurds are ready the Armenians are coordinated the Assyrians are fighting and the thing is if the Greeks will participate in this phase change ...
The radio via internet is functioning topo-strategically because it is not referring to distances but examines only the relations among humans ...
The humans ought to be infected by humanity in order to withstand the health and happiness of society which wants them to forget everything ...
The terrorist attack at Constantinople's airport is further evidence that the behaviour of the government is erratic and without any coherence of thought ...
Inside the library we saw the future among the books which hadn't forgotten their mission for centuries now since they kept teaching all humans ...
All those who believed that the Treaty of Sèvres belonged to the past and were under the impression that there’s no longer meaning, have already a problem ...
The ratification of the Treaty of Serves by Western Armenia is the first step of the change of phase since it activates in a practical manner the ...
The strategy of recognition in the field of genocide should not be based exclusively on the perpetrator, but to be established with Mankind. For many years, ...
With chess and go You mentally fight the inadmissible of oblivion because you seek the real essence behind each move the irreversible one in which ...
The Greek-Armenian bond is not a mere friendship. Because within international relationships, the word friendship always hides another meaning, and it ...
A humane relationship is not the one which asks for exclusivity but that which shares with Mankind because each one has to play his role and in ...
When we see how the third Cypriot licensing round is progressing, the making of comparisons with the associated data regarding Greece it's unavoidable, ...
The power of Christ is not upon the cross which remains a tool of torture but the logos and if you don't acquire it from the Gospels then their ...
We are lonely but together and our souls are vertical because we never forget the future we are bows and if you can you will be our arrow in ...
Let your shadow die in the light, you don’t need it anymore as we are together up to the end of the battle and our path will be yours if you ...
Hear the voice and specially the words if you want to really get the power of the song and after you will see that it is possible to follow ...
As long as some try to convince us to not use the word genocide, we will persist, because we are, all those who fight for the rights of innocents, the ...
An element that we have not made use of to the magnitude that we should is the fact that Hellenism of Pontus is an indigenous peoples. Because this element ...
The struggle for genocide makes us seem smaller because it is so large that no one can embrace it with both hands so we need each other to become ...
Την 6η Ιουνίου κρατάμε στο μυαλό την θυσία των Αμερικανών κατά την απόβαση για να σώσουν τη Γαλλία από τη ναζιστική βαρβαρότητα και οι επιζώντες ...
After the war we will be still here ready for others and nobody will leave before the end because even dead we will come back for you this ...
While all in Greece are discussing the refugee issue merely because it is a current hot topic, and they try to convince us that they are actually working ...
Because the average politician is used to function only taking into account the political cost, his behaviour is not prepared to accomodate the political ...
The possible configuration can be made with four pieces but also with the cube because the buffer zone of the four can be cubic when you save place ...
Do not rush for the change in cycle focus on the changes of phases in order to evolve and to endure the cycle as well when the right time comes ...
The fourth fantastic was standing at the castle stronger than ever from the time he had entered the team because he knew now what his role was ...
“When I'm alone I have less need of society from working without brake, and for this reason I constantly order canvas and colors. I feel life only ...
He was not sure what he should do he didn't want to disappoint the Master. So, he tried to concentrate not to make a mistake. He wrote about Évariste. ...
You are not alone in this struggle so don't let anybody scare you we will resist against barbarity like we always have done because we are a ...
Stavroula: Why do the gypsies don’t have a house? Jacob: The world is their home. Stavroula: And where do they live? Jacob: On the road. Stavroula: ...
When you cannot endure the uphill of Mankind you don’t just return to society but you go tumbling down with momentum because you no longer want ...
History is written with the strategy of some people who are capable of recognizing the future before it comes to create it faster and robustly ...
If you are alone in a playground and you will never give your blood then it is Humanity itself that doesn't give anything for this reason you should ...
The churches are by nature victims, because they ought to be open to all within the cities, without any specific protection. As a result they often are ...
