
85744 - Transcription: War in the Middle East and Hydrocarbons in Europe

The first thing we ought to understand with the ignition which has occurred in the Middle East, is that things, not only do not change regarding hydrocarbons, but they are actually enhanced. As a result we see companies like Transocean which had bought out Ocean Rig, to now have their rigs in maintenance, because they […]

85724 - Καταγραφή: Η ομορφιά του Banjo

Επειδή αντιληφθήκαμε ότι υπήρχε ανταπόκριση για τα θέματα της μουσικής κι  είχα μαθητές που μου είπαν ότι τους είχε λείψει το banjo, ας ...

85542 - Καταγραφή: Νέα Αποστολή

Αρχίζουμε μία νέα αποστολή μέσω της Γαλλίας, της Ελλάδος και της Αμερικής, για τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη έτσι ώστε η παρουσία μας να ...

85389 - Η σπανιότητα του ελληνικού ελαιολάδου

Η ζήτηση που υπάρχει για το ελαιόλαδο αυτήν την περίοδο, δεν σχετίζεται με την ποιότητά του, αλλά με τη σπανιότητά του. Αυτό που έχει σημασία είναι να καταλάβουμε ότι, αν το ελαιόλαδο...

85201 - Καταγραφή: Το Έργο του Μπελέρη

Είναι σίγουρο ότι πολλοί από μας θεώρησαν και θεωρούν ότι η αντίσταση του Μπελέρη δεν έχει νόημα και δεν είναι αποτελεσματική. Στην πραγματικότητα ...

85135 - The invisible shield

The invisible shield works from inside because it’s a potion. So you have to drink this essence, to transform your body into a body of light ...

85134 - The essence as a shield

When you learn about the existence of the elixir, you start to understand the importance of the essence as a shield. It wasn’t obvious ...

85133 - The light in the darkness

When you see light in the darkness, do you feel that it’s confined or enclaved? Are you able to see that light always wins the darkness? This is a question of ...

85131 - The beloved

As you know now that you deserve to be loved, don’t waste time with things that aren’t essential. You don’t need to fill your life with ...

85130 - The instruments

The instruments aren’t toys. So if you see someone who is at the level of the toys, this means that he’s unable to valorize the life of instruments...

85128 - The slow breathing

Don’t rush, there is no need. Discover the beauty of the slowness. Start with the slow breathing. Imagine it as musical instrument. You ...

85127 - The body of light

You aren’t a simple body. You are a body of light and your fluid is your essence. So you deserve to know the deep truth. As a soul you are ...

85126 - No limit

Don't stop at the limit of your skin. Your body is not a jail. You can go everywhere you want. See the halo and you will see that there is no limit...

85125 - Before the first miracle

Your behavior has to be clear even before the first miracle. Because after it’s too late. You won’t need to believe in something or someone as you’ll see...

85124 - After the impossible

The open universe is after the impossible. What you thought that it was impossible was a kind of infinity. But infinity isn’t an obstruction ...

85123 - The rebirth

The awake soul is in fact the act of the rebirth. After that there is the past and the future, before and after, because nothing can be the same. Even ...

85122 - The wonder duration

The duration wasn’t important for you, at least at the beginning, but after the discovery of this extraordinary possibility, you understand ...

85120 - The sacred blend

If you are able to drink the sacred blend you will see the world in a different way which is incomparable. It's not only a choice but an ...

85119 - In the heart

When the hand is able to go inside the body to touch the heart, it’s because there is already a link between ...

85118 - Manifold of choices

Everybody knows the multiple choice but at the end the solution is unique. So imagine now that there is only one error and all the other ...

85117 - Eclecticism and Faith

Eclecticism, by its nature can’t be compatible with dogmatism. For this reason it represents a sign in Faith. You have to know many ...

85111 - When you talk to angels

When you talk to angels, you have to know that they are listening to you. So ask them what you want and don’t forget anything. In any ...

85108 - Without bonds

The sages have experienced altered states of consciousness and ecstasy. And even if this seems like a paradoxe ...

85107 - After desires and greeds

When you read the following sentence: the Veda is the cow, the true Agama its milk, it's impossible to avoid their relation. There is no opposition but a real continuity...