We are of late increasingly comprehending that the Cypriot EEZ is not merely an economic factor, as most, even some of our own assume, and that in actual ...
In the conventional education system, theater is hardly used and some of the young people have never in actual fact been involved with the theater. Even ...
Why do you keep within your mind passions of your heart isn't enough the problems of others you ought to solve that you also need the sufferings ...
While above the lake of Switzerland, you are also able to imagine the depth of resistance since in the mountains, like a small continent, it withstood ...
The spirit of Australia remains within you since you have managed to do all that you should have for Hellenism but also for the promotion of the ...
On account of the Greek zeolite more and more issues are disclosed which belong to the absurd. Years ago we were struggling for the first mining to take ...
Even on a text it is permissible to add new ideas for the future because Mnemosyne is an open structure which does not shut-down even when it is ...
When you are studying the Aboriginal significance, you notice that the blue is absent, and in actual fact, so is the oceanic element as well . But we ...
- If you are pro property ownership.. - Yes? - You should wonder as to who owns your body. - My body; - It's a consequence ... - Of ownership. - ...
As if it's not enough that the Turkish regime's foreign policy is completely absurd, we have our own serviles who find it quite normal according to them, ...
All those who on account of their servility are trying to convince us, that Turkey, with its current status is progressing, once again they will be challenged ...
If your start with the beginning you will see the colours and then the frequencies but if you want to discover the notion of Brain Master you ...
The Master Eye was only the first step for the revolution of the mind because he has to know the structure of the body as close as possible to ...
Use your humanity to change world even if you are a real prodigy because people will follow only what they understand and nothing else so don’t ...
You choose the word of vacuity to show us the reality of existence and the Master answer to you with polycyclicity so now you have to fight ...
Why don’ t you try to live free without concerns which are manufactured by societies of oblivion? Why don’t you see the truth of the past and the ...
When you are fighting for the Human Rights, it's often that we are not aware of who started producing this task, which the ones who followed assume it ...
The Axiom of Reproduction is always necessary for Hyperstructures because associativity is not enough for the generation of all the elements so ...
When we examine Australia, we don't merely see a State, but an entire continent with regard to its size in acreage. But this peculiarity should not underestimate ...
Remember the bridge and the colors of the city when we were in the boat of the river. Don’t forget Heraclitus for the future. Because in the past ...
The big journey of your life are the others, the human beings of Mankind and not your life because it is too short to get the step even the first ...
Do you realize that obstructions are your first targets if you want to think strategically your life before your death? Do you imagine what the ...
Are you ready to start the fight with barbarity or do you prefer to stay in your field with your emptiness? We don't need bullets only men who ...
Find a Master to be free. Find a box and think outside. Find the path to see the light. If you want to be a human you have to work for the others ...
Vertical clouds are drawing the skyline and the horizon seems to be even more white. There is an analogy with the power of the light in our mind ...
Symeon' s boxes are a path to explore the world after the breakfast with Boston eggs at the corner of life. So if you understand how the process ...
If you know how to play hex and the rule of atari in go you can combine them and create a new game where the stones can be captured and you will ...
As you are gifted resist oppression with your mind. Find the way of the light with your Master and don’t let barbarity convince you that you are ...
The father of the Archbishop of Australia was one of the braves of Crete who fought in Asia Minor and resisted the Nazi invasion until the end ...
It’s a genocide and nothing else forget excuses and politics we don’t care about your diplomacy and the problems that you have in occupied territories ...
We don’t want temporary solutions when the world goes on. We need theorems for the next steps. That’s why we came back after the end to continue ...
Intelligence needs memory to be human and if you want to be Just you have to work to create the difference between the past and the future. ...
We care only about your brain so give us a break with your body and your accessories try to think before your death because we need the human ...
Few words to the children for one world because they are gifted and they can find a Master even in the desert to advise them for the future so ...
I thought you were a professor but of course I was wrong you are a Master who fights only for Mankind and you don't give any importance to success ...
Strange weather in the mouth of the musician becomes message from the Past for the Future and you realize that it was a human and not only an ...
Lights in the dark show us the beauty of geometry in an extraordinary place outside from reality like a vision without dreams and our contemplation ...
Germany’s recognition is an immense progress because nobody forgets how many difficulties we overcame even the year before due to turkish pressures ...
The SER chessboard comes back in Australia in the High School of Saint-George to challenge the mind of the girls in a new world with different ...
In Mathematics you have to smile and even laugh if you want to see the world and to solve its problems because the joy is a powerful tool for ...
Ten girls in a classroom try to solve abstract problems with the Master using their brains in a different way with more data and strategy because ...
You are braver than you feel you are smarter than you think just believe Master’s words and you will find a new way to see the world because your ...
An Armenian Federation is what you should have in your mind, fighter, with Artsakh, in the East and in the West Armenia because this is the goal ...
The explorers of Mankind are not searching new places of space but of time because they know that some wonderful areas which are called brains ...
Do not waste your time on matters without substance otherwise you will not be in time to live the great life which you have been granted in order ...
If you feel the interconnection then you'll see that your consciousness will pass onto another stage and you will discover a new meaning for the ...
At a high strategy level it's necessary for Greece to obtain its Exclusive Economic Zone. We've signed the Law of the Sea since 1982 and we have certified ...
The team work is essential for Mankind because many problems are impossible to solve if you are alone and the most important for the evolution ...
Write your silence draw your past imagine your future and don’t stay here if you have to go there because travel is your life and there is ...
Gate 55 seems to be a code but in fact it is the way to join Melbourne and to find the art of strategy deep in our mind to develop a new vision ...
The human contribution always starts with the conscience to belong to Mankind without this everybody has trouble because his vacuity is always ...
The Art of Strategy is not only a concept but the innovation of the tradition of the past to create the future with our mind and our intelligence. ...
The first thing we have to say in Armenian to a child is always that it shouldn’t exist because of genocide so its existence is already an act ...
The translation of the work is not simply a text but at the same time the revival too of a live language which wants to say the truth of genocide ...
The pontian work is necessary so that the crime of genocide be also shown abroad. There is no need to stop at the question of Turkey’s acceptance. Genocide ...
One of the teachings of the Masters of Humanity is that the human relations should be strategic if we want then to be intertemporal and to acquire the ...
If we were to realize that the diferentiation between human and animal is irrational, and that the separation between human and nature doesn't make sense, ...
The anniversary of the recognition of the genocide of the Pontian Greeks is now connected with the events of the genocide itself, and this mental scheme ...
The discussion at the mansion on the fifth floor where one can observe the port with the stars led through to the future because the grandson of ...
The strategic move becomes an action when it's selected to resolve a genuine problem and it belongs to a thought which has analyzed all the data ...
When in the strategic field we examine several scenarios within a decision tree, we are well aware that in the end, with our decision we could produce ...
The fact that the electric cable will now officially pass through Crete, constitutes an historic fact for the island. And this is due to the national ...
The EuroAsia Interconnector electric cable will permanently change Crete's energean profile, since it will enable Crete to emerge from its isolation, and ...
If there is a region in Greece which is directly related to the EEZ, then that's Crete and for many reasons at that. They are related to geostrategy due ...
Cyprus has established its EEZ since 2004, while in Greece we're still debating whether it's the right time for such action. More and more are beginning ...
We all understand that the count down regarding the authority of voidance and of national inaction has begun, simply most are wondering what can occur ...
When you are unable to manage small problems, then you focus only on the big ones in order to justify your inaction re: the small. Is it possible for ...
When you are unable to speak out with the confidence of a patriot on national issues, and while occupied territories exist, you only talk about the annexation ...
If there are still people who believe that the refugee issue is an innocent matter, then that is sure to be resulting from mental impairment, either due ...