85105 - The spiritual excellence

The spiritual excellence is a recurrent quest in ancient texts. It's a natural way to seek the divine via the practice of the faith. In this ...

85094 - Next to the essence

If you can feel it, you will breathe it. If you breathe it, you will be it. And after your enlightenment, you will get the vision. This is the ...

85093 - Beyond intimacy

When a tradition is a manifold, it can span religious traditions and cultural worlds. And in this way it becomes even richer. And its ...

85092 - The miracle of the lamp

A lamp can be considered as useless by the society but it can be, still, a source of light. So when you see a lamp, imagine all the prayers ...

85091 - Essence and Focus

The waste of Time is due to a lack of focus. You spend a lot of time on things that you consider as important. But they are important ...

85090 - Learn from the Past

Avoid to forget the Past. You have to learn from it. It's part of Time. For you, at least at the beginning, you think that the Past is only dead ...

85088 - White, red, dark

With the essences it’s possible to find the colours white and red. The white is related to the male and the red to female. This duality ...

85087 - The nectar of souls

In ancient texts the concept of elixir is fundamental. It’s the same concept that we have with the names soma, amrita or even ambrosia ...

85083 - The secret garden

The notion of garden is crucial in the ancient texts. And this point is universal for Mankind. Of course this notion is a manifold. The ...

85081 - The stone of light

A way to see the open universe is to be connected with the network. It’s maybe abstract but less than the stone of light...

85078 - The gifts of Mankind

The body is a gift to the soul, not a jail. So if you can use it, do it and this will be a proof that you deserve this gift. When you valorize a gift, it's in fact the Eucharist....

85077 - Against tabu

The use of tabu is a barbaric way to work against Humanity. When a society needs tabu, it’s only when it wants to be different from Mankind. Because Mankind doesn’t need tabu...

85076 - The astounding gift

If you have access to an instrument and you don’t play music, it’s not only a waste of time but also the deny of an astounding gift. This is the same for your body and your mind...

85074 - The workout

Don’t see the workout only as a period of physical exercise or even training. Think of it as the duration of your relation ...

85073 - With the Exercises

With the Exercises you can meet more often what it’s known as the open universe. Don’t see them as challenges or tasks. They exist ...

85071 - The immobile mission

To feel the dilation of Time, you have to use the immobile mission and you will see the power of the link. For that, valorize the diamond-shaped ...

85068 - The huge puzzle

In real life, we can see only small parts of the huge puzzle of the open universe. And the moments that it's possible to have access with ...

85067 - The holistic vision

The holistic vision is possible only after the universal approach because you have all the pieces of the puzzle and you can see that it is ...

85066 - The universal approach

The paradox with the universal approach is that it’s more related to the notion of intersection than to the notion of union even if it consists ...

85065 - At the same time

A book in one field, can be a monography. But many books in many fields are traces of the essence. This is also a way to figure out the invisible ...

85064 - The books of light

When you have the books, you can at least see their size and their number even if you aren't able to understand them. You have access ...

85063 - The precious traces

Due to the invisible facts, the traces are precious. The ancient texts are also traces. More generally, the books are the precious traces ...

85062 - The invisible facts

The properties of a gifted are invisible facts. Someone else who is not gifted has to overpass terrible difficulties to understand a part ...

85059 - Extraordinary powers

Everybody is sensible to the power in any sense of that notion. So it was relevant to imagine the existence of extraordinary powers...

85058 - Beyond the completion

It's possible now to see the completion as a terminus and the perfection as a way to go beyond. In reality, perfection is beyond the completion. Completion ...

85056 - Pleasure and liberation

In ancient text, it’s possible to see the notions of pleasure and liberation as opposite. As if they are the final target of a school or a tradition...

85055 - The notion of sacrifice

If something it’s impossible via a linear and frontal way, tradition found a way to get it is the sacrifice. You need to give something, to ...

85053 - The traditional way

The traditional way is not unique. There are many traditions which are useful in the soul's issue. This is, by the way, the reason of the ...

85051 - Soul’s exercises

In life, it’s hard to imagine that soul’s exercises exist. But the tradition in Mankind and all the knowledge of Time says that it’s possible ...