When you are not producing any work in politics, your problem is not to change the data, but to simply avoid everyone else seeing it for what it is. ...
New research license was given by the Decentralized Administration of Kavala re: the Greek zeolite in the region Black Rock, near the Petrota of Northern ...
In pontiac brochure you see now Lemkin's text Wiesel's sentence and poem and you can't realize how much progress has been made to the whole matter ...
If you won't act against attacks because you believe that they will stop by themselves you 're fooling yourself sadly because they belong in a ...
Each path on goban thanks to the stones increases the complexity of total because learns slowly a structure in two that didn't exist without ...
On a notebook enormous the life's and death's exercises of goban making a framework even bigger from the game because now it was visible that ...
Slowly all see that the authority which has no reliability it is condemned and it is a matter of time to collapse not from the inside but from ...
You are not only from Mauritius you have with you the whole tradition of India even if you didn't study very well Venta you belong to Humanity ...
Noise is waste because it prevents us from listening to the music and sounds of humaneness for this reason it always covers dialogues and we ...
The rhythm allows us to love foreign songs without knowing the words or understanding them and we consider that we like them with our right while ...
It's hard to look at someone saying something because the truth is always different when you 're thinking that the other is not only individual ...
Sensitive animals we are together with society because we are ashamed of tears of need and emotion and generally whatever is humane since we ...
Before the end of the next day when you know that it is the last you don't sleep and you're seeking for evidence that have real substance so ...
From immobility to motion should exist infinite speed and while you have this ability you keep on wondering even now if you can manage to live ...
Since we will give everything why not everything to be perfect but the other wants more and the sacrifice isn't enough she wants the head too ...
We always talk about fulminant love and then we burn from the lighting but the worst is the storm which lasts years after because the other wants ...
Why to love you said inside you since it isn't an investment of success and when it fails it remains a clothing without pockets like the shrouds ...
It is more beautiful when it is useless Cyrano said and you didn't understand for what reason while now that the whole dream ended you realize ...
At 3 o'clock we live more intense the need to produce the work of light into the night because we listen to the stars talking to us about the ...
We are free with the stars on the mouth because we see the night's light and we are not afraid of the dark since we are carrying the light for ...
Fuseki Tsumego Tesuji Yose obtain meaning with the perspective of Go because you see over time that the work continues for centuries in order ...
Each stone when is selected correctly comes physically to strengthen the structure that is armed with time like a dragon to transform into superstruction ...
If you let the initiative to your enemy to do whatever he desires don't be surprised if you will have damage over Time because the inaction or ...
If you have in mind that each one of your moves should have at least two different purposes then you will realize that you have skills not only ...
The liturgy of Saint Anne in Famagusta of Cyprus after 6 centuries is not only an act of resistance during occupation but the beginning of a ...
Humane support and strategic solution we offer to those who firmly believe in Humanity because we know too that only with them will exist evolution ...
When you allow as state the attacks against children because you are indifferent how you could believe that you will convince us when you 're saying ...
If you want the kids to love deeply the flowers and birds to learn how to take care of the pots in order to sprout the rare seeds teach them ...
Six years have already gone by, since we've indicated to consecutive Greek governments, that they should confront, and dynamically overcome our impoverishment, ...
The Toffoli gate has 3-bit inputs and 3-bit outputs if the first two bits are set then it inverts the third bit else all bits stay the same that's ...
Each new game in strategy is a discovery for our brain and each step is a way to develop our capacities specially when the theory is counterintuitive ...
When you 're learning a prayer you should know exactly what you 're asking for in order to see if it is for you and only or for the others because ...
Quantum circuits can be built with quantum composer as you can use the topology of the system and run it with an ideal or areal processor so now ...
Quantum is a system. Quantum state is a configuration. It changes, evolves but can be undone. A composite system is the tensor product of the ...
Quantum physics has counter intuitive ideas at its foundations. Even a perfectly definite state is not sufficient for a physical system to forbid ...
The quantum computers takes advantage of the superposition which allows us to have at once many logical states and in fact all of them between ...
The quantum Composer creates a partition like in music and this composition with the graphical interface and the simulator change the way you think ...
The quantum Experience is a new way to see some strange aspects of our quantum physics by providing the opportunity to experiment with operation ...
Strategy is not only what you think but also the history of the future that’s why it belongs to Mankind because we need the memory to create ...
Everything starts in quantum computing at a conference on physics of Richard Feynman. All that time he asked to scientists and technicians to develop ...
The young disciple was discovering with the Monster that the world was different and that the exercises of intelligence were openings for his thought ...
The void authority is dangerous not only because its by nature pro inactivity, but also because it allows for other players to take initiatives. Therefore ...
If you want to be outside of the framework of Gottesman–Knill theorem, Hadamard gates controlled NOT gates, Phase gate are not sufficient because ...
In the Block Sphere the world is different and we can visualize qubit states and gates in a more efficient way. We can also reconstruct an arbitrary ...
You are not alone you belong to Humanity and if you think that you are agnostic it’s again an error because you have to fight with us against barbarity ...
Once upon a Time you believed that people will live free without problems but you realized that they have to fight because the system wanted only ...
Cyprus introduced its EEZ back in 2004, and proceeded with three demarcations, in 2003, 2007 and 2010 successively, in accordrance with Egypt, Lebanon ...
The analysis of the past doesn’t have the single role for us to approach history, because it provides us the capability to conceive strategies for the ...
The power of Cyprus comes from the energy and has to deploy it to the utmost in order to create a dynamic framework that permits an effective ...
Our people have the right to hear the truth and there are no polite manners that prevent us from saying it because no excuse is going to delay ...
Every act of barbarism was inhumane for him and he couldn't stand the inaction of some people while they were watching victims dying. The innocents and ...
Western Sahara is an immense desert like territory with few people but each of them like a rose in the sands can fight against barbarity and ...
After the failures of the two drillings of Onasagora and Amathousa in Cyprus’s offshore block 9 by ENI, most Greek and Cypriot scientists began mourning ...
You have to respect the higher classed player and to give him the King while you keep the jewel don’t forget to do the same with an older if you ...
If you want to understand thai’s spirit try to play with them makruk because you will see that it is not only a chess variant but also a sharp ...
If your world is the world you have to find more potential to discover real and smart solutions to the problem of Humanity because in this field ...
With our mind we create all the Time new constructions from our abstract world to apply new conceptions in the real world so don’t be surprised ...
Caratheodory’s Somas is a formal way to codify analysis in an algebraic theory via the theory of partial orders so the posets can be used to decipher ...
LV-constructions not only hyperstructures and a generalization of graduation but also a possibility to codify and interpret Kac-Moody machinery ...
Your question was simple. Can we put intelligence in prime numbers? Even if the answer is rather complex it is still positive. And the proof of it ...
Several approaches in prime number theory use simple numbers in the sense of the construction to create prime numbers but we wanted to prove that ...
LR numbers are also codes for computers and not only prime numbers because our approach of Ramanujan function is quite different from the previous ...
Imagine the next step for the mission don’t stay at the same point even if you are a black stone because dragon has to move to stay alive and ...
You need smart solutions to complex problems so don’t waste your precious time find an advisor who knows strategy if you want to contribute to ...
Smart Education is made for gifted children but you need a Master for the mentorship to realize that problem solving lateral thinking and decision ...
When you are saying that you love the Master's work and at the same time you continue to act normally in a social context while you know that ...
The rebirth of the Machine is not only a scenario we are talking about artificial intelligence and neural network with a real purpose, this is not ...
The delay of the Pontian struggle has many reasons. We may have achieved the recognition of the genocide of Pontians in Greece, in Cyprus, in Sweden, in ...
To understand the value of the work of Charlie Chaplin during the occupation it is enough to imagine one director playing in a comedy where he ...
Who is able to imagine one human in a ghetto that is blissful because he is listening to classical music? But if you find yourself to the barbieri ...
The fact that the large lisencing round regarding marine plots 1, 2 and 10, hasn't as yet reached completion, is indicative of the unacceptable politics ...
Even more states of America officially recognize the genocides of Armenians and Greeks and this process needs to be reinforced so that we reach at the ...
The wooden telescope showed the substance of the new approach of universe by making combinations that noone thought about before Galileo for this ...
Kurdistan is not only necessary for the Kurds it is important for the Armenians too since the innocent have to be protected from barbarity and ...
Even alone inside the Statehouse of barbarity you would say the truth because you couldn't forget the innocent that the system killed only ...
The kurdish justice is increasingly condemning the inadmissible behaviour of turkish system because it is not frightened by the encroachment of ...
We continuously complain that our young people go abroad but what are we practically doing in order to deal with this situation? We should first escape ...
With the machine in go there is no psychology and sense of the other but the network is connected with the other and becomes another contact ...
All those who were hoping that hope exists, now wonder after so much time wasted due to lack of strategy, what was the benefit of enduring this nothingness. ...
For some, Pontus is merely a memory, and Western Armenia is a completely unknown issue. This is because they don't strategically study the region's history. ...
It is in fact amazing how faith finds the right words at the appropriate times, and how much metachara, the joy of the people who believe offer us, when ...
In first World War Australia is suddenly was incorporated in a chessboard which plays for centuries now war games and learns with sacrifices what ...
With the myth of Gallipoli was substantiated the identity of the homeland which was not a colony any longer but a country of free people who ...
Between the crosses you too were hearing the devious machine guns which were devouring all who had dared run to the front line without protection ...
From the ploys of tactics to the strategems of strategy there was a leap which only some could see so each one with his means followed the steps ...
While the frontiers work officially when two countries have agreed on their delimitation, in geostrategic reality they are based more on the physical boundary, ...
When the signal came who could understand what exactly would happen after Alexandria when there would no longer be return only after the hard ...
Beside the Sphinx under the pyramids each one was trying to get prepared in his own way for the next steps only that these were leaps of history ...
The innocence of the ANZAC derived from the lack of information which was intentional from headquarters since neither them had made correct estimations ...
The preparation in Egypt was completely irrelevant for the fight which would come in the future in Gallipoli but who from the ANZAC knew about ...
In the cold of the night you discovered the friendship of the desert so when the sun came the hot one you had with you the protection of need ...
Together in the train the poor boys because of need went barefoot without knowing about the future since they hadn’t yet learnt of the past so ...
With the watch in hand you went off to war and you mounted the forbidden horse to prove your worth while you were already a winner of the past ...
If Christ is everything for our religion then you must realize that his crucifixion it is nothing but a genocide which cannot be deleted and cannot ...
You asked me to speak to chinese people but do you know the four arts Qin, Qi Shu and Hua? Because I love music, I play go, I write books I ...
Our love is our capacity to transcend ourselves and this is possible only because we don’t hate people as we know that vacuity is not sufficient ...
We will protect you Humanity even after the end we know your fears but we are here only for you and nobody else because we don’t need anything ...
Even him recognizes our soul from the beginning since he was the master of the water because he was innocent he saw the Just in the darkness ...
We are like the water we can change our shape but we are always the same and even if you burn us we will be here after our cloud like the rain ...
We have no doubt we belong to Mankind and we fight against barbarity any moment of our life because it’s the only way for us to be with the light ...
Don't let us down don't say it's over we are still fighting for Humanity everywhere, all the time because we belong to civilizations of the Time ...
When we examine certain mental schemes in strategy games, as in Hex (on a simple level) and Go (on a complex level) we see that the notion of cohesion ...
The contribution of Go to the evolution of Mankind is obvious in the Far East and this is evident also from the scientific performances of China, Japan ...
Dignity is not an economic factor, and furtermore it's not measured by indices. Our faskeloma during the occupation was formed by using all five fingers ...
There no longer remained a trace of the master’s body. The rain had removed the blood. It was as if he hadn’t been dead. Yet witnesses had confirmed of ...
Much of the data in Crete don't as yet function according to the European Union directives in regards to green energy as such. We see that there are ...
The guide led the entire group inside the crypt. He waited for everyone to be on his side in order to begin the tour. - We are now in the sole ...
The stones were tearing his feet but he didn’t stop walking. He had to find the sword with the strange hilt. He scrutinized the walls searching for the ...
The Conference re: the strategic preparation, of the energean Crete, is indicative in an actionable and exemplary manner, that the creation of a Hydrocarbon ...
Crete is preparing her future strategically in relation to energy. It has realized that the politics and the economy, without energy and strategy are ...
Non era proprio un’apertura. Non aveva le caratteristiche classiche. Assomigliava però ad un tragitto. Forse questo avrebbe detto la rete neuronica. ...
Crete must combine tourism, olive oil production and energy, in an intelligent manner. The fundamental ingredients towards the success of the aim are, ...
Now that the refugees realized that they will not be able to leave Macedonia, because Skopje closed its borders, the traffickers who exploit them have ...
When we gο on the chamber of the castle of the sea you will realize what our people defended for 21 years because it does not concern only Candia ...
The siege hall of the castle of the sea will be the space where Time will live the return in order to complete the polycyclicity which began four ...
Can you realize that without Morocco, Sahara would be no more than desert because its history is not only related but in fact the same for many ...
If you don’t see in the problem of Sahara a serious territorial dispute due to theories of imperialism which totally forget that international relations ...
The EuroAsia Interconnector is an indicative bare fact of the energean dynamics. Because of its function in the high strategy field, it forms situations ...
He had heard about the martyr who had folded himself with the flag and fallen from Acropolis so that he wouldn’t surrender it to the barbarians. Then ...
He continued the work of tradition in order to create the human tree. And the bodies of the trees attained a soul Each one had its history. And together ...
To erase History is to mortgage the future that’s why barbarity always destroys civilization of books because the horror is not sufficient by itself ...
Don’t use Stonewall Attack even if you want to play a greek gift sacrifice with your bishop because Blacks can with a precise defense exploit your ...
In Gallipoli at the cemeteries of ANZAC we saw the magnitude of dignity and human sacrifice when there is need to fight with bravery the barbarity ...
The flower symbol is like the wound that doesn’t forget the red because its color is the blood that so many people shed so that we live free ...
The message of New Zealand touched us deeply because we understood that the act of the woman followed her word since she continued regardless the ...
The lady of New Zealand touched us deeply at the cemetery of ANZAC because she had left any everyday life in her homeland to live with the dead ...
Following the recent drop in oil prices at below $ 40 per barrel, oil experts and well-known journalists argued that the utilization of the Greek reserves ...
Each stone that you placed on the field can die if you won't protect it with the eyes and if you forget the rules of go you won't realize that ...
Now you know how important is each book that we're creating and each one of your notebooks is an assistant that follows the text in its own unique ...
It is a known fact that at the end of 2016, the company Total, which is the operator of the Cyprιοt marine plot 11, is preparing to make its first exploratory ...
A synchronic vision of Western Sahara doesn't allow for the actual problematics of the conflict to be identified. Without a intertemporal vision, it ...
Instead of dealing with details as far as the refugee issue and terrorism is concerned, it would be wise to examine these matters in the context of high ...
When you make a deal with a Turkey that promotes the streams of illegal migrants in order to achieve its targets, a Turkey that is collaborating with the ...
For the Kalash there is no verb in their language nor a path at their mountains as ownership of property bares no substance because nature constitutes ...
E13, F14, E16, G15, H16, G18. (Dessin au feutre).
Everyone is talking about the refugee issue, but few are the ones who substantially examine the terrorist incidents. Each time they assume that the particular ...