85050 - The exoteric knowledge

If you want to keep the knowledge for yourself in an esoteric manner, you will not help Humanity because only the exoteric knowledge ...

85049 - The use of koans

The use of koans is one method to conduct the local darkness to the global light and the enlightenment. This use is also a kind of mental ...

85048 - The role of conscience

The role of conscience is crucial. The problem is when there is a lack in the direction and you try to impose an arbitrary morality ...

85047 - Follow the tradition

If you follow the tradition, you will be on the path of innovation because it’s its continuity. If you hear someone who insults tradition ...

85046 - In front of the river

In front of the river, you always have the choice. To use or not. It’s the same with Time. Time is always with us. So the problem remains ...

85045 - The power of the Faith

In the ancient text, the power of the Faith is a fact. Of course it isn’t obvious for someone who isn’t a believer but it remains a fact and ...

85040 - The shape of soul

The shape of soul is visible only in Time. It's like a piece of music when you see only the score, you are able to listen to its sound, only ...

85038 - The Time of Mankind

When you are trying to live in society, the most important thing seems to be the space but with Mankind, you discover that the Time is even more important...

85030 - The primordial union

The iconography of the ancient texts is always clear. But this light is not always visible. It's not obvious to everyone that the primordial ...

85029 - Temple arts

Temple arts reveal the existence of a more human tradition which influenced the apparition of a new art. It’s a way to see the valorization ...

85028 - The clan essence

The clan essence is mentioned in a very clear way in the ancient text because it was important in the tradition. It’s associated to the ...

85022 - In our mind

In our mind we always have our body. At least, we think that. But the truth is quite different. In our mind, we are as souls, only soul can be inside it ...

85021 - Beyond practice

You want to do something, you want to practice. But have you asked yourself if you have the level to do it? You ask anything, as if you ...

85020 - With M-classification

It's easy to read a text. It's less easy to understand it. And it's very difficult to valorize it. But you can try to use it in the right place at ...

85019 - High IQ societies

A way to solve their quest of exceptional minds could be the existence of high IQ societies which by definition use the standard deviation ...

85016 - Teaching stories

Teaching stories are using techniques which are ancient and robust . They proved in the past that they are relevant for some explanations ...

85015 - The request of Truth

Many people say that they seek the Truth but they don't hear the request of Truth. They don't valorize Time and they waste parts of ...

85013 - The manifold

Don’t try to restrict a vision to what you see because it’s a manifold. You have to keep in mind that it has many things inside it. An holistic ...

85012 - The unknown reality

The unknown reality is in fact the open universe which is in contact with the souls but they have to wake up to create the relation and ...

85010 - Pleasure and liberation

In the ancient traditions it’s possible to see the way of pleasure and the way of liberation. But in reality, the combination of them was ...

85009 - The sacred fluids

In the code of ancient texts, the sacred fluids are omnipresent. This is due to the fact that they were considered as power substances...

85007 - Beyond the low level

If you don’t understand a ritual, it doesn’t mean necessarily that it is meaningless. You have to remember that the most probable is that ...

85006 - The ancient music

When you see ancient notated melodies, you can’t realize how old they are. That’s why it’s so difficult to learn the truth and to listen to ...

85005 - The language power

If it’s impossible for you to visualize the language power, think about the mantras. They are used as a core in Tantra. Their existence ...

84980 - Η αξιοποίηση

Η έλλειψη αξιοποίησης μπορεί να είναι από τα μοναδικά ελαττώματα που έχει η Ελλάδα. Είναι άξια, αξιόλογη και αξιόπιστη, αλλά ...

84814 - Transcription: S.O.S.

It’s quite impossible to imagine a life without music and it’s the same without souls. So, maybe it’s difficult to imagine what it’s really ...

84804 - Καταγραφή: Αποστολή στον Βορρά

Είναι μια νέα αποστολή πιο βόρεια, εκεί που υπάρχει ανάγκη, εκεί που οι άνθρωποι έχουν υποστεί δυσκολίες, αλλά αυτό που έχει σημασία είναι ότι είμαστε εντός της Ευρώπης, είμαστε ενωμένοι